why did barlow kill walt's wife

Later he confronts his father about his $50,000 tip to Jacob Nighthorse about killing Walt's wife, but soon later his father distracts Branch by pulling the disc while shooting shotguns and later shoots Branch in the facewhile Branch is distracted, and is later avenged by Walt, and is mentioned in every season after. Another interesting storyline would be if Branch did go back to the sheriffs dept and his sibling assuming he has one taking up the reins and being just as devious and evil as Barlow. http://www.vibrantnation.com/other-topics/craig-johnson-the-man-behind-longmire/. But their bread/butter Duck Dynasty has plunged to 4 million. I am sure that Branch shot his father because this is not the kind of show where the main characters die so I dont find the ending suspenseful. Not at this point. Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. Miller was the man suspected of killing Walt's wife, who had also been killed. As you say a lot of comments are constructive criticism. Really enjoyed the humorous banter between Walt/Henry and Vic/Henry. Branch is a very interesting character. Another scene that had me chuckling out loud was when Longmire and Henry head off to Colorado to dig up Miller Beck's bodylooking for a warrior's feather lodged in the throat of Martha Longmires killerand they get caught by the local law. I really dont care how Vic dresses; love Ruby and Lucian; and the Ferg is a hoot. Unfortunately, now he may be dead. This is especially true of Henry Standing Bear. Its likely Branch saw it coming and got the drop on him. I remember reading once that many settlers of Wyoming were driven mad by some combination of the incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. I could buy a Longmire soundtrack like they use to release for shows like Miami Vice. This season has really kept my interest and the cliffhanger of who survives the Branch/Barlow shootout has me waiting for next season even more than the who shot JR one on the original Dallas!. Its too darn good and too popular. James Silva Ive enjoyed Season 3 but in a Season 4 I would like to see a return to more episodes that are less the serial drama aspect of Longmire and more procedure/crime. I assume that came from ridges war paint. But as we both stated all are entitled to their opinion. This is such a great show. Never apologize for the length around here. It had been lost for most of the season because of the heavy ramifications of a looming prison sentence. I will say a prayer to the Corporate Gods tonight that they see their way to continuing this good show and if not, Ive got a feather for them. However, the writers need to be a bit more consistent as some of the story lines this year were a bit lamer than in the pasti.e., the murder in the pines. The writers are doing a slow build-up and Im comfortable with that direction. Longmire, Vic (Katee Sackhoff), and Ferg (Adam Bartley) search for Branch and eventually find his body in a river, an apparent suicide, based on the angle of the shotgun.. Who does Cady Longmire marry? August 5, 2014 @ Has the owl brought a message of peace for Walt from Marthaor has someone died? Also, being vocal about your feelings on a subject is the only way to convey them. The owner of the company, Barlow Connally, paid Ridges to kill Martha Longmire. As much as we enjoyed his little jaunt with Walt to prove the existence of a certain feather, it didnt look like it was going to matter. Best television in a long time. 1:34 pm. I dont know how it could be justified for him to be allowed back on the force. Who knows what A&E will do? For six seasons, Nighthorse has been Longmire's usual suspect, accused of everything from helping murder Walt's wife to killing deputy Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) to using the casino he. Was it a symbol that he was at risk of dying? As to Branch and his father, I believe Branch shot his father but as to your comment, Penny, about this not being the kind of show where the main characters die, I remind you of The Good Wife. We didnt see that one coming either. In the pilot was the owl Marthas spirit whose killer needed to be found and punished? Keep up the good work!! Did you get that figure from the Longmire Posse group? Was Longmire on his way to confront Connelly? I had suspected Malachi (Graham Greene), and to a lesser degree Jacob Nighthorse, just as Longmire seemed to believe at the end of this episode. Great writing, solid acing performances. Well, Im afraid weve discovered the other side of that coin, as this weeks 10-year jump felt a bit too jarring. I will say that the very reason that you want to keep Branch is exactly why he should be killed off or sent away. Yes, fingers crossed for a season 4. Glad you asked this? Elementary has a good song selection, too. We cant imagine this show ending. I always enjoy learning a little more about Craig Johnson and this remarkable world he has created. August 5, 2014 @ Branch, knowing his father and being very wary of him, had stepped close enough to Barlow to interfere with the shot and perhaps strike him in the head with the butt of his shotgun. Zahn McClarnon does a very good job with that character. Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar? I imagine her as a very smart and independent woman who called Walt on his sh$t (maybe even used a curse word sometimes, not as much as Vic of course), kept him in line when he needed it, loved and supported him yes but also fought against the casino even when it might have made his job difficult. I cannot imagine Cady ever getting romantically involved with Branch again. What Walt does not realize is that Barlow Connally, who deeply resents Walt, made a $50,000 payment to Big Pine Timbers to pay for a hitman to kill Walt's wife, Martha. As to the Walt and Vic relationship the writers have handled this with kid gloves. Other than glances and appropriate caring touches, there has been little hint of anything else. They also are weak in their other programming and it seems generally incompatible with the Longmire viewer type so they are unlikely to stumble upon it. Another indication of people not liking storyline or direction ( not necessarily regarding Walt/Vic) is the decline in viewership. Even in Unquiet Mind I slapped my forehead and said of course the owl that leads Walt to the cabin that was essential for him to survive falling in a a river in winter on the mountain was Martha. But it appeared Branch used both types. August 5, 2014 @ The only real exception is if this ending is set up thanks to a contract dispute . Her reason for that was incredibly heartbreaking. I love this show. I finally thought to Google longmire owl symbol and found a great article from June 4, 2012 interviewing Craig Johnson. He really has the upper edge even though he was distracted. The whole Sean and Gorski story arcs were not needed. how much money did the vampire diaries gross. Then, it was Branch of all people who finally uncovered the truth. They can keep their zombies, post apolcolyptic societies, and fighting worldwide pandemics sagas. Lots more too about the Longmire books and TV show, glad I found it. Most of the posters here are way ahead of me in the nuances of this tv series. Walt lettting go of Martha was a great scene. Great season finale! Im not a fan of the omminous grand story arc format. The other thing I found interesting in this article was that at the time it was written there was talk about trying to cast Dog and finding it really difficult. Too many tv shows are lazy and predictable keeping on main characters that should be gone to shake up the show. Longmires now officially on Netflix, and its begun filming Season 4. It is this unpredictability that contributes to the success of Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. Retired Sheriff Lucian Connally was a recurring character on the Longmire Television series. Excellent writing and acting. I think even Henry was surprised. Longmire fan 308 Nicely said, Virginia! Though Walt had successfully been found innocent despite the efforts of Barlow's associates. A personal observation about the viewer drop this year from and average of 3.7 (S2) to 3.5(S3). I initially thought he was comptemplating suicide but then figured that was just not his personality. I kept watching the clock as the minutes were dwindling down, wondering what surprises were left in store. Plot [] Summary []. Please A&E, renew quickly with a lot more episodes. Not sure if that is due to some film doctoring that is beyond my understanding. I think Barlow assumed the death would cripple Walt, who wouldnt run. Sorry for the length. [b]snowdogmom[/b], 100% support more Lucian Connally and having him partner up with Walt again. I have this theory that Barlow and Walts relationship is much more complicated than its been said and that Marthas murder had more reasons behind it than just throwing Walt off his game to get Branch to the Sheriffs office. Everything is superb! As for the ending didnt Barlow have his shotgun open over his shoulder? 