Confident children believe in their dreams and have the courage to pursue them. I saw them finish all of their math problems for both the classwork AND homework. Understood does not provide medical or other professional advice. What kind of messages made a particular difference in your classroom? Dear Parents, I hope you are having a great summer! First, frequency and consistency are key. Let me know if you need any help completing the form! (Keep in mind your schools policy about where and when to use a childs name in an email.). They can expand their horizons and learn from their natural curiosity. We know that teachers and parents want to share experiences and stay connected, but. I was really impressed with Parker today. If you are a ParentSquare user, sending direct messages home to parents is easy, and is a powerful way to improve student behavior and strengthen the bond between students, teachers, and parents. With this specific issue, I think its better to try to build a positive relationship by showing parents you respect their wishes (even if you might not agree with them). Clarity about why and how of specific recommendations empowers parents to make informed decisions about how to engage and realize the value and impact of their support. Seven best practices for sending home positive messages to help build a foundation of meaningful connection with your students families. First, I appreciate your effort in sparing the time to know how Sue is doing in school. You make me smile. Managing your subscriber lists is easy. Im looking forward to seeing [name] on the first day of school, as well. I forgive you. This is where a teacher can lead the way and share effective learning support strategies. Over time, many become discouraged and stick to the minimum effort route: a couple of conferences per year and an occasional note. In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. Im planning a fun icebreaker activity so that we can all get to know each other! Any conversations about issues (learning, behaviour, disagreements etc.) I trust you have observed the positive attitude that John has been having since the year began. Grandmas talking nonsense again., Until then, weve created some email templates you can use to save time and the all-too-precious mental energy it takes to email parents beyond the quick Thanks for letting me know! or Ezra said the funniest thing in class today!. Im happy to share more feedback with you on [STUDENT]s areas for improvement. If a parent doesnt respond, you can simply leave a message and follow up with the same message in a text or email. Per district policy, an alternate assignment will be given to [STUDENT]: [NAME OF ALTERNATE ASSIGNMENT]. This is a great strategy for students who have had difficulties in the past (whether behaviorally or academically). Get tips for building a positive relationship with your students families. If as a teacher you prefer sending a note instead of an email or a letter, find a sample of a note from a parent to a teacher. Have them narrow their selection to about 15-20 words or phrases that speak to them. Copyright 2014-2023 Understood For All Inc. teachers guide to having difficult conversations with families, break down barriers to better engage with families, tips for building a positive relationship. I saw them bring enthusiasm and energy to their group project. I saw them admit that they didnt do their homework. Celebrating the little milestones can go a long way! You will be glad you did! The shortcut for plain text is Control+Shift+V on a Windows PC, The Mac shortcut is Option+Shift+Command+V, You can also right click and select Paste as plain text. Instead of asking: Did you like your class today? try asking: What was your favorite part of your class? I understand. There are many ways teachers can communicate with a parent, but today we are going to look at how teachers can come up with Positive Emails for Parents, Find below samples of positive email to parents from teacher. But more important, this approach also protects student privacy if the parent wants to discuss an incident involving a classmate. Show that you notice their child and that you do really care. I saw them tell a classmate how great they were when they were discouraged. Open Records Requests: 3 Challenges for K12 Education. If youre planning to send out an email to parents about the new arrival of a new baby, you should consider sending poems about the upcoming event. What was the most interesting/ the hardest task today?, 6. With our support Sue, is destined for great things. There are few things a parent will appreciate more than a teacher taking time to share a glimpse of childs development: a witty comment theyve made, a creative way they approached a particular problem. In this environment, teachers recommendations are valued and applied at home, while parents, in turn, are present and contributing at school. Building a childs confidence is one of the most important gifts you can give them. The key to successful communication is sharing frequent positive messages to build trust and over time, a. . Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help prepare [name] for her first day back. This post shares my top tips with teachers who are communicating with parents via email. I wanted to give you a heads up and provide this link to start re-enrollment for Scott for next year. DET Privacy Statement Duty of Care Copyright Guidelines Hosted by CampusPress Contact Us, Download a free PDF version of the poster, Read Write Respond #040 | Read Write Collect, 10 Internet Safety Tips for Parents (How to Help Your Child to be Safe Online), The Best Video Creation Tools For Teachers and Students, Messenger Kids: Pros and Cons of the Communication App, 20 Maths Games For Young Children: Free eBook, 10 Tips For Parents Homeschooling Young Children, My Ultimate Guide To Teaching Online Due To School Closures, Duolingo In The Classroom (And What I Learnt From Over A Year Of Daily Use). I can tell he devotes a lot of time and effort into studying before each class. Wow! Be sure to verify with your school that youre following protocol. If your district allows opting out for this unit of study: Thanks so much for communicating this with me. ", Today in class I really appreciated how they participated without being asked., As a teacher, your student is a reminder of why I wanted to be a teacherI get to work with wonderful students like them!, Your student is the one that I can depend on to always have a smile., Your student is the one that I can depend on to expand our vocabulary (in a good way)., Your student is the one that I can depend on to bring new ideas and perspectives., Your student is the one that I can depend on to work well in groups., "Your student was so hard-working today. However lately there have been downtime moments when several assignments have been left undone or submitted late. I know hes been working hard on understanding long division and Im very proud of him and wanted to share the good news with you!, Today in class [student name] made a big effort to participate! We have been alerted that an individual at [Insert School Name] has been diagnosed or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Heres an intro and outro of what you could say in a follow-up message: There you have it! I wanted to send you a quick update on [Name] s progress. Email is accessible, quick, easy, and familiar. However, you must remember that confidence is not something that should be frightening or intimidating. Positive Email to Parents from Teacher: 15 Example Emails. These poems can include lullabies, rhymes, and wise words from famous poets. Im happy to allow [STUDENT] to make up the test per our grading policy. Snap a photo of each child during that important first day, and you are guaranteed to start the relationship with parents on the right foot. Youre right. Its important to remind parents of these guidelines (in an easy to read format). The other day when we were doing [activity], they did a great job at [this]. WebSample Letter to Parents Dear Parents/Guardians, Hi. She is also working on writing her name independently, as well as learning other letter sounds. We are so excited to have [name] in our class. Since joining the football club, his coach observed the immense potential in his ability to play football. Its important for teachers to put a little thought into how theyll use email to interact with parents. Researcher Susan Graham-Clay recalls the story of teachers sharing one 12-minute video, which outlined how parents could help their Grade 8 child with a science research project. Secondly, even in the most connected classrooms, its simply impossible to satisfy everyone parents communication preferences can differ dramatically. While phone calls can last minutes to hours, direct messaging is a quick and efficient alternative way to broaden your reach and share more frequently with parents. A menu will appear and you click on the account you want to use. ", "Your student was so organized today. Try to summarise all the information in the body of your email. Avoid handing out your personal email. Parents should therefore be keen on any communication they receive from the teacher. Thanks for touring Sample School today! Below is the fastest way to say, Got it! while still remaining polite. Let me know if you had access issuesI know that can happen sometimes. Model the behavior you want your kids to imitate. It will look a bit odd if the font or style of your pasted information looks different to the rest of your email: To many readers, this information will be obvious, however, whats obvious to some is enlightening to others! While students days are jam packed with activities, learning, and socializing, parents can be completely unaware of what their students are actually learning let alone when their student performs an act of kindness, improves in a certain subject, or experiences a positive moment. I hope all is well! Once your child is done reading your email, begin the letter by introducing yourself and thanking the parent for their kind gesture. Are you available to come in to fill the enrollment forms this Thursday at 10am? As parents and teachers, you have the power to foster your childs confidence and self-esteem. 10 Messages Every Teacher Should Send To Parents. In the past, teachers reaching out to parents would most likely mean that a child is misbehaving or having learning difficulties. In the past, teachers reaching out to parents would most likely mean that a child is misbehaving or having learning difficulties. All rights reserved. BCC (blind carbon copy) means you include others in the email correspondence and other recipients cannot see their email addresses. Teachers can keep parents in the loop about key takeaways and lightbulb moments from a class as well as encourage families to create learning moments outside school, too. First, lets imagine youre a parent. Donate gently used clothing to an animal shelter, and be a good role model. Thanks for reaching out about this. BCC shouldnt be used to let people eavesdrop on conversations. Im a primary school teacher in Victoria, Australia. Have you found a fourth grade classroom for Scott yet? Because differences are our greatest strength, Anatomy of an Effective Email to Parents and CaregiversPDF. Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home: Here are some email templates to provide an update on a childs progress: I hope youre having a great summer so far! 2. You probably already have a work email address, or you can set up a new Google account if you need to (e.g. This will help me with my assignments. WebDear Parent or Guardian: [Insert School Name] considers the health and well-being of our students and staff a priority. We all enjoyed his energy and enthusiasm and we think he would be a great fit at Sample. Have you experienced a positive impact of frequent sharing? Two-way communication, developing parent-teacher relationships, providing support at school and at home, and community building all contribute to the academic success of students. Tip: Paste the copied text into an email as plain text. Conclusion: What Can You Add? Thank you for connecting with Sample School on Schola! Read: Thank You Note for Teacher from Parents. Digital communication can be harder to read and you dont want to come across as blunt. However, you must remember that parents have other priorities, which may make your subject line more powerful than the content of the email. ), so Ive been able to help her with some of the more challenging parts of stories. As a parent having a look at your childs academic reports may not present a true picture of what goes on in school. Please feel free to call me at 555-333-4444 if you have any additional questions. Then you can copy and paste them into emails as needed. The core concept: sending unexpected, positive messages home. KCPE Past PapersKCSE Past PapersCBC Grade 6 Timetable 2022KCPE Timetable 2022KCSE Timetable 2022, Short Meaningful Inspirational New Year Quotes, List of Research Topics for Nursing Students, Medical Compare and Contrast Essay Topics, Child Development Topics for Research Papers, Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Media, What Companies are in The Consumer Services Field, Best Free Printable Coloring Pages for Kids and Teens, Free 2021 KCPE Social Studies Past Papers with Answers, CBC Grade 6 Timetable 2022 CBC Grade 6 Exams 2022 Timetable, Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics, Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Students, Educational Research Topics for College Students, Informative Speech Topics on Early Childhood Education. We know that its been a hectic back to school, and teachers dont have much (if any!) Hi Mr. Williams, I just wanted to let you know that Elliot did an amazing job sharing with the other students during free play time today. Lets work together to prepare the best future for John and the rest of our students. Avoid using text speak, slang, or abbreviations. Im happy to [ORGANIZE STUDENTS MISSED WORK AND GIVE IT TO THEM UPON THEIR RETURN/BEFORE THEY LEAVE/SEND YOU THE MAKE-UP SCHEDULE FOR FINAL EXAMS IN JANUARY]. At Sample, we offer Montessori education for K-6 in the Avondale area. Show that you notice their child and that you do really care. I know that you must be wondering what we are doing on the first day of school. Sharing special moments opens a channel to honest and direct one-to-one communication with a parent, which over time can build trust to discuss other important issues. Its one thing to see a simple letter grade on a piece of paper, but hearing about a childs hard work, responsibility, or demonstration of character can add a whole new layer of understanding and love between parents and students. Im so glad the tips helped. WebIf I were a parent being contacted in this manner (it might happen; I have quite a rambunctious three-year-old), I would be inclined to respond positively. You can reach me at 555-333-4444. Ask students to identify meaningful words and phrases and quotations from the text. 1. Im also starting to introduce some math facts this week. Web205-921-5556. Theyll appreciate the effort and love that goes into creating the poems. If youre at a new school, I would also run your reply by teachers who have been there a while to make sure youre in-step with others responses. ", Your student is the one that I can depend on to be prepared., Their work is always well-organized and easy to read., school home communication, k12 communication, school-home partnership, school-home connection, school 2020, crisis communications, parent engagement, k12, PSquareLN, PSquareLN, ParentSquare Learning Network, k12, school, k12 webinar, k12 twitter chat, k12 communication, k12 best practices, school-home communication, school-home partnership, parent engagement, Enthusiastic about learning [excitedly talking to a peer about how a caterpillar metamorphosizes into a butterfly], Considerate of others [bring over extra glue bottles for his classmates during art time], Polite [earnestly say thank you after I gave him a new pencil after his first one broke], Honest [admit that they didnt do their homework], Focused [very honed in on the writing task and wasnt distracted by their deskmate today], Hard-working [finish all of their math problems for both classwork AND homework], Patient [wait their turn to pick up their grammar packet], Lively [bring enthusiasm and energy to their group project], Organized [re-organize their binder its looking very put together! I know asking things of a teacher can feel intimidating, but Id love to give them a low-risk opportunity to practice self-advocacy. Request More Info On Our Workshops & Services. Here are some examples of notes I have sent home: If this gives you the warm fuzzies to read, wait until you read the responses from the parents! When homework assignments and grades are parents only insights into academic activities, they miss out on the learning process and have trouble understanding how to best support their child. Sharing a heart-warming story or fun photos from the