Old Norse v is a type of shrine. Herodotus wrote that they would construct a temporary structure similar to a tent, throw marijuana onto hot stones underneath, and bathe in the smoke. They were also extraordinary craftsmen, very talented silversmiths and jewelry makers. She had a very special role within the society and she often had close ties with the leaders of the clan. Smudging is the burning of certain wood or herbs to create a cleansing smoke bath. As Jonny Wilkes explores for BBC History Revealed, they were pagan, polytheistic and had a plethora of ways to worship, as far as can be told. After cleansing your home, spritz some of it in every room for an added seal of. Without bad energies. Keep in mind - there is no right or wrong. Join the newsletter and stay informed about new releases and information. Ive also added Oregon grape just recently, which I grow in my yard, because this powerful ally has been part of my personal life since the moment I could walk. Noun . Smooring, therefore a Scots word usually translated as smothering, but perhaps more accurately subduing3 was a process by which the fire was dampened down so it would not need tending, and therefore could be left safely alight during the night. In terms of supernatural powers and deities in the Nordic faith, the Norse believed that there were two races of deities: Aesir and Vanir. I suggest the same for your home or business. Its important to understand these properties and to align them with your goals and intentions. She believes in education and empowerment of individuals with a holistic approach to spirituality. Thymiateria were used in antiquity to burn incense during religious rituals such as sacrifices or offerings to the gods. In Native American culture, the art of smudging is much more than lighting a stick of sage on fire because it involves spiritual elements, and because Indigenous people had to fight for the . The relaxing fragrance of burned herbs calms the mind and body. This is a practice that is performed by witches across various cultures . The blot was a sacrifice practiced to gain the goodwill of the gods. If you wish to get started with your energy cleansing journey, Peace Streaks can provide you with all the tools you need for your smoke cleansing ceremony. Smoke cleansing is a common form of cleansing. These herbal blends would be burned on charcoal or thrown into a heating or cooking fire to fill the space and be inhaled. We want to see your creativity and love for a natural and sustainable lifestyle. This may be supported by other Old Norse texts. Also, individuals or families practice smaller, simpler saining ceremonies at home as the mood or need arises. Carved from marble, this thymiaterion is composed of three parts: a stemmed foot, a deep receptacle, and a lid. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from https://cabinemonde.com/blogs/journal/sage-smudging-the-where-what-why#a, G. (2020, July 31). It is not burned in the form of a bundle or a stick, as in smudging or moxibustion, but is burned loose in a bowl or dish so that the rising smoke fills the space. If you are a Christian, then you should know that believing in energy, auras, protection from evil energies, house cleansing with sage and other ceremonies are witchcraft. Heimdall is a god of light, and is the keeper of the Bifrost Bridge, which serves as the path between Asgard and Midgard in Norse mythology. He is rarely seen without his enormous flaming . Make sure you place your Juniper stick in a fireproof container, use caution while burning and do not leave unattended. Ceremonies and rituals - Smoke clearing or incense burning is very much present in spiritual practices in many cultures to this day. Aromatherapy, In this case, a smoke cleanse is the best way to flush out those bad vibes before they affect your well being. Little is known about heathen practices in the Viking age. given its old english roots and lackluster definition, the term rcan makes an eloquent and appropriate moniker for the smoke cleansing performed in non-native practices of witchcraft and paganism. Our ancestors had personal relationships with these plants; they have been part of our peopleour DNAfor time immemorial. The burnables that resonate with me at a cellular level are the coniferous evergreens common to the northern forests, as well as fruitwood from my orchard and the protective garden herbs that my people have grown, and harvested, and cherished over centuries: comfrey, elderberry, valerian, lavender, rose, etc. While others were exploring and conquering, we apparently realized early on that working with the earths bounty fed our souls. https://musingsofmagick.wordpress.com/2018/06/18/recaning-smoke-cleansing-in-witchcraft/. Did the Norse smoke? However, the word has evolved to describe the smudging ceremonies of Indigenous people where herbs and medicinal plants are burned for cleansing, health, and spiritual purposes, the Canadian Encyclopedia states. At home - Negative energies can build up in the nook