I conducted research many years ago and I observed that both charts work actually, all of the charts used for this country work but they work best for different events. People act out of desperation. have one question, how do I determine an upcoming conjunction in the Ephemeris? I do not do this but I have another personal technique that I learned from another book by Andre Barbault. He was saying this just before Barack Obama was elected. If the repugs sweep congress, we will have arrived. Bill Meridian once told me that Jupiter in Aquarius portends a Democratic president. This transit will bring radically new ways that we can solve problems of everyday life. Planets or Objects that take 4+ years to complete an aspect to a natal planet are Objects of Transformation. When a Coronal Mass Ejection hits the Earth, major earthquakes occur. The compassion is due to Neptune in Pisces and many people, now more in tune with multi-dimensional realities, will manifest this. The awareness of the new consciousness commences at 1 degree, but becomes obvious at 15 degrees. My observation is that all of these Objects, regardless of size, represent a Process of Change in our lives. When our world seems to be blowing apart at the seams, many will want to just tune out. Acts of violence are prominent in the news, especially with Pluto. In 1984, I predicted that the Sagittarius cycle would knock the hat off the Pope. I have observed that any outer planet transiting Sagittarius will produce scandals and the Catholic Church was the first to take the hit. The question is whether the world will be free of the novel virus or not, and the answer is yes. Population shifts, massive shifts, triggered by natural disasters and rising water levels have occurred in the past. The eclipses well be experiencing in 2022 fall on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to William Stickevers and www.williamstickevers.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All of this is closely T-Squared by Saturn at 18 Aquarius, and more broadly by Damocles at 25 Aquarius. Your information will never be shared or sold. Theres a second Grand Cross here as well, with an exact square to asteroid Karma at 18 Sagittarius, and a square to asteroid Achilles at 17 Gemini. The mystics in the world can threaten the established forms. As well, its the day of the Sun/Mercury conjunction, and the Sun/Moon opposition, which just happens to be a total Lunar Eclipse! Graduations. Baba Vanga is widely considered as the "Balkan Nostradamus" of the world thanks to her surprising ability to predict the future. Currently, famous belt brands have been gradually building up their brands in the market, attracting the great attention of customers. In hisGlobal Transformation Astrology (GTA) membership, William gives two webinars with Q&A every month with research and analysis of real-world economies, finance, and geopolitics with an archetypal and traditional and modern mundane astrological perspective, plus a monthly Ask Me Anything session. It is about big corporations controlling politics and the politicians. The March 5 2022 conjunction occurs near the New Moon at 14 Pisces. the rebellion of the people, natural disasters and scandals purposely created to cover up political corruptions. The political regimes and dictatorships that developed from this were not what Marx had in mind. There is an interesting pattern when Uranus enters the sign of Gemini in 2026. The political consequences of this assassination were profound. Lots of prestigious high schools in the US have high tuition fees. Record of the Previous Governor Projections here. Jupiter sextile Pluto thinks so. If we go back to the way things were, we will have lost the Lesson, PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: 2009 through 2024 (here it goes back and forth from Capricorn into Aquarius). However, Covid-19 in its different/mutated forms is expected to remain in existence till 2029, though its impact will not continue to be as severe. NEPTUNE IN PISCES: Summer 2011 through January 2026, There may be earth disasters due to imbalances on the planet a dramatic, natural disaster followed by outpouring of compassion.[1]. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Richard Tarnas (Psyche & Cosmos) states that the myths for the planets stop working effectively after Saturn (and Chiron). Jeanne Mozier used a different date with a Libra ASC. GMO crops grew out of the agricultural revolution of the 1960s, when we were told that there was a world feminine and we need to grow more efficiently and abundantly, regardless of health concerns. Paradigm Shifts and New Eras do not happen easily or often. Most Auspicious Dates and Days to do Everything In Every Month of 2023: Engagement, Wedding, Moving House, Buying Car, Child Birth, etc. William Stickevers, 2009-2019. Midterm Too Close To Call Elections , 2012 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2010 U.S. 2 Supreme Court justices will quit the court, we name them. What are your top five most important mythical asteroids? Latest Posts: Pelosi as President . He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. Of course Saturn & Uranus are the battle between the established old ways & the new & revolutionary, which sums up the battle perfectly with Saturn representing Conservatives & Uranus the progressives. As the last outer planet, Neptune, changed signs, many things that we know now will disappear, never to be seen again. The generation in the 1930s had Saturn in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries. You need to conceive of something beyond the 3rd in order to go to the 4th. This election is still known as the tightest and closest election in U.S. history. Pandit Jagannath GuruJi, astrologer, prophesier, and philanthropist, feels that the pandemic will have a lasting impact on mankind. And, our world will be shrinking due to the speed of connectivity. But as ever, things arent as simple as they look. For the 2022 U.S. You will not miss this shift you will FEEL IT! You do not have to have any flying experience as the airlines will train you with the 1800 flying hours. There might even be a Bubble in the stock market. This has given rise to Rage Radio inflaming listeners with much false information or exaggerated information. This years eclipse season may challenge your ideas of comfort and stability, especially around your home life. As long people are unwilling to think, decide or take responsibility by themselves and for themselves, this will still work for a while but no for long. In 2006, the progressed Mars turned Retrograde; in August 2016, Mercury turned Direct by Progression. Surprising health and physical challenges may also arise during this time. The war in Vietnam was starting and, by the time Saturn entered Pisces, it opposed Uranus in Virgo and young people rebelled en masse, as this was an illegal war. Some have gone through recent losses of loved ones. Pluto will be in Aquarius near the Sun in the inauguration of 2025 and 2029. If someone tells you that they have the answer, they too are delusional. Midterm Election, as well as predictions for the outcome of the Closely Contested Governor, District and State Elections for House and Senate seats from: FiveThirtyEight, Nate Silver PredictIt CNN Politics Politico Real Clear Politics in the East. Pushing a vaccine sets some people up to resist and resist at all costs. As with all final phases, you harvest what you have sown in the past. End of May and first two weeks of June 2022 will be somewhat difficult. An international speaker, William has lectured at the New York Open Center, Edgar Cayces Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E. Using Solar Arc, Pluto squared Mars in 2011 and, in 2012, Pluto crosses Neptune in the 9, In 1989, the next conjunction occurred on my 10, In 2001, the conjunction was on the next planet in my 10. The worst earthquake for this country will involved the New Madras fault that, if triggered, will portend the Edgar Cayce predictions that the Great Lakes will eventually flow into the Mississippi and divide the U.S. with a great waterway. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. What did Nostradamus predict for 2022? Facsism failed in 1934. Globalization must eventually be shaped to respect the individual. Luckily, Venus will be ending its retrograde on January 29th (just before Valentines Day, no less). Another famous astrologer, Mahama Hopadya Pandit has predicted that the pandemic will be over by the end of 2021. Read More 31 December 2021 103 Comments . We got a Polish Pope, an actor President, and a very modern Russian president in Gorbachov who set the stage for the changes that culminated in 1989. I have also observed that interests begun in one cycle will return and become integrated into your consciousness in a future cycle. Those who do not die will be imprisoned Under the opposite Babylonian climate / Great will be without the outpouring.. And this indeed tells the tale with the House of Representatives (House) potentially in play, will House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (McCarthy) become the new Speaker, and stymie (opposition) the administrations (Whitehouse) agenda? Transpluto having moved into its ruling sign of Virgo will eventually herald new medical techniques that work with mind-body-spirit, since Transpluto rules wholeness and integration. Transpersonal experiences can transform your life but only if you know how to use the incoming energy. By around June 24, things may be pretty much under control.". Jeanne described the period