trip helps parents feel connected to their child experiences and school activities. A second-grader may say that kindness is helping someone who is hurt. Vlada Lotkina is the CEO of ClassTag, a simple and powerful communication and scheduling platform that brings research-based practices to help teachers turn parents into partners and improve the quality of family support in education. On the other hand, teachers should be ready to communicate not only negative feedback but also positive review that parents should know about their kids. Sample Email To Professor Asking for A Meeting | 12 Email To send to brands for collaboration, I used to hate having to wear headphones, util I got these Head Phones, The Dos and Donts of Working from Home: Insights from Research, 17 The Office Gift Ideas That Will Make Any Fan Say Thats What She Said, Farewell Email to Colleague Leaving The Company |13 Templates, How to Congratulate a Boss on a New Baby 11 Email Samples, How to Say Thank You For a Recommendation Letter: 15 Email Templates, How to write an enquiry email to University | 23 Email Templates, Respond & Accept Job Offer Email | 25 Sample Templates, How to Negotiate Salary offer via Email Sample | 19 Templates, 39 Job Offer Acceptance Email Sample Templates. Thats called a canned response. When responding to a parent, try to use a calm tone, include a plan for action, address them by name, and end your message on a positive note. Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. But you might choose to send an email if its minor or if the family has told you they prefer email updates. This post originally appeared on our ParentSquare Learning Network blog on September 28, 2020. Lastly, the importance of in-person communication is something one cannot stress enough. The Your Words Matter Kit Volume 2 contains many positive words that can help boost your childs confidence. Thanks so much for your email. When parents and teachers communicate Explain how long parents may need to wait to receive a response to their email (e.g. Thanks for reaching out about this. Im so glad you let me know about this. Help support a growth mindset by praising effort and positive change! We talked about the why and the what of parent communications, now we are down to the how.. to get involved and send positive messages home will also strengthen the sense of support and love within your school community! Where you able to find one? Webcommunication. That will be such a great learning experience for [STUDENT]. Over time, many become discouraged and stick to the minimum effort route: a couple of conferences per year and an occasional note. Note: I think its important to set boundaries with families, including their ability to give you more work. Confident children believe in their dreams and have the courage to pursue them. It is also crucial to conclude the letter with a positive note. You can use it as a guide as you write your own. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. You can convey information about a positive experience your child had or about a problem that you encountered with their child. Your child has lightbulb moments you should know about. Heres how you can put this into practice yourself. From parents who have to pick their child up early (or drop them off late) to staff meetings, team meetings and meetings to plan other meetings, a good 80% of my inbox is email about scheduling. As busy teachers and parents, there may not always be time for regular phone calls home, but quick direct messages can be just as Your child has successes that we can share. Positive news can help to build trusting relationships and family engagement. When responding to incoming emails, start by showing you understand the question or empathise with their concern. She has been working hard to improve her skills in this area and I think shes doing great! Understood is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization (tax identification number 83-2365235). One of the most important things weve learned as an education technology company so far is this: tools dont work on their own. But what if an update isnt so positive? This ensures the communication remains positive, professional, and productive. Two-way communication, developing parent-teacher relationships, providing support at school and at home, and community building all contribute to the academic success of students. I am reaching out to you to seek your assistance in improving the behavioral conduct of your child, especially with other students and teachers in the school. We have a great amount of parents interested in enrolling in 5th grade for the next year, so we want to make sure we get our current families enrolled first before opening up any spots. If youre writing a handwritten note, include a signature as well. When writing to parents, kindness is a great way to show appreciation and build rapport. But the past few days his understanding has really improved! Oftentimes when parents get a call from school, their first thought is that theres a problem with their student so the first thing you want to do is establish that nothing is wrong! Teachers will have competitive pay, more-than-adequate benefits, and a personal assistant to respond to parent emails. But we know you are super busy, too so call when its convenient for both you and parents making calls during your free period or at the end of your school work day are ideal times! But where to begin? Classroom ideas, free printables, and great teacher ideas right here. Share pictures from the first day of school. WebAs you can see, writing a goodbye email may take a little time, but it's an important step to take. Your school might even have its own email policy. If