11:08 pm. A&E was never the right network for Longmire. Thanks; hope its a short hiatus. I love that it can do case of the week episodes while still having small, multiple episode arcs, as well as season and series-long arcs. If the arc is well done, like Ridges, I dont mind. 4:06 am. [b]Penny[/b], Gotta say Id hate to see Branch gone. Who called Walts home phone? Angry and spiteful at having lost to Walt, Barlow came up with one last plan. Warner actually films the show and sells it to A&E, as I understand it. Thanks for the 411 Austinmoose! Its a writing tactic that allows the audience understanding of the plot point. Having her out of the way would allow Branchs father to move forward with the construction of the casino. they deserve to stay on for several more seasons. Please be back with season 4 soon. I think were in for a long wait on that announcement but I certainly hope Im wrong. I was glad that the writers added some realism and had Walt suspend Branch although no doubt he will be back. And thank you for stopping by and adding your invaluable insight. Longmire made a HUGE move for a show with an uncertain future, exposing Barlow as the man responsible, but also not having Walt arrest him. Visit our. I myself didnt like the Gorski storyline. Finale did not disappoint. Several British stars have turned down the offer to help ring in King Charles III's coronation. And it feels like during season 2 we got all of this episodes reveals about Branchs father. I so love longmire and hope they keep this t.v show going. I watched unlocked Season 3 episodes as part of A&E channel on my Roku. Why did Walt have to kill Gus? [b]PerilPress[/b], Ive always liked Gerald McRaney going way back to Simon & Simon and Im kinda hoping hes not mortally wounded and sticks around a little more to add spice to these exceptional storylines. Worse of all, Branch got into a corrupt scheme with Nighthorse to get elected Sheriff that set almost everything bad that happen into motion. Christine 2:13 pm, Jhera35 Bluemixerclif Branch then delivers his father up to Longmire (his alternate father figure). Aha! djrandall9 years(!) By the way, the horned owl(s) they have used are really beautiful birds, dont look onimous to me and I have always been struck by how soulful the eyes are and how they look as if they are personally connecting to Walt. Nothing really happened between Vic and Walt. August 5, 2014 @ SunnyinFL So I hope they keep it that way, a slow burn of some excellent character chemistry. [b]samanthajane[/b], Branch has been mostly a terrible law enforcement officer since season one. He releases her ashes onto the ground where he promised 'til death do us part years ago. If the jar that Henry took was new requests for Hectors help, I wonder how he will handle them dont see him beating people up and pulling teeth. I didnt know Longmire existed until a few episodes in last season. Barlow had Walt's wife killed because she was leading the charge against a proposed Casino in the county. Do that , then watch the ratings go UP UP and way UP! And Branch turning his own father over to Walt will probably clear his way to return to his job. Why does Barlow kill branch? You never saw Branch actually die. Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. thus setting Branch free to be his own man, thus creating another Maybe the writers will take you up on that! Excellent comments ! Could have been nothing, might have been something, thats what I like about this show. I have to say the Baldwin/Coveny written episodes are my favorites. Was it Henry? I dont know details but I know the arrangement between Warner and A&E and A&E wanting more of the profits was the stumbling block last year. A&E needs to promote it more and show it at an earlier time so that MORE people can watch. I did notice Cady eyeing them, when Vic naturally and caringly cleaned Walts wounds at the Red Pony. Sorry, this is terribly long but like everybody else Ashes to Ashes left me with so many thoughts and questions. August 5, 2014 @ PaulK, I feel after he spread Marthas ashes he was headed to confront Jacob Nighthorse. Jeffrey More episodes would be nice. I tried watching the Walking Dead after it had been on a season and just had no idea what was going on. Jum un Houston Its shame Longmire has no help from a lead in show. IMO (2 cents), I think Barlow killed himself, thus setting Branch free to be his own man, thus creating another son, not created in his fathers image. I think TNT should pick it up, put it on Monday at 10pm eastern after Major Crimes and match the number of episodes with Major Crimes. Very moody and evocative musical selections on this program. It seems like a far fetched plan, but the man turned out to be ruthless, especially if he killed his own son. Quality programming takes yet another hit in favor of more trash TV. I hope that next year will continue the humor in the interactions with the main characters. I just dont see Branch getting into big business, he seems to really love law enforcement and digging into the truth of crimes, even if that truth exposed his father. He had no idea about Barlow being involved. If A&E decides it doesnt want to renew Longmire, Warner can pitch it to another station, correct? NEeds to be more episodes. . 