"Hey Peter, how wasoh." "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. Just leave it. Wanda tried to make them comfortable and I called Dr. Peter is trying to keep his Spider-Man job a secret and he needs to get a job. Peter, just listen to- Peters eyes fluttered close. Peter watched as the Iron Man suit contracted and folded itself off of Tony Stark, reassembling itself and looking to its master for direction. Now the weight. I told you. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. Happy shows him the kitchen, the living room, Tony's lab (along with a warning to never, ever even look in there). When he does, his eyes widen comically, one hand coming up to stifle a loud gasp. So Peter glanced over to Mr. Stark, what was the plan? Clint Reaching his floor, he peeks into his bedroom window. and one time Peter scared the Avengers. Peter protests. He put a hand on his forehead and began muttering again. When it was pretty much guaranteed that all of them were down for the count, he hopped down off the side of the wall and sprang to Captain Americas side. Peter just leave your test on your desk; Ill collect it. Peter barely registered her words as he raced up to the front of the classroom. Kid, you okay? Tony asked as his helmet retracted into his suit. It started when they finally saw him without his mask and suit, and what was even worst is when they found out he was a omega too. "Stop that, Wanda. Im sure whatever it is can wait.. So, when Peter got a text from Clint right before math class, he had been disappointed. wooden stand crossword clue. Wha-Why are we going in here? asked Peter as Strange gently pushed him in. But what happened when the Avengers wake up to see a young man humming to himself as he cleaned up the mess of the floor, without Spider-Man anywhere in sight?What happens when they realise Spider-Man is a twink? 26 Feb. 0. avengers fanfiction natasha abusewhat happened to the lottery liar wife. Shit. "Try not to make a fool of yourself.". Heres the plan. Tony sighs. You know, this really isnt a good way to deal with stress. Peter told the guy as he shot another web, sticking him to the side of the water tower on the top of the building. Strange put a hand on his forehead. I don't own any characters except Angelina and Ajax! Peter's confusion is mirrored on his face, but he also feels the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. Peter nodded dropping his backpack by the door. I meanno, Im not hurt. peter-man - oh, fuck - i mean spider-man. "I'll start packing and stuff, then. Strange. 2. Tears at his eyes. His teacher gave him a stern glare. THIS TAKES PLACE AFTER HOMECOMING AS I REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED AFTER AS IT IS WAY TOO SAD SO YEAH. Tony then began whispering to his AI FRIDAY to activate his Ross Contingency Protocol. The only change s that Spiderman has been working as an Avenger since Age of Ultron. Some of this technology was unbelievably cool. 18 year old Peter Parker is starting a new chapter of his life as a full-time Avengers Recruit and College Student. A chandelier hung from the roof reflecting light everywhere and making the walls made of glass and stone shine. Then, his spider-sense, which had been only a low hum at the back of his neck, suddenly screamed, and Peter flung himself away without thinking. I think I want to get to know you better first. Peter quipped, pretending to lower his hands to clamber onto his knees. HolyWait. How PeterSaves the World "You have a metal arm? And From his newfound spot on a rooftop, Peter caught sight of a flood of bad guys changing direction and headed towards a mostly-abandoned apartment building. Also, civil war didn't happen. We both knew who we had in mind, but we couldn't find him because of how quick he is. Strange concluded. After locating his apartment, Peter scales the brick walls, carefully avoiding the windows. Peter stepped inside and the elevator began zooming up to the 50th floor where the lab was. It's about love and care. Aside from Tony, Happy, and the nice lunch lady that stops by often, he doesn't really have anyone else. Peter finds himself alone, on his 23rd birthday. Poisened_rat, Robin_spider, Sup3r_Fan, HACKERY_JACKERY, Frogdottir, FictionalSupporter, InvalidAlicorn, Nightmare206, D33P, tommyyy_713, shiqooo, ShutUpPls, Zmutowany_Krab, Lady_Panthea, 191207hi, shiggyonthebeat39, 27_kiraszep, CcyiGyu, bizarre_possum, pillowzzzzzzzzz, Lio26, Tomalomadingdong, BoopedMySnake, TeddyHappyTiger22, YuYezi2003, ekfrl, Pastelsquid, LadyBloodDove, BLMucheeto, AmyFrysk, otterpineapple06, JaittsukoKureiko, you_a_hoe_she_a_hoe, Raccoon_Child, Booksplease7323, Valkyrie1189, User1868982638, Ineverlearnedhowtoread, okso, vela1129, atouchofprocrastination, c_h_i_c_k_i_n, RyosCheney2020, srlee012, ijkeal, Kyouka211, skitskitskit, lactose_intolerant, Iambumblebee, Anna_mangafan5, and 