from 2008 through 2015, with Uranus-Pluto, as a Cycle of Chaos. The second half of 2022 also becomes more turbulent with the release of certain secrets and Republicans become more powerful. Astrological Predictions for Congress's Paresh Dhanani Due to the planetary transits of December 2022, Jupiter is transiting on the Moon (his ascendant lord), aspecting the Sun (in the 2nd house) & Saturn (Lord of the 7th & 8th House). Many will feel seized by the power of God due to Neptune in Pisces. It is very painful. She said that, if there is a Saturn-Uranus affliction during the inauguration, there will be a change in the party in office. Within a year, 9/11 changed everything, especially regarding travel, security and even the airline industry. ELECTION CHARTS AND INTERPRETATION TECHNIQUES: The famous political astrologer in Washington DC, Barbara Watters, used the first official ballot cast for the 2nd Tuesday in November. By the way, elections in a democracy are totally based on people's votes and people's trust in their representative and it matters the most. Uddhav Thackeray Shivsena Astrology: , . People who do not believe in psychic energy are in for a shock, especially when they start having visions. Such a conflict could occur because of a shortage of resources in one country, which would then attack a neighboring country to obtain means of subsistence. That the vote is the highlight of the day is easy to see, with that 16 Scorpio Sun/Mercury conjunction, and Mercury ruling the decision-making process as well as the vote itself, and its tabulation. Join. Now that Saturn is in Aquarius for the first time in the 21st century and it is square the rigid, unyielding Uranus in Taurus. In 2012, there was a plunge in the world markets. In the 1950s, when the post-war economy was optimistic, a cure was discovered. The U.S.A. never experienced dictatorship and Americans could be/feel patriotic without having to confront the negative aspects of nationalism. Learn what time American schools start, the reason why and how starting school later is better for students right now! Mass consciousness is ruled by Neptune the Neptunian hardware penetrated everywhere with its transit through Aquarius. The Republicans were very different in the past so it is ruled by Jupiter. If the politicians do not adhere to the demands of the companies, they will pack up and move to a country who will adhere to their demands. As cited by the GentSide website, Nostradamus predicts several worrying events for 2022: 1. So what are those brands? These are what I term the New Seekers. This means that globally, well be seeing major shifts around the themes of wealth, economics, banks, stock markets and real estate. I had the calculations ade on Solar Fire, asking only for the conjunctions (or 1st Harmonic). One thing is certain the election is a major turning point for the White House, as exemplified by asteroid Whitehouse at station from 8 Pisces, also turning direct on Halloween. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. Haitians are now going into the Brazilian Amazon. According to a lecture at the National Endowment for Democracy (established under Reagan), the speaker said that, when big corporations own the government, the politics and the working class move towards the Conservative Right. The ranking is based on results of two prestigious websites US News and Niche. IF one is old enough, you would know that the Democratic Party is the oldest Party (Saturn) and, until recent times, it was ultra conservative and a white supremist party, especially in the South. Explore Baba Vanga's predictions for 2022 and check which predictions she made for 2021 became true. NYC is constantly being uplifted so that it will not go into the Hudson River. Truth becomes irrelevant, in their thinking. "In my astrological assessment, the terrible peak is likely to occur during 2021 May 7-15. As it happens, this lunar eclipse will be just 1 degree from exact . Volcanic activity and major earthquakes will also increase. Ranking of the most beautiful men in the world and by country, by field - Top 10, Top 15, Top 20, etc. You can see the wrangling over abortion in the American horoscope from September 2 nd 2024 until November 19 th 2024 - though Republican anti-abortion states will begin to push back, from May 26 th 2024 until June 9 th 2025. We can see this with our Congress, a group of antiquated old men who think only of their own personal power, not the needs of the citizens. 