2:03 pm, It is interesting how shows that advocate slutty, trashy, immoral actions by teenagers are renewed for 2-3-4 seasons with 12+ episodes, and something that is well written and exciting to watch teeters on the brink of cancellation. As to Branch and his dad. He is also the editor/publisher of the BEAT to a PULP webzine and books. 10 episodes is pretty good for a season. It was still able to hook me so that by the end of S2 I was head over heels. One of the reasons characters question the Longmore character is so the audience will have an idea of what is going on, given that Longmire is supposed to be so un-communicative. What is it with these people? I really dont want to see Walt & Vic in a relationship. Dog, I agree with your Walt/Vic comments, they have been encumbered by the story arcs. [b]shrummer[/b], Im sure some fans were disappointed but I like the natural way its developing and it would have been a bit much for Walt to say goodbye to Martha and getting together with Vic in the same show. It was Branchs big redemption! I just loved it all and cried along with Walts throaty words. We just let them rant. August 5, 2014 @ SEE ALSO: Of course, we're covering Season 4 of Longmire,starting with the premiere Down By the River! And doesnt it seem rather misplaced for Barlow to kill Longmires wifewhy would he think that would get his son into the sheriffs office? PLEASE let it continue on..Jane Davis, Lila Cox Deeply appreciated. August 5, 2014 @ Kalalau I cant wait for Season 4. I wish I knew more about the contractual relationship between Warner/Horizon and A&E. I dont think Hector would have kept old notes around. Whether the producers/actors will let us know or not, who knows. Or you get the argument Its in the books, so it has to happen when the tv series had not strictly followed book canon. Now, Im finding that my current favorite show might be cancelled? This is a great cast. A&E already cancelled The Glades, which was a good show too, I hope they dont do the same with Longmire! My open question is why did both Henry and Walt go after Miller Beck before Ridges killed him? Just curious. Arcs settled. By Jesse Clark / Sept. 28, 2021 5:31 am EST. 4:36 pm. August 5, 2014 @ In the same book, Cady marries Philadelphia Police Officer Michael Moretti, the brother of Walt's undersheriff, Vic Moretti, on the Rez; Michael and she had been seeing each other since . It can be very frustrating . Remember when Walt told Barlow that he thought the shooter was getting back at Barlow through Branch? We welcome analyzing in-depth. Huffington Post. I loved the humor. Didnt watch it until this season. But, yes, that family seems to have a serious case of the crazies. giambotta recipe lidia; anxiety operational definition; kotor things to do before leaving taris Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. Who is the father of Vic's baby on Longmire? Was it a salute to Joe Tuck, the driver who died, a toast to the season, a toast to the audience, a bit of all three? It is only natural, that these two with similar personalities and needs would eventually be drawn together. He's often hard on his nephew, even though . OnTheElk Whatever happen to the lady that had the hots for Walt? S3 was too much serial story. The official moment he was free and the plan worked was beyond emotional. I loved the finale but I hate the wait to find out what is next. I blame AE for that a lot. Dog, I tried to read up on the Owl symbolism to American Indians and Cheyenne in particular but there is nuance to what is on the internet. He just told Brach it was to help him to still try and win him over. Walt Longmire's fictional biography. More please. I agree with [b]Dog[/b] that Sean should have been gone in season one and that the Gorski story was a mistake. I was surprised at Henry pouring one for Cady, hes enabling her. I think Henry will start doing what Hector would do because of the guilt he feels about Hectors death, Kate11208 In case one breaks) Henrys joyous head through the open window ride . IMO (2 cents), I think Barlow killed himself, 3:37 am. I have no problem with that and felt Sean should have been (as in the books) gotten rid of in season one and the entire Gorski plodding plot was unnecessary and/or WAY too long. What was it a symbol of there? Ha! Thoroughly enjoyed it. lou diamond is a good actor. Crossfire is a series about three families who are staying in a holiday resort on a Spanish island when gunmen come into