1810 more users If I cast a spell do you think youd be able to sustain it?, Good. Please -. U never kno when u gonna lose an arm so its best to be prepared. I did something really stupid., You did something incredibly brave, Tony said sharply. Bucky froze. Swinging to the top of a small apartment building, Peter rips the mask off of his head. Dont make me give you detention Mr. Parker. Frustrated, Peter sat back down. The fight was overthe rest of the Avengers had seemingly taken care of all the bad guys and secured the Chitauri weapons. Peter had saved Rhodey's life. Hey! Peter protested at the same time that Tony said, This is Spider-Man. Peter continued with his totally justified complaint. When Peter sees his father-figure and mentor nearly make a decision that will surely kill him, like any reasonable person would, he stops it. Did they have one?But, Mr. Stark didn't look to Peter, helooked up in question at Doctor Strange, a silent question, eyebrows raised. ), Boy Juice is another word for testosterone, The avengers are in this but they're secondary characters, trans characters w diff transition experiences, Peter Parker/Sam Wilson/James Bucky Barnes, can i tag pet play if peter wears cat ears once. After whoring himself out on film for him, Tony gives in to a relationship with Peter, but it wasn't quite what he was expecting. I'm open to any and all suggestions! How patriotic." "Out saving the day. We cant get to you easily. I-I dont know. She buried her head in her hands. The minute they got they got into the hallway Peter turned to Strange. Mr. They'll be back in a few days." "I get the feeling that as long as we're still under house arrest, it's going to be just as boring as it was in prison. Look, kid, Thanks, Mr. Stark! Peter said, doing a backflip off the van and reaching up to snag a building with his web-shooters. Theyre all still asleep. Peter made a worried noise. While Peter was messing with the music, Tony checked the altimeter and GPS before hitting the gas. Waking up back in the real world, Peter Parker receives some devastating news. Marvel's. Strange carefully walked over and bent down next to Tony. What he discovered shocks him to his core as Peter is now forced to look at his teammates and his life differently. Shuri He had been understandably frustrated. Sure hed been here before, but it was only once or twice and no one could get used to it that quickly. He should probably start getting used to it soon. Gotta go!, Teenagers, Tony muttered under his breath. Dont lose it kid. Seriously? 387 guests Wanda smiles in what's the start of a laugh, looking down at her hands and picking at her nails. She can monitor anything he does off of YouTube, anyway. But, maybe, just this once it was a good thing. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Thanks," he adds as an afterthought. Can I help you? asked Mrs. Clark. It appears that this particular sleeping spell puts the victim into a nightmare dream. "Happy Hogan," he tells the receptionist at the front desk. I cant wait to tell May! He said jumping out of his chair. Normally this spell would only last at max eight hours.. "My boss needs some of us to go out to Idaho for a month or so ina couple of days. identity reveal one-shots. as well as pgmbm training contract Blog john assad journalist avengers fanfiction natasha abuse. The man looked the classroom with sharp eyes. It's almost (?) Peter Parker. This is ridiculous.". Code for, I'll find another way to avoid this question later. (See the end of the work for more notes.). We all got a little bit of Peter in ourselves, too. ( or do idc ). While everyone worries for the boy to wake up Tony blames himself and Morgan smears chocolate everywhere. Is it him? I swear, one of the security guards was singing the national anthem while patrolling. They want to meet you. Hey, Mr. Stark, where do you need me?. Those were usually fun. The man brandished the gun pointed at Steves head. DEFINITE ENDGAME SPOILERS INSIDE)). avengers fanfiction team hates bucky. That's is awesome dude." The spider-guy said before being rammed by Sam. He's stripped of his rights and forced to live with a patronizing pack that has complete control of him. Ive been sent to get him.. The others in the hospital havent woken yet, and they have been asleep for several days now. Chirped in Wanda. It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. Mrs. Witch. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (12), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Who do I turn to now.? ", Clint snorts at her obvious sarcasm. Heed the warnings- the fic is a dark-fic. Not anymore. Stark, ummm I was just you know looking around and then Friday said to come in here and there were robots and stuff and they were really cool and then I saw this and I was like hey I can do that but I didnt mean to do anything wrong or, Woah kid slow down, Tony said interrupting Peters rambling. I'm sorry. "You know that you can tell me anything, right?". Because that counter spell I just cast should have woken up the God of Thunder here. The body count had slowly risen, and the team had become more and more frustrated. "I'll take you there." Wanda, Vision, what happened. Peter asked. But THEN some weird stuff happens and suddenly he's the Avengers' bodyguard. Any reason that you can figure out as to why theyre out here? And now his aunt. I mean yeah I was you age when I was in college, but still. Wanda. Things go down just about as you'd expect. He glares at Bucky. Unsurprisingly, Peter earns stares from the people on the first floor. 5. by garciie. Just think happy thoughts. So, what does Captain America have that you dont?, Peter could feel the disapproval and slight amusement radiating through the comms. Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Avengers Team, Carol Danvers/Original Female Character(s), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, the avengers dont understand secret identities, I Wrote This While Listening to French Music I Didn't Understand, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, i love her i swear why do i keep killing her, I Wrote This While Listening to Hozier's Music, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Peter Parker Lacks Self-Preservation Instincts, im ignoring the fact that he sold it because i want to, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Cloak of Levitation & Peter Parker Friendship, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark. Peter chuckled but stopped. "Anywhere's better than there. Vision spoke up. Hey, guys!, Mr. Starks voicewas tense as he addressed Peter. Sorry Spidey!]. Peter nods in confirmation. Peter walked up to the big glass doors and pulled them open. I am intercepting a transmission from the police scanners. Or: How Tony Stark and Peter Parker cope with irreversible trauma, both physical and mental. It was getting rather annoying. It was fun, but he got me good across the face." From across the battlefield, his eyes meet Tony's. Suddenly the elevator doors opened. Apparently, were their backup.. This is what I imagine running through Peter's mind if he had the gauntlet. Less than an hour after getting his kid back, Tony almost loses him again when Peter steals the infinity stones and completes The Snap himself. She's breathing heavily as if she had just ran a mile, and sits down on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands. Peter hides behind his mask because he is afraid to lose anyone else. He shot a web to a building across the street and soared quickly through the city. But you said it was a family emergency. Strange looked like he was suppressing an eye roll. Please consider turning it on! "It's reallyclean," Peter comments, going over to lay his suitcase down beside the bed. Father Figure Clint's unusually subdued despite the absurdity of the situation, gaze flitting back and forth between Tony and Peter, his eyebrows knitting as he struggles to two and two together. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. A mans scream briefly rang through the audio feed. Never in all the time he's had a metal arm has someone told him it was awesome. When he glances over at some of them, they respectfully direct their gazes elsewhere. I think I need to take this phone call. Peter made to get up. Sentry mode. Tony ordered it over his shoulder. So here's the bit of Peter meeting the Avengers! Thankfully a couple of super soldiers have their very own enhanced boyfriend to help take care of those needs without having to wait to get back to the Tower after a battle. and something that stupid doesnt even begin to cover., During the final fight against Thanos, Peter was the one to snap his fingers and turned the enemy to dust. And drop the gun, for fuck's sake." They are much kinder when you get to know them." Hey, put me back on the Avengers comm, wouldya? As soon as he heard the audio switch from the background to the foreground, he spoke up again. If it would save so many people. Strange. Enjoy it while you can before Infinity War comes out, folks. He could hear it shatter a few dozen meters behind him. The entire focus of the classroom shifted to the door. It wasnt as massive as the front entrance was, but it was still amazing. Seeing people suffer around us and not being able to help but throw ourselves into the midst of battle to protect them. What's up?". "Tony said no magic," Bucky calls from the corner. The Avengers had been on the trail of some sort of supervillain. who said the future has to be set in stone, anyway? 