2022 looks to be a time when we continue to wrestle with themes of negotiating our sense of humanity in an increasingly technological world and redefine our ideas of leadership. Gambling, weapons, military, meat, metal, cars, self-help industries and thrill-seeking experiences will also do quite well. This is why I am addicted to Holocaust Rescuer films and books. But we can look at Demokritos placement on the day, and work from that. Mars enters Aquarius (March 6)/Venus enters Aquarius (March 6). Finally, Mercury goes retrograde one last time on December 29th, closing out the year with one last whisper of confusion to make its presence felt. Can you believe in the things you cant see? Do not allow yourself to be possessed by opinion seek the facts and facts from legitimate sources, not sources fueled by the Dis-information Program operating out of St. Petersburg Russia (according to Oleg Kalugin, former KGB, living in my area). I believe it has been added to the Solar Fire program for interpretations. The most significant alignment will occur on March 3 when Venus-Mars-Pluto are alignment at 27 Capricorn. Other astrologers, including our Jeanne, predicted a new epidemic several years before it manifested. There will be a movement of Saturn towards Neptune in the sign of Pisces in 2023 but it does not make a conjunction until February 2026 at 0 Aries a Beginning Cycle at the World Point of international events. However, quality comes with quantity. Eating healthy and meditation is the need of the hour. Stores now carry many choices in organic foods, even Aldi, the German box store. Let's see what they are. These Souls are drawn into humanitarian enterprises or they are attracted to radicalization by extremists. See post at the end of this lecture. The rigidity and oppression of Capricorn led to a revolution something that sounds familiar today. In 2020, with the rise of Global Ultra Conservatism that punishes everyone but the rich and augments the rise of White Supremacy, the KKK and the global Neo-Nazi movement now we have a pandemic. But, as an astrologer and not a philosopher or mythologist, I prefer empirical observation. With collective media participation, Jeanne Mozier reminds us that, just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you have something worthwhile to say. Not able to continue with their normal jobs, people left for something better. When Pluto enters Aquarius, the new terrorism will occur through the internet which has already started. 519 predictions / 444 correct = 85.5% Accuracy Track Record. Here are some of Nostradamus' prophecies Daily Horoscope: Best Astrological Prediction for 12 Zodiac Signs (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo , Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer) in love, relationship, money, career and health, etc. With 150 million souls coming in each year, we are getting close to critical mass developing new forms. While inflationary trends have already begun, Neptune in a Fire sign always triggers an inflationary cycle. I use this chart to see what aspects were occurring when Fascism tried to take a foothold on this country. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aa0531b941a4bb78ae5fc33d47e8583d" );document.getElementById("i473ef2cd2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some of these people are in recovery from seeking Spirit through alcohol or drugs. Here are the unique life lessons that you should remember! History fans will be quick to point out that the last time this happened was 1776the same year America signed the Declaration of Independence. These contain rare minerals that bring a hefty summon the black market. So you see the difference in perspective the Sagittarius and International perspective came from a British source but the personal perspective was developed by an American. He has observed the past 18 cycles of Jupiter-Neptune with a movement to the Left with international aims of an associative, peaceful or humanitarian nature. For example, the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius in 2009 herald the election of a liberal Democrat for president. William Stickeversis an astrological consultant, hypnotist, life coach, and business strategist, advising clients from 28 countries for over three decades with strategy and insight to live a more fulfilled life according to their souls code and calling. US Midterms 2022 Astrology Prediction USA Midterms 2022 in Astrology As I publish this US Midterms astrology prediction on 5th May 2022, The New York Times predicts the Democrats will Read More 5 May 2022 Blog The Ukraine Astrology Chart The Astrology Chart for Ukraine On 24th August 1991 at 6.00pm local time, Ukraine became independent. To go to the Solar Fire, asking only for the planets stop working effectively after (... When a Coronal mass Ejection hits the Earth, major earthquakes occur from... Of comfort and stability, especially around your home life a Coronal mass Ejection hits the,... Fire sign always triggers an inflationary cycle might even be a Bubble in past... 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