you opt for phone calls, chances are you will reach a lot of answering machines! Fax: 205-921-5595 2131 Military Street S Hamilton, AL 35570 View Location Avoid training parents to expect an instant response from you via email. Hi Aubrey, Here are some examples of general email intros for parents: Dear Parent/Guardian, Thank you for coming to parent-teacher conferences. These emails can also be used as a template for other kinds of communication with parents, such as posting on Facebook or Twitter. You can send emails to your whole list or a select audience. Id love to know how you use email to communicate with parents. Through digital communication tools like sending updates and pictures to parents, direct messaging, and social media sharing, positive school-to-home communication can be painless and even transformative. After much thought and number crunching, we discovered that our top early adopters mastered 5 elements of parent-teacher partnership. Phone calls, though timely, became a worthwhile investment often making a parents day and creating a lasting partnership. The key to successful communication is sharing frequent positive messages to build trust and over time, a happy school climate. If you use Gmail, its easy to save canned responses and insert them in an email. Note: Like the I want to know why my child got this grade email, this approach actually saves you work (and the risk of tone being misinterpreted). WebPositive news can help to build trusting relationships and family engagement. Hey Mrs. Stanley, today I noticed Pat helping a fellow classmate who fell on the playground. Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home. Parents are fundamentally responsible for their childs school attendance, and often determine the resources they use to get to school. Id love to chat with you about this to make sure Im understanding everything correctly. I saw them earnestly say thank you after I gave him a new pencil after his first one broke. However, Im happy to work with [STUDENT] on other ways they can show their learning to recoup those points. I am providing the following information to I am delighted to share the progress of your daughter from the time I joined her class. In the same Edutopia article, Aguilar mentioned some parents had never received positive calls home. The parent is also likely to tell their child about the call, reinforcing the positive behavior your student showcased. When youre sending an email to parents, remember to include a few examples of how you have helped your child become more confident. I hope all is well. Confident children are better equipped to handle peer pressure, responsibility, frustrations, challenges, and positive emotions. Every situation, child, and school is different, so youll have to adjust your responses accordingly. Note: I know its tempting to want to engage, explain, and justify your teaching. Still, emails can leave plenty of room for misinterpretation. But with these email templates, you have a framework of how to respond professionally, kindly, and in a way that protects everyone involved. But as I learned last year, this just opens you up for more work that ultimately boils down to families values and beliefs about humanity, which are not our job to change. Its about informing and empowering teachers and families to make the most of them. We have had an exciting first few weeks at school and I wanted to share some of the highlights with you. Please find below some resources that may be useful as you work with your child at home. Emails can still appear personal. [OR: While our grading policy does not allow students to retake quizzes, here are some other ways he can show his learning and recoup those points ]. 2. I hope all is well! Your child went somewhere. , a simple and powerful communication and scheduling platform that brings research-based practices to help teachers turn parents into partners and improve the quality of family support in education. We are working on her writing skills, as well as reading comprehension skills (especially with longer stories). I am looking forward to working with your child and hope that you will be able to attend one of our parent-teacher conferences. I love spending time with you. The positive subject line will help you make changes in your parenting practices. I check my emails on school days and will reply within 24/48 hours). Here are some examples of notes that I have sent home for communicating with parents in a positive manner: "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Today, Kiley finally got all 100 problems correct on our multiplication test! I get to work with wonderful students like them! Use bold for important words or action items. WebPositive Parent Communication Tools and Tips create in own words, maybe with PBIS language, & print on labels to stick on as they depart R Rosanne White 143 followers More information create in own words, maybe with PBIS language, & print on labels to stick on as they depart Notes To Parents Parents As Teachers Parent Notes Teacher Tools Or Twitter a heads up and provide this link to start re-enrollment for yet! Task today?, 6 am delighted to share some of the most important gifts you can give.... You after i gave him a new Google account if you opt for phone calls chances. True picture of what goes on in school, thank you after i gave him a new pencil after first!: 15 Example emails into studying before each class same message in a text or email. ) rhymes and! Receive from the time to know how you use Gmail, its easy to format. Understand the question or empathise with their concern you on [ name ] for her first day of school news... 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