what happened to raiden after metal gear rising

Raiden being supplied with his new sword, after his reconstructive surgery. Following Outer Haven's departure, Raiden's body was later recovered, his survival testament to his extreme resilience, though according to Otacon, he was in no condition to help them further. Raiden prepares to combat Desperado cyborgs. It is visible on the Medicom Action Figure based on the designs by Yoji Shinkawa, and usable when playing as Raiden in Metal Gear Online. Zachary. In the original game plan of Metal Gear Solid 2, Raiden was to have had false memories of his father, in which he was apparently killed in a hunting accident. When Vamp commented on his apparent "immortality," Raiden replied that he simply didn't fear death, before being freed from the Gekko's tethers by Solid Snake's gunfire. Social Ops Inferno Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Tsutaya. The police then surrounded Raiden. Raiden later assisted in Snake and Naomi's escape by helicopter, by fighting off several Gekko units at a local marketplace. Raiden also held some distrust for politicians, feeling that they "[gave] big promises, but [were] all talk," only sought to line their pockets with capital and maintain their approval ratings/votes", and overall had little, if any principles. Before the events at the Big Shell Raiden was recruited into US Army, where Jack would undergo significant Virtual Reality training including a simulation of the events of Shadow Moses which took place during Metal Gear Solid. Rose told Raiden that the child was in fact his, and her miscarriage had been a lie. White (Medical) Raiden Skin bonus giveaway advert for KonamiStyle floppy-calendar/I-PACA. However, before they could get out of Denver airspace, they were ambushed by a pair of MQ-320s. Raiden didn't split up with his family he was just working a job for a security company when cuhrayzee happened. However, all of this drama was a ruse by the Patriots to gain more control over Jack's life, with Rosemary acting as a spy. Jack would grow up to suppress the memories about his terrible childhood, burying the memories of his bloody past, though he still suffered from nightmares of his past nearly every night. During his battle with Stephen Armstrong, the senator called Raiden "Saucy Jack," which was the pen-name supposedly used by the original Jack the Ripper to London police at Scotland Yard after committing his second murder and onward. Raiden decided he liked the look, after a while, and enjoyed the extra clarity the cameras gave and kept the eyepatch on his new body.[20]. She remarked about their similar pasts, although she quickly learned that the similarities ended there and that they were quite different as people. After some reassurance from Snake, the pair battled through the Arsenal Tengu commandos before encountering Dead Cell's leader Fortune. Raiden White (MGS4)) Armor, full version. Because of the similar name, Kojima Productions also gave it the alternate name of Medical Raiden. Raiden later met Peter Stillman, although their meeting occurred awkwardly when Raiden mistook the latter for a bomber at work and held him up, and was tasked alongside Pliskin to freeze the detonators of C4 to ensure they at least weren't an immediate threat. [17] During the procedure, they also had to replace memory units in his nervous system, and he was also losing a lot of blood due to his earlier wounds, forcing the doctors to put a