Palestine Israel Ethical Shopping Initiative Ahava excavates mud from the shores of the Dead Sea, despite it being a violation of international law to exploit the resources of an occupied territory. 13. To make a pretty and tasty green hummus, steam 2 cups of baby spinach leaves in the microwave and add them to the food processor. The 'Stop AXA Assistance to Israeli Apartheid' coalition has called for a boycott of the insurance company over its links to Israeli banks that help maintain and expand unlawful settlements on Palestinian land. settlement goods). advice every day. "Recently, it announced a plan to expel another 2,300 Palestinians to make way for the settlements growth.". In 1998, Mr. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe on behalf of Nestle, received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu [Jubilee Award]. In 1941, Sieff said that large sections of the Arab population of Palestine should be transplanted to Iraq and other Middle-Eastern Arab States (Jewish Chronicle, 21/09/1941). The point must be made that there is a difference between participating in settlement boycott campaigns because one shies away from the bigger project of BDS (beyond ending the occupation), and using such campaigns in service of the larger BDS call. In 2009 a Coca-Cola sponsored award went to Israels Lobby AIPAC for its successful lobbying of the Senate to reject of the UN call for immediate ceasefire and endorse the continuation of the Israel military assault on Gaza. M&S has repeatedly ignored campaigners representations against the continued sale of Israeli goods. The UK Co-op has refuted this claim but admitted that a meeting took place with Co-op Israel. Mishor Adumim serves Maale Adumim by providing the settlement with employment for Israelis and business for nearby Israeli companies. Summary of how each company on the boycott list is supporting Israel: Israels Keter Group is one of the worlds leading manufacturers and marketers of plastic consumer products. Since Abraham's is made without vegetable oils and other additives, it has earned Bloomquist's seal of approval. It remains to be seen whether Somerfield, under new ownership, will take a similar stance to the Co-op against the sale of Israeli settlement produce. Context and politics factor into the choice of a target for a BDS campaign. Weekly demonstrations have been held in Newcastle and in London. MV Editors Note: It is prudent, given the unabated savagery of Israel towards Gaza, that we remember that there are products and companies which contribute in different ways to the war machine that is used for the wanton oppression of Palestinians, and that we can send a strong message by refusing to support them and encouraging other people of conscience to do the same. Commercially produced hummus will likely have preservatives in it that are designed to extend the life of your hummus, but it is not always guaranteed, hence it is always a good shout to check the life expectancy information on the individual packaging.. Tavor Organic Tahini Paste 40lb - Toasted Ground Sesame Seeds, Raw & Natural Smooth Sauce, For. By Stephen Silver 9 . Its products are available in Argos, Asda, Comets, Currys, Harvey Nichols, Homebase, John Lewis, Robert Dyas, Selfridges and House of Fraser. 1 hummus brand in the U.S. 10 5 These organizations may be forced to pay attention to the boycott very soon and they may not be the ones you'd expect. Nestle also owns Nespresso Israel Ltd in Tel Aviv which supplies coffee brewing equipment. We love hummus. Brands like Carmel Agrexco and Mehadrin, which export the famous Jaffa brand of oranges, make big profits from farming on Palestine's land. Waitrose stocks Israeli basil, tarragon, thyme, lemon thyme, rosemary, chives, sage, oregano, mint, curly leaf parsley, Red Rosa pears, sharon fruit, passion fruit, figs, lychees, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, grapes, strawberries, pomelos, pomegranates, galia melons, dragonfruit, organic medjoul dates, hadrawi dates, Deglet Nour dates, Cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, Pamino peppers, Red Romano peppers, mixed peppers, goods from the Tivall vegetarian food range, Food for Thought snacks by Beigel & Beigel, cold meat, biscuits, dips and Dead Sea Magik cosmetics (found in John Lewis stores). The Co-op board undertook to look into conditions on settlement farms. Invite me! The contract explicitly prohibits purchase from Palestinian Territories and Hadiklaim source the dates from elsewhere within Israel to satisfy our requirements. All major UK retailers sell Israeli goods, and most of them sell produce from illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. They have also been used as a form of weaponry for Israels massacres in Gaza. The Palestinian General Delegation to the UK has written a letter of protest to Tesco, and other retailers, for persisting in the use of this misleading label. @2022 - AlterNet Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to be catastrophic not only to our health - mental and physical - but also to the stability of millions of people. SodaStream. Some people have retirement funds, brew bubbly seltzer, and use cosmetics; many enjoy eating hummus. The statement is weaker in some ways than that of M&S, but only in that it precludes the sale of West Bank goods and not produce from the Golan Heights. The Golani and Givati Brigades receive support from Strauss under its Adopt a Warrior Program; these brigades have well documented incidents of human rights abuses against Palestinians. Correction: This article's section on Motorola has been changed to clarify the relationship between the company and the Israeli army. Victoria's Secret. And in May 2011, Nestle announced plans to build another factory in Israel, an ice cream plant worth $40 million. We need your support in this difficult time. The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating, or enzymolysis, that contains the flavoring of a spice, fruit, fruit juice, vegetable, vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf, similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products serves for flavoring only. Israeli food company Tivall is one of the worlds leading suppliers of meat-substitute products. Still, Motorola had a relationship with the Israeli army when it was a singular company producing phones.). This was due in part to fact that Agrexco has been the target of a sustained international boycott campaign. The CEO of Holy Land hummus I know doesn't match the social media monster. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Their charter explicitly limits the leasing of their land to Jews only in a state where 20 percent of the population is Palestinian. Food appropriation is a big deal in the Middle East, where the adoption of falafel and hummus as Israels national snacks is a point of contention for Palestinians. In 1998, Sir Richard Greenbury, then CEO of Marks & Spencer, received the Jubilee Award from Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Email: [email protected]. Under Sharon, Ben-Eliezer served as Defence Minister presiding over the massacre at Jenin. BDS groups have called on consumers to boycott these products as a way of sending an economic signal to Israel. Ben & Jerrys has conducted business in Israel with a licensee partner since 1987. or click here to become a subscriber. Its brands, subsidiaries, and sister companies (all owned by the Sagol family) include OutStanding Solutions (Keter garden storage), Lipski (plumbing accessories), Allibert (bathroom accessories), Curver (plastic home & food storage), Jardin (garden furniture), and Contico Europe (plastic storage boxes). Listen to their own people shout out AGAINST Israel. The Co-op has faced pickets and repeated representations from consumers and campaigners over its sale of produce from illegal settlements and Israeli produce. Palestinian EthnicCleansing! Palestine solidarity campaigners have attended Sainsburys PLC shareholders meeting several years running, in an attempt to persuade the company to stop selling Israeli goods and to label its produce more accurately. HSBC has funded weapons and technology companies that sell to the Israeli state. The Jubilee Award, marking Israels fiftieth year of independence, recognizes those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy. For example, campaigners attended the Co-operative Group South East Region General Meeting in January 2008 and raised concerns about the ethics of selling settlement produce. The Best Healthy Hummus. BS14 0TJ Add all ingredients to a blender. However, in 2008 the store claimed that M&S do not host meetings on our premises for the B-ICC. Nevertheless, in December 2004, Stuart Rose, CEO of Marks and Spencer at the time, was a listed speaker at the annual dinner of the B-ICC. Bracknell Our strategy is to have a focused campaign where individual Israeli companies are targeted wherever possible rather than wide boycotts of whole stores. Hummus is everywhere. We will no longer source dates, grapes and a number of herbs from the illegal West Bank settlements and will be phasing out the use of similar items from our own brand products.. Change). 9. Then, most of the 140,000 Syrians that lived in the Golan were displaced and have not been allowed to return, and today the area is home to some 20,000 settlers. He owns a vast media empire that includes the ABC television network, numerous news dailies, national magazines, Hollywood film companies and a large number of radio stations. The news and commentaries made through Michael Eisners media octopus are extremely Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. I will try to make a list of the Israel brand and upload here love. But what would that actually mean in supermarkets and shopping baskets? Stanley toolboxes are also made in Israel by Israeli plastics company ZAG (90% owned by Stanley). Invest with us. To come down completely on the side of one or the other doesn't seem rational to me. Golani troops were on the front line in Operation Cast Lead, the 2008-9 assault on Gaza which killed some 1,400 Palestinians. RELATED: Popular Foods That Increase Belly Fat. But it also reserves a special focus for companies that are actually involved in and make hefty profits from occupation policies. In response to this call for non-violent protest, a growing number of campaigns in the U.S. and internationally are boycotting settlement products and calling for divestment from companies that profit from the illegal occupation. These organizations may be forced to pay attention to the boycott very soon and they may not be the ones you'd expect, Articles/stories on living Islam in the modern world. 870 879 Netherlands (i.e. "While these are definitely not bad, it is important to remember they are still a source of added sugar, so portion sizes are important." The U.S. government is considering legal options to fight the movement and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton recently declared her opposition to BDS. Since then they have continued pouring investment in to Israel. Basic and tasty, the Israeli salad accompanies so many dishes and upgrades them. Nokia Ventures Organization which had so heavily invested in Israel is no longer part of Nokia and is now called BlueRun Ventures and has many investors now. Beigel and Beigel Ltd. is located in the Barkan industrial zone in the occupied West Bank and produces pretzels, savoury biscuits and crackers. Tesco PLC The Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP) has claimed that Strauss Group is propagating human rights violations because they support the Israeli military. By bolstering Maale Adumin, Sodastreams factory in Mishor Adumim contributes to the death of any chance for a viable and contiguous Palestinian state. Exports from their Lachish-Qiryat Gat plant in israel total $3 million a day at peak capacity approximately $ 1 billion a year. Plenty of stores carry Ahava, which means love in Hebrew. As well as violating international law, commercial farming in the area deprives Palestinians of agriculturally-rich farmland and seriously limits access to water, which local people are often forced to buy by the tank at vastly inflated prices. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today! Pita bread wedges coated with cinnamon sugar and fall decorations surrounding. There, illegal labor practices have been recorded on a significant scale; in 2008, 7,000 Palestinian children were found to be working on settlement date farms. Are they ethical? These organizations may be forced to pay attention to the boycott very soon and they may not be the ones youd expect. Its intentionally vague. Your email address will not be published. Additionally, I don't see Sabra Hummus. Tesco sells products from illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, many of which are exported by Carmel Agrexco. ASDA stocks potatoes from Mehadrin-Tnuport Export Company (MTex). . KIMBERLY-CLARK Whole Foods Organic Original Hummus: 419 ppb. The savory spread is versatile, is easy to make, and has multiple health benefits. Al Srad Ltd., part of the Irani Corporation, operates the chain of clothing outlets Factory 54, which is also a sponsor of the IFA. Traceability systems are in place to confirm the source of the dates.. Sabra, known for its distinctive flavors like chipotle and basil pesto, is the No. These are the top 6 hummus brands that the EWG found high levels of glyphosate, sorted by concentration in parts per billion (ppb): Whole Foods Original Hummus: 442-2,379 ppb. But what the products wont tell you is that theyre manufactured in a West Bank settlement, owned by settlements and that theyre illegally exploiting Palestinian natural resources. 12. Delta Galil was Puma's exclusive licensee for Israel through til the end of 2020. Danaone Israel is the hub supplying Danone products to the whole Middle-East including Turkey, Greece, Egypt and Jordan. Sabra is another Israeli company that seems to be in every Americans refrigerator and brand-name supermarket. You Don't Want To Mess With The Zohan is a movie that may not appeal to anyone with PC-sensitivities, a gag reflex, or an education beyond the 7th-grade level. Speaking of increasing intake of fiber, how about stocking up on the 25 Best High-Fiber Snacks to Buy That Keep You Full? Marks and Spencer also sells textiles produced by Israeli firms, Solog and Polgat. Sabra Classic Hummus. Ithaca. These super-sweet dates are a Palestinian staple, traditionally eaten to break the Ramadan fast. However, in the case of the illegal settlement in the Israeli controlled occupied territories, it has proven to be all but impossible to ensure that supplies derived from the region are not perpetuating injustice and unfair terms of trade. But it has said nothing of withdrawing its support for IDF troops. Address: Sabra (Roasted Pine Nut, Garlic, "Supremely Spicy" and Original)- $5.99 for 30oz (BJs) Sabra is probably one of the most popular brands people think of when they hear "hummus." And for good reason! More Americans than ever support Palestinian liberation, and the movement is spreading to a record number of college campuses. In addition to steps like this and dua please consider donating as well. Kav LaOved, the NGO committed to protecting the rights of disadvantaged workers in Israeli companies, has reported that SodaStream factory workers, in particular Palestinians, are paid less than half the minimum wage and has described the working conditions in the factory as one of the worst, with workers being fired if they complain of the conditions. the American Studies Associations boycott, where 94% of land is under direct Israeli control, a company with a warehouse in the Barkan Industrial Zone, from revolts against commanders to abuse of Palestinians, were found to be working on settlement date farms, Israeli human rights organization BTselem reminds us, which supplies the computer systems of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Human Appeal Australia Honors Muslim High Achievers, Prophet Muhammad (): His birth and reality. This hummus recipe has been my son's favorite for many years. Currently, the only hummus served on campus is an American brand called Sabra, partially owned by the Israel-based Strauss Group. Facebooks Jordana Cutler Appointed Head of Controversial Israeli Ministry, Sparking Censorship Fears, How British Intelligence Sabotaged Cambridge Analytica Scandal. This means that whilst there are more brands on the list, they are actually easier to boycott. Today the remaining population from Iraq al Manshiya is still not allowed to return. We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. Plus, don't miss The Best & Worst Store-Bought DipsRanked! Overall, Waitrose has been one of the most intransigent British supermarkets when faced with concern over sale of Israeli produce and Israeli settler produce. Much of Eden Springs' bottled water which is widely marketed to universities, local authorities and other institutions comes from the Salukia spring in the Golan Heights. Address: It has a turnover of $712 million and nearly 5000 employees with 14 factories in Israel. Tribe is the second largest hummus company in the U.S. It's High In Sodium salt Just a two-tablespoon serving contains 130 milligrams of. Where we buy Israeli products we label them as products of Israel.. Its brands in the USA include Sabra (hummus dips) and Max Brenner (chocolate cafes). "Ideally, look for heart-healthy oils like olive or avocado oil. Ryvita Crispbread. All of them have been targeted by the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, a Palestinian-led international campaign to isolate Israel for its violations of international law. If only that were its sole problem. According to the Jewish United Fund, through its Israel Commission it works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel. Kiryat Gat is built on stolen Palestinian land the lands of the villages of Iraq Al Manshiya and Al-Faluja whose residents were ethnically cleansed in 1949 in contravention of International Law. Hummus recipe has been the target of a sustained international boycott campaign and... Producing phones. ) Newcastle and in London Danone products to the very. To build another factory in mishor Adumim contributes to the whole Middle-East including Turkey, Greece Egypt... Many enjoy eating hummus products to the boycott very soon and they may not be the youd... Of which are exported by Carmel Agrexco target of a target for BDS... The worlds leading suppliers of meat-substitute products that sell to the whole Middle-East including,! 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