the premises and begin to shoot. Shareen Im getting really bored with most TV offerings and this is the last new show that has caught my interest. Ratings are a fact of life. But then it can be fun to think it about it anyway. This would keep the main hero and the main villain in place to drive the story over the next season. Even Amazon who had season 1 VOD with a season pass when I asked about season 2 had no clue when/if season 2 would be available via their VOD. What happened to Jacob Nighthorse at the end of Longmire? His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names), the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. This is an attempt to do whats right, and wash himself free of the familys sins. . I really want to see Walt, Vic, Lucien and Henry work a case with banter between all 4 of them. This is a good series. I have to say I was a little disappointed in the finale. The show was given ten extra minutes in order to properly try to answer that question. Not too many folks are that willing to catch up with a new show. There seems to me to be too much left undone if Barlow is eliminated, the money trail needs both Jacob and Dad Connally before the court of law to sort Casino land interests (What Martha knew), gun for hires, shell corporations, and find the Malachi (furlow) dirty connectionpowerful positions must have been utilized. These three characters need to interact a lot more. Awesome job on the finale. Later in the novel it is revealed that Carson Wells, a hired assassin hired by a local drug . Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. It should be renewed for a fourth season because it is one of the best shows on television. Perhaps, blackmail from Ridges. Please dont be stupid. No words needed. I believe the scene was added, along with Branch visiting the corpse, to throw some suspicion (a red herring) his way that he was capable of swiping the body. I do have to note, though, that Branchs father did not say that he paid to have Walts wife killed. Ill be so disappointed if it doesnt return! Ridges also then killed Beck for the same ass-covering reasons. Perhaps as someone else mentioned he could be mayor or something. I dont want to see Branch turn into the nemisis of the Sheriffs department. 2:11 am. Billy Rayburn August 5, 2014 @ Both the Walt and Vic characters have been encumbered, by the writers, with way too much baggage. My guess on the ending: Barlow tried and failed to kill Branch. If the finale is an indication I think the writers will develop the Walt/Vic relationship slowly and do it right, it will work, and not be the typical main characters getting together to the detriment of the show. Outside the office, Longmire bars Branch from going in. Fabulous scene-entering into the morgue, the silence prior to dropping off Branch, the looks between Vic, Ferg, and Ruby, the wonderment and humor of this finale (2 shovles? To all Im really enjoying all your thoughts. Boom! Interesting take on Barlow and Walt and one that I hadnt really considered. His line that son of a bitch Walt Longmire sounded like he has a deep hatred for him. In " Breaking Bad ," Walter White 's descent from mild-mannered family man to murderous meth kingpin . I agree with those that have commented about how it might be hard to join Longmire as a viewer Season 3 and beyond because you dont know what is going on with the characters stories. She is devoted to her job and justice and cares about the victims so it is not surprising that Walt is so close to Vic and has developed feelings for her. I am going to catch up on the books before a new season begins (if it does, fingers crossed) and will try to review the first two tv seasons with the comments of all in mind. Henry had acquired the teeth, but not from Miller directly. It was those types I was refering to and they tend to flood a lot of the discussions. She caught Vic staying with Walt last season. Longmire picks up the lone wolf who has been out in the cold for a majority of this season, desperately trying to convince anyone whod listen that the White Warrior was alive. In the novel, "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy, Barlow is the identity of the drug dealer whom Llewellyn kills without Walt ever getting an answer as to why Walt's wife is targeted. Perhaps, Bear has something there he doesnt want to risk anyone seeing. I simply dont watch television, with the exception of Monday nights. When key players do the deed, it is often the demise of the show. Didnt care for her part then, and dont now. If I recall correctly, after Jesse refused to cook for Gus if he killed Walt, Gus . August 5, 2014 @ HOOTIEWHO, LONGMIREA CONNALLY CONUNDRUMBRANCH OR BARLOWOR BOTH? I bet a lot of Longmire viewers watch Major Crimes. 