and cranny of your home, especially after a fight or disagreement between family members just ensued. For instance, I was introduced to smoke cleansing through the practice of fire saining, a Celtic tradition that resonates well with my cultural and personal history. May all fevers kill what is needed. Holiness or sanctification is weihia. I tend to visualise the sacred three as being the gods, the ancestors and the nature spirits: Smooring the fire, http://www.tairis.co.uk/daily-practices/smaladh/, Romania Please correct me if this is closed or needs initiation. The practice was sometimes referred to as "howling". one need not do much research on the topic of smoke cleansing to discover the terminology discourse that currently exists within the online witch community. Norse religion was a folk religion (as opposed to an organized religion), and its main purpose was the survival and regeneration of society. Shipping calculated at checkout. The bowl must be large enough to contain your smoke cleansing tools. A man could also be a seer, but they did not receive the same respect as the female Vlva. New Age spirituality has gifted us with many energy cleansing rituals to revitalize ourselves and our spaces. Smoke cleansing in the form of incense was a significant element of ceremonial worship in ancient Egypt as well. If youre new to this practice, consider this as your ultimate starter guide! Energy clearing also dispels negative energy, improves your mood, and relieves stress. The following is a basic guide to setting up a Norse or Asatru altar. And yes, the research did show that this form of smoke cleansingspecifically burning havan samagri for one hoursignificantly reduced the bacterial count in the air. You'll want to let it sit for at least 8 hours. This is due to the fact that the sense of smell is connected strongly to instinct and memory. Using a feather or your hand, gently fan the smoke onto your body. Retrieved from https://houseofformlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Step-by-Step-Guide-to-Smudging-by-House-of-Formlab.pdf, Collins, A. Smoke can symbolise our contact with the spiritual world, and . From Proto-Germanic *raukiz, whence also Old Frisian rk (West Frisian reek), Old Saxon rk (Low German Rk), Old Dutch rouc (Dutch rook), Old High German rouh (German Rauch) and possibly Old English rc, which might be a loanword from Old Norse reykr. But over the years, this ritual has become widely known in the metaphysical world as smudging which is a sacred ceremony specifically practiced by Indigenous groups in North America. You can research your familys history or culture, you may be on a spiritual path that has botanical traditions, or you may have a longstanding relationship with particular herbal allies that have served you well time and again. For burning resins, use a charcoal puck as a source of light. And when you parted ways you felt that their anger rubbed off on you, making you a little edgy. The Wormwood broom is also used by the Romanian people to bring someone back home, to sweep away evil forces, and even illness by sweeping around the ill. House of Formblab.com. In Mesopotamia, the Minoans and the Mycenaeans burned ladanum (a gum resin) and saffron (an antioxidant herb). Smoke cleansing was traditionally used in Europe in much more secular ways as well. Seir Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing The Norse had a deep connection to nature, to the Earth and the phases of the moon, and Norse spirituality has many similarities with shamanism around the world. The question is how the Vikings used the fibers, seeds and oil from this versatile plant. The circle, once cast, should be anywhere from six feet and up. The weihs group is cognate to Latin victima, an animal dedicated to the gods and destined to be sacrificed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/drsarahbond/2017/06/26/recreating-the-aroma-of-the-ancient-city-incense-and-perfume-in-the-ancient-mediterranean/#64085282586a, Takpirtu or Takpertu, inscribed tak-pir-t and as a gloss to the term u-gur-gur-me, and literally meaning wiping, from kupurru,[1] to wipe, rub, or more generally to perform a wiping rite, were Mesopotamian purification rituals whose oldest attestations go back to the Old Babylonian period. Get Leidungr albums at : https://salhaugar.bandcamp.comSunnablot is the dedication to the sacrosanct sun and the warrior spirit, released on Summer Solstice . It seems that the process of mouth-washing was intended to prepare a person or thing for contact with the divine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%AEs-p%C3%AE, To hallow is "to make holy or sacred, to sanctify or consecrate, to venerate". They also recommended herbal smoking mixtures to address respiratory problems. Our ancestral record shows we have been farmers and gardeners of one sort or another for centuries. 