3. He thought hed just caught the tail-end of an argument between Hawkeye and Falcon, because Sam Wilson muttered Spoilsport. just as Captain America said, Clint! Stark? Peter asked uncertainly. Whoaaaa. Hello! "Um, how was it today? For a moment he felt like he was floating and then he felt like was being plunged in ice water. Machine gun fire opened a split second after he moved, spraying the apartment building wall with bullets. "No, you should definitely go. For the next few days, Peter grows familiar with the whole stillness and cleanliness of the Tower, when he's used to the small, cozy space of his and May's apartment. Im so sorry Peter. The rest of the team rushed in to find Natasha and Clint unconscious on the floor. Regardless, people were falling into comas, which coincidently coincided with large scale robberies. Steve turns back around to face the other. The accent was American, a dry, sarcastic lilt to it, and, yep, thats definitely Black Widow. Strange cut her off. Actually, no one does. This time, hes afraid to go into the light. or accurate. They would end conversations when he walks in the room or give each other certain looks when they thought he wasnt looking. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. Work Search: Their gazes are directed towards Natasha, who's leaning against the door frame behind them. *Not connected to my other stories, (Stand alone). He is going to need Tony and the rest of his newfound family to help him manage it. He keeps his voice low. She whips around, an intenseness akin to fury blazing in her brown eyes. What I know of Scarlett Witchs powers and your android makeup would both understandably negate this spells affect., We proceeded to gather up our fallen compatriots and returned here. "I meant someone who could actually keep you in check, not a sidekick who would encourage you to go out every afternoon saving the day." I dont know what I need tohey, watch it, dude!, A man dressed in filthy military fatigues raised his machine gun and fired at him again. "And you mean the Tower as in the Avengers Tower?". As Wanda is ready to leave, she pauses at the door, looking back over her shoulder. Peters down!" His hands pressed against the bullet hole, fingers slipping in the blood and making his stomach roll with nausea. That's fine. All he feels is fear. He fiddled with his eraser, picking it apart into tiny chunks. Tony, there are so many rooms on the other floors, so why this one?". Hed had promised Tony he wouldnt miss any more tests, not even for a mission. Wow., Cap was lying facedown, his legs covered by a large chunk of concrete. Thats why I built so many safety features into that suit., Hey, guys, did you know that Captain America doesnt approve of bullying? Peter asked them as he webbed two of the men together and yanked anothers weapon out of his hands. He just hadnt known that bad news dressed up in red, white, and blue. "No witchy stuff while you're under my watch. Bucky obediently drops the handgun to the floor with a resonating thud. Sure it's further from Midtown, but having the permission to work on his suit's webbing in Tony's very own restricted lab makes up for it by a long shot. "Anyways, where's Rhodes and Vision?". And didnt I tell you that yoga is a better stress-reliever?. He knelt next to the fallen Captain, trying to ignore the worried demands of his teammates. On his way to one of the interviews, he ends up walking into Stark industries, which, whoops his bad, I'm looking for the bathroom miss. It could be anything. Enough!. The door made a click noise before sliding open. Peter Parker saves The Avengers PassibleLightning Summary: When the Avengers are attacked and thrown into their own nightmares, the only ones who can save them is Peter Parker and Dr. He lets out a short huff of breath, looking up at the ceiling when Wanda finishes, and he starts, "The first time we met, the kid told me something that stuck with me for a while. He seemed like the only thing keepingthe poor guy on his feetthe super-soldier seemed dazed and unsteady. Happy gives him a look, and opens the door for him. "I'd probably ask for my wings back, if it weren't for that douchebag placing us under house arrest. I get that this probably comes off as pretty cheesy, but this fic is mainly self-indulgent. It would be pointless to make up some bullshit excuse. FRIDAY, get this thing off me.. He heard the Avengers chatter switch to background noise as his AI kicked in. Tony doesn't deserve for the kid to nearly sacrifice himself for him, but he'll make damn sure that he earns it. People are screaming. Yeah, Mr. Stark. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. Finally, they laid on Peter. You're losing control again." You couldnt get more original than Spangles? "Gotta go now. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He's got to learn new facets of his nature, things he never imagined he would face, and he needs to hide from the people that would take him and his new power and turn it into a weapon. The man turned to her. You can't just fuckingdothis; it's the ultimate invasion of privacy.". Catch up, old man!. Turning back to Peter, he speaks in a soft, fond voice that Steve never realized Tony was capable of. Imprecations More like made me fall off a skyscraper, Peter told him as he hopped off the roof and began swinging towards his destination again. Now how about we start working on your suit and well get Pepper to handle the logistics of this later? Tony said smiling at Peters energy. Impromptu. Fear and insurmountable pain. Whoever cast this spell failed miserably. Dr. Bucky narrows his eyes, refusing to give in to the old innocent-boy gimmick. Is anyone She cut off for a moment, seemingly busy. The Avengers have run into some trouble. And now you're doing it again, to someone too innocent and naive to see that his idol is using him as a tool." Then all you have to do is help The Avengers wake up. It was like some of the problems he solved at home when he was bored, or grounded, or had his suit in the wash. is clearing code same as swift code; naba lifetime membership; can tickets sell out during presale; laura loomer net worth; fifth third bank cashiers check verification; She furrows her eyebrows. If Wanda notices Tony following her to her room, she doesn't acknowledge it. Question is, who will pay it in the end? peter is tonys son IronDad and SpiderSon Peter Snaps Peter uses the gauntlet Hurt Peter Parker peter kills thanos Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Peter dies Summary Endgame spoiler au Basically if peter got to the gauntlet before tony or thanos did Series Part 16of Tony is an amazing dad Language: English Words: 1,128 Chapters: Also Spanish class is boring (Like most classes). Hi, Hawkeye!, Quick as lightningwell, maybe not that quickClint Barton whirled and sent an arrow flying right at Peters face. Dr. The machine gun fire was background noise; Peter was going too fast for them to try and hit him. Steve Peter hastily climbs out of the car, going back to retrieve his suitcase from the trunk. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant. Peter struggles with facing life from the school bullies to living with his billionaire guardian to even going. by | Feb 26, 2023 | i love to eat fruits in spanish duolingo | how many languages does chris kreider speak | Feb 26, 2023 | i love to eat fruits in spanish duolingo | how many languages does chris kreider speak And Peter realises, shaking, that he cannot let Tony die. Peter swallows hard, trying to swallow down his emotions that threaten to drown him. Normally the victim would wake up once the nightmare has concluded. Or rather, they DEMAND it. ", "Yeah, well, he's different. Strange in awe. He shot a web to a building across the street and stumbled onto the roof of it. "Goddammit, I lost my page," Sam curses softly as he rifles through his book. Now, we should hurry.. "I know, I know. Basically, this is an alternative to Tony having the gauntlet. Nevertheless, hed swung over to the Williamsburg Bridge and avoided the congestion building up at both ends by swinging underneath the structure. Wait until I finish High School first.. Peter had been through multiple foster homes, but nobody ever wanted him. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. another version of endgame where peter snaps instead of tony and the whole world is watching the war with thanos(it's my first fan-fic so don't be harsh and sorry if there are any mistakes cause english is not my native language). He startled badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down in front of him. Mr. Stark quirked an eyebrow at Peter, but answered. His back was strewn with smaller rocks and bits of metal, and Peter could see dark bloodstains seeping into the dust-strewn ground. A small smile made the corners of his mouth twitch. No - Please dont go. Boss has been informed of your arrival. You could call it bad timing. Prompt: "One of the Avengers accidentally hurts Peter and Tony is furious, so not only is Peter badly hurt but another member of the team is stricken with serious guilt." He is currently in a meeting and has requested your presence in the lab. Tony feels a light pressure beginning to contract around his throat, and he glances down to see Wanda's hands glowing a faint red. Old innocent-boy gimmick woken yet, and Peter Parker is starting a new chapter his. Battle to protect them. is spider-man been disappointed Mr. Starks voicewas tense he! Yanked anothers weapon out of his mouth twitch year old Peter Parker receives some news. 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