3:59 am. Barlow admits to paying him to send Ridges to Denver the week that Walt's wife was killed, in the pursuit of having Branch replace Walt as sheriff. Would be a shame if Branch turned up dead. Very good points, [b]Penny[/b]. Of course even if the owl is not a symbol someone died, it would not mean one of the two Connallys is not dead but I do now believe that Marthas spirit is not at rest and is trying to communicate with Walt at the end of the season 3 finale. Ive been watching from the beginning and after season 1 aired it wasnt seen again until season 2 was ready to premiere 9 months later. 7:01 pm. I hope season 4 gets us back to Walt and his deputies working together rather impoding from within. Sean was out of town on business and Ed Goreski had just threatened Vic. 3:26 am. Like CarolK I wonder if a third party arrived on the scene (not Walt of course). Season 4? I also find it surprising that Barlow, who supposedly had Vice President business cards made for Branch before he became a member of police and desperately wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, would take out Martha to help Branch become Sheriff. It works in the books and it took Craig about four books/four years to get there. Not a dry eye in the house! What a great finale and another great season! 5:59 am. August 5, 2014 @ Apparently there are other folks who have gotten interested because Im on the waiting list for #4. I just want a season 4 and would really like more episodes per season although I doubt that will happen. I liked that Branch has discovered his father hired out the murder of Walts wife before Walt learned it. She had stopped at a campground where she fixated on a happy family laughing and holding hands. In my mind, yes, but I read somewhere that TPTB (The Powers That Be, term I use when I dont really know who has the power to make decisions for a television show) are trying to read the tea leaves and think that it is 60-40 AGAINST the VicWaltship among Longmire viewers. Advertisement "You may be innocent, but your friend Henry is not," Fales said, leaving Walt facing a difficult situation. 3:36 am. I truly hope Branch is not dead since he did almost die once already. I just got Detective Fales name this episode (Fales = Fails). I hope that Branch got the better of his father and didnt get killed. He came away with something on his thumb. Yes, I am reading them in order I do always like to do that. But praying to the Corporate Gods cant hurt! It is A&E fault for poor promotion of Longmire from day 1. Especially if it goes long. Daddy Barlow was revealed to be full-on, evil crazy. I think he may have done this in hopes of keeping Walt from getting closure and keeping him off balance. The ONLY TV program I will go out of my way to watch period. 13 August 2012. by Jason Hughes. I do hope Longmire is renewed for another season. Later, when Longmire and Henry lug Miller Becks coffin back to where David Ridgess body is being kept, they find out from Ferg that someone picked the lock and made off with Ridges. I noticed that they were not so obliging this year. I enjoy watching Law and Order and Criminal Minds but the characters are more one-dimensional than Longmire while the crime-of-the-week dominates. So I cant say for sure that the owl in Longmire has always symbolized Martha but I think it does. I like your take on this even if it isnt what happened. Still, having Barlow as the mastermind was inspired writing. It is unfortunate that the writers are unlikely to consider having Branch kicked off completely. 3:26 am. She placed the weapon to her head, crying, trembling, preparing to alleviate her tortured mind. Jane Davis I cant help but wonder what effect Malachis return will have on both Mathias and the Rez next year (and there will be a NEXT year on some network! I read somewhere last year that they had come under new management. Walt saying goodbye to his wife was an unforgettable moment. Rather than try to hit all the plot points, here are some of the highlights I enjoyed, and I hope you will add your favorite moments in the comments. Longmire turns to strike the swine with a closed firstbut instead belts Vic squarely in the face! This year, I recommended this show to a lot of people. Then in the Red Pony Henry says to Vic I think you are spending too much time with Walt you are picking up his speech patterns. Why do we have until next year for season 4? He had confronted his father about the $50,000 payment supposedly paid to Jacob Nighthorse. IMO, the writers gamble failed. Its the embodiment of Martha, the symbolism for her. 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