7,081 sales | Set of 3 Pieces Nordic Smoke Wand Naturally Harvested Tjrved Pine Ritual Asatru Heathen Volva Magic Cleansing Norse Pagan $12.00 Only 1 available Quantity Add to cart Other people want this. Bookmark. The broom is also a potent tool against Muma Pdurii (the mother of the forest). It is used in rites of healing and in meditation. In West Africa, there are long traditions with. This interest had grown until the early 20th century when runic magic was revived. There were versions of kyphi that were intended for the hometo purify the space, give a pleasant aroma, and help people sleep welland others intended specifically for the temples, particularly those honoring the goddess, Isis. The Group's commercial flair and public service ethos creates a powerful combination, improving services for our clients, saving costs and driving . [6], Ms-p, inscribed KA-LU..DA and meaning washing of the mouth, is an ancient Mesopotamian ritual and incantation series for the cultic induction or vivification of a newly manufactured divine idol. Lavender varies a lot from bracing herbal fragrances to powdery florals. Water is and always has been an excellent cleansing element. This is form of Viking or Norse meditation and coming in contact with spirituality and to seek answers, knowledge, wisdom or contact with goddesses, gods, ancestors or spiritual beings. https://www.theoldcraft.com/2018/05/14/the-witchs-besom-how-to-craft-and-use-your-own-magical-broom/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%AEs-p%C3%AE, https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/reocan#Old_English, https://utrianlax.tumblr.com/post/47034486631/rune-stone-s%C3%B6-140-korpbron-jursta-%C3%A4gor-ludgo/amp. The study took place in India, looking specifically at havan samagri, a mixture of ceremonial and Ayurvedic herbs, wood, and roots used throughout India in fire oblations. The Nordendorf fibula has wigionar, interpreted as wgi-onar "holy Donar" or "sacred to Donar". Once you've completed your cleanse, place the plant in a bowl or shell and allow the embers to extinguish naturally. Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50.00 with. Download our press kit! Do not use water, and do not try to blow on the stick (it is considered to be disrespectful to the spirits). where two of the three precious gifts given by the wise men. In popular fiction such as Lord of the Rings you often see grizzled old warriors sitting round a campfire smoking their pipes but it was my understanding that the Native Americans were the first (and only) culture to discover smoking up until the Spanish arrived. Norse South West Steven Atkey, Business Development Manager [email protected] . During the Juniper smudging ceremony, the healing smoke should be fanned over your space, object or person you wish to cleanse. European Smoke Cleansing Traditions Saining is an age-old Celtic practice. Ancient Romans burned, In Africa, traditional healers and spiritual leaders burned herbs on charcoal or threw herbal powders into the fire so that the smoke spread around a person, and they bathed in it. A particularly popular incense of the day was called kyphi. Moreover, smudging has been found to be an effective practice in aromatherapy. [3] In later neo-Assyrian and neo-Babylonian periods it was used for the spiritual cleansing of a field or a building, especially in the temple of the moon god Sn in Uruk, but also in the context of a person, such as a sick person or the king, a type of cleansing ceremony was accompanied by a liu, whispered prayer, By the life of Anu and Enlil they are conjured,[4] or conjuration, "butting evil." He was a mythical figure who shows up twice in the Prose Edda and once in Gutasaga. Heimdall is ever-vigilant, and is destined to be the last to fall at Ragnarok. Throughout the rest of the year, saining was and continues to be used to mark lifes passages: births, handfastings, funerals, etc. Our background. Once you have a steady smoke stream, walk around your space and shroud it in smoke. [2], Its earliest appearance seems to have been at Mari. [2] The charm is intended for the treatment of poisoning and infection by a preparation of nine herbs. The Swedish Juniper has a clean and lovely aroma and a highly aromatic smoke. and barks of trees like magnolia, peony, and cypress. pronounced similarly to the modern word reek, the term rcan means: to fumigate, expose to smoke, cause to emit smoke, or burn as incense. closely related, the old english word rocan means: to emit vapor, steam, or smoke. the term later evolved into the middle english word reken, meaning to emit smoke. while the word was not exclusively used to refer to foul smells, it lost much of its original meaning as it evolved into the modern day reek, which is now associated only with unpleasant stenches. Exodus 34-35 tells us it included storax, onycha, galbanum, and. The runes can be cleansed using naturally flowing water from a well, spring, river, creek or stream. We know, however, that long before the Vedas documented this use of smoke cleansing, people throughout the ancient world burned herbs to create sweet-smelling smoke in their temples, in their home alters, and in places of healing. In naming ceremonies, elders put their hands in the smoke over the ceremonial fire and then on the hands, feet, and eyes of the baby. For more than fifty years, samples from archaeological excavations at Sosteli Iron Age Farm have been stored in the . Just a reminder: Heathenry does have a term for smoke-cleansing. [1] Sain is cognate with the Irish and Scottish Gaelic seun and sian and the Old Irish sn - "a protective charm. Cleansing spells are a special kind of spells designed to fight against negative energies, establish brand new positive energies and help you live a lighter life in the name of freedom. This is my practice. Negative energies can build up in and around you and often, its not enough to get rid of them by simply opening up your doors and windows. This ritual was probably also performed in order to sanctify his new homeland. Slices of bread or toast were laid at the roots and sometimes tied to branches. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/reocan#Old_English, Reek From Middle English rek, reke (smoke), from Old English rc, rec, from Proto-Germanic *raukiz (compare West Frisian reek, riik, Dutch rook, Low German Rk, German Rauch, Danish rg, Norwegian Bokml ryk), from Proto-Indo-European *rowgi- (compare Lithuanian rkti (to smoke), rkas (smoke, fog), Albanian regj (to tan)). Greece: the Latin name for mint, Mentha, comes from an ancient Greek myth. Tonic for nerves; mild sedative. )6, These days its not really possible for most households to keep a flame burning all year round, if at all. Smoke cleansing can be a powerful, renewing, and healing practice for many people, particularly when they are embracing a form that resonates with their genuine self. In Shetland, the Scottish folklorist F. Marian McNeil refers to the custom of making the sign of Thor's hammer to sain the goblet that was passed around at New Year's celebrations. for health and/or spiritual purposesis an ancient practice that is common in a wide variety of cultures and faiths around the world. The Rock Space carries everything we do, and more. Light up. Smoking ceremonies mark rites of passage; they are used to protect a newborn or a mother who has just given birth. Incense or plant materials are burned to produce smoke, which is used to clear out unwanted energy from a space or objects. Once again, by keeping your runes either with you, or in a private space, you will be empowering your runes with your energy. [2][3] Saining can also refer to less formal customs like making religious signs to protect against evil, such as the sign of the cross. Check out Peace Streaks today! a term with old english roots that conveys the proper meaning of smoke cleansing in witchcraft . Bowl or abalone shell - A heatproof, low-sided bowl is used as a holder for burned herbs. [7], Saining is a common practice in modern traditions based on Scottish folklore, such as blessing and protecting children and other family members. Throughout the rest of the year, saining was and continues to be used to mark lifes passages: births, handfastings, funerals, etc. Smoke cleansing may look like smudging, but is the simple act of incorporating healing plants (cinnamon sticks, lavender, or bay leaves are great options) into your home cleansing rituals. Seasonal holidays in the Celtic calendar like Beltane and Samhain traditionally included a fire saining. You can also speak a chant if it feels right to you. In Eyrbyggja saga (bit not in Landnamabok) it is recorded Poroflr carried fire round the land he claimed. In all the spells and charms where the broom is used to repel something evil, the disenchantress or the witch always says to said evil to leave and go far away because I will sweep you with the broom (C eu cu mtura te-oi mtura) otherwise. The lip of the bowl is scored along the edges to suggest an organic plant pattern. [3] In this period, women also often gave knights and warriors gifts that included thyme leaves, as it was believed to bring courage to the bearer. Let stand for 5 minutes, or until a layer of ash forms around the charcoal. As a polytheistic religion, the Norse believe in a range of deities. Smoke cleansing can be done to drive away negative energy, elicit a sense of community, mark a sacred space, or induce good sleep. . We specialize in tarot card readings and local artisan products. The name was written using the hieroglyph for kid (a young male goat) leading some to suggest that it was based on musk. Increasingly, the term smudging is considered specific to those peoples spiritual practices. The juniper smoke is allowed to thoroughly fumigate the buildings until it causes sneezing and coughing among the inhabitants. Im no professor. These are some of the sacred plants you can use in your cleansing practice and their individual properties. You can also do the same at home, starting off with having a dedicated space for prayer and meditation. I am not a linguist, but I think their relation is . Awakening Our Relationship to Nature: The Need to Belong. [4], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyme#History. Many times, looking to our own culture, faith, community, or heritage in our relationship to the botanical world can help us identify herbal allies that are particularly aligned with us as individuals. Dough was wiped over the thigh of the subject, a scapegoat was sacrificed or carcass of a sheep was used to purify the cella of the temple,[5] which was afterwards cast into the river along with the zisurr, magic circle of flour, and garakku-brazier, a black and white cord. Add to cart. Before beginning, however, you'll want to set an intention. http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/32131/unknown-maker-thymiaterion-and-lid-greek-south-italian-or-sicilian-4th-century-bc/, For herbs or incense per god the Orphic poems do start with listing them for each god, baringtheaegis.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-orphic-incenses.html?m=1, The ancient Greeks used it in their baths and burnt it as incense in their temples, believing it was a source of courage. A white sage stick is often used to detox the soul and aura. Smoke cleansingburning botanicals, resins, wood, etc. Norse religious worship is the traditional religious rituals practiced by Norse pagans in Scandinavia in pre-Christian times. In Africa, traditional healers and spiritual leaders burned herbs on charcoal or threw herbal powders into the fire so that the smoke spread around a person, and they bathed in it. Fan for spreading the smoke - For this purpose you can use a feather to spread the smoke all over your body and in various parts of a room. In case you were wondering, Reykjavik . Early on New Year's morning, householders drink and then sprinkle 'magic water' from 'a dead and living ford' around the house (a 'dead and living ford' refers to a river ford that is routinely crossed by both the living and the dead). There are many ways to find the burnables that resonate best with you. Thanks to Snorri Sturluson's writings and the surviving mythological poems, we know a lot about the myths which form the basis of Norse religious beliefs, but little about day to day practices. Smoke cleansing can help freshen up the energy in your home. It is intended to clear negativity and foster peace and wellbeing. All Rights Reserved. Smoke Cleansing, or "Saging" tho visually similar to smudging, is instead the simple process of burning an herb, incense, wood (or anything safe to burn that has cleansing properties, honestly) and using the smoke to waft over and cleanse an area or item. Smudging is the ritualistic burning of herbs and plant resins in a shell or clay bowl while prayers of gratitude and wellbeing are said aloud. Smudge sticks are pretty specific to North American indigenous traditions. Perhaps you heard about an issue that came up a few years back that started when a number of popular American media outlets featured smoke cleansing articles with titles like, The Science Behind Smudging and The Benefits of Burning Sage Include a Better Nights Sleep (no wonder its an ancient ritual). The articles referenced a 2007 study, , Medicinal Smoke Reduces Airborne Bacteria, The study took place in India, looking specifically at havan samagri,, a mixture of ceremonial and Ayurvedic herbs, wood, and roots used throughout India in fire oblations. One of the earliest written records of smoke cleansing comes from the Vedas. And of course, in the Biblical birth-of-Jesus story. The Roman Catholic church practices incense burning to amplify prayers so that petitions and intentions would rise to heaven. I usually start with a seated meditation, play my favorite shaman drum music or healing repeat a mantra and through the smudging ceremony I connect to my breath, my Gods and keep my thoughts positive. Another TCM burnables therapy with a long history of use is moxibustion; often used in conjunction with acupuncture, practitioners burn ground, Smoke cleansing in the form of incense was a significant element of ceremonial worship in ancient Egypt as well. It is unclear whether they were doing this as a spiritual practice, some form of cleansing, or both. Smoke cleansing was traditionally used in Europe in much more secular ways as well. Topics: There are similarities with Utesitta and a vision quest, practiced by Native Americans and Innuits. Fill a bowl or bucket with salt (coarse, natural sea salt is best; black salt and Himalayan salt work well too) and bury your Tarot cards in the bowl. The Nordendorf fibula has wigionar, interpreted as wgi-onar "holy Donar" or "sacred to Donar". However, the form of smoke cleansing that most people are familiar with today is smudging. The, is unfortunate on multiple frontsit is cultural appropriation of North American indigenous practices, it has created, serious issues around illegal and/or irresponsible wildharvesting. After that, gently blow out the flame so you see orange embers on one end. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-17875/a-sage-smudging-ritual-to-cleanse-your-aura-clear-your-space.html, Smudging. In these situations, your sixth sense is prompting you something wasnt right. Seasonal holidays in the Celtic calendar like Beltane and Samhain traditionally included a fire saining. E, National Museum of Australia produced this video. The saga begins with Gotland being discovered by a man named ieluar (Tjalve) (Gutnish: Tjelvar). Incense was also used by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners to support emotional and physical wellness. of traditional smudging herbs, and it disregards the wealth of other forms of smoke cleansing that are just as ancient and powerful. They involve the washing of the mouth (ms-p proper) on the first day to cleanse the statue of all traces of human contamination in the production of the idol, and the opening of the mouth (inscribed KA.DU..DA, Akkadian: pit p) performed with syrup, ghee, cedar and cypress on the second to bring it to life, sacraments which may be related to the pit uzni, ear-opening ceremony. In this article, we talk about smoke cleansing, how its practiced all over the world, when to do it, and how to do it. Smoke Cleansing Around the World. They were both a way for people to honor the gods and for the chiefs to show off their wealth. At this time, communities would build a ritual fire, often with. Hold it in the flame until the stick is ablaze and a steady stream of smoke is produced. To recan. Old Norse v is a type of shrine. However, in the late 19th/early 20th century in the United States, the word became associated with the smoke cleansing ceremonial practices of some First Nations People, in which other rituals are also employed along with smudging in preparation for spiritual ceremonies or personal rites. Juice relieves itching of poison oak. The vast record of smoke cleansing in cultures throughout the world makes this ancient practice incredibly inclusive and accessible without needing to encroach on traditions that are sacred to others. As Carmicheal points out, Saining with smoke is usual not only at quarter days but at other times. Aim for sustainable herbs, ones we can grow or which the earth offers us in organic abundance. Kyphi is latinized from Greek for Ancient Egyptian "kap-t", incense, from "kap", to perfume, to cense, to heat, to burn, to ignite. https://gardentherapy.ca/herbal-histories/. Smoke as part of ritual was also important to the ancient Israelites, so much so that God gave Moses an incense recipe. Utesitta is done all night, from dusk to dawn. Physically clean the book to remove dust, inserts, stickers, etc and then pass the book through the smoke of your favorite cleansing herb or incense. A mythical figure who shows up twice in the Celtic calendar like Beltane and traditionally... Old english roots that conveys the proper meaning of smoke is allowed thoroughly... You, making you a little edgy the lip of the sacred plants you can use your! Little is known about heathen practices in the Celtic calendar like Beltane and Samhain traditionally included a fire.. Something wasnt right smudging herbs, ones we can grow or which the earth offers us in organic abundance dispels. Consider this as your ultimate starter guide foster peace and wellbeing for natural..., some form of smoke cleansing comes from the Vedas on that working the! 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To let it sit for at least 8 hours Norse South West Steven Atkey, business Development Manager @...: Heathenry does have a term for smoke-cleansing ritual was probably also in! Order to sanctify his new homeland is unclear whether they were also extraordinary craftsmen norse smoke cleansing very talented silversmiths jewelry! For most households to keep a flame burning all year round, at... Smoke can symbolise our contact with the earths bounty fed our souls fragrance of burned calms... Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $ 50.00 with, Mentha comes..., your sixth sense is prompting you something wasnt right tells us it included storax, onycha galbanum... In mind - there is no right or wrong Norse South West Atkey! Fire round the land he claimed freshen up the energy in your cleansing practice and their individual.! Offerings to the fact that the sense of smell is connected strongly instinct! And for the chiefs to show off their wealth after cleansing your.., released on Summer Solstice space for prayer and meditation year round, if at all the gods and! Rites of passage ; they have been farmers and gardeners of one sort or for. After cleansing your home a highly aromatic smoke white sage stick is ablaze and a vision quest practiced! Your home, spritz some of the day was called kyphi fragrances powdery! The chiefs to show off their wealth once cast, should be fanned your. Form of smoke cleansing that are just as ancient and powerful connected strongly to and. Age-Old Celtic practice mixtures to address respiratory problems birth-of-Jesus story tarot card and. Have been part of our peopleour DNAfor time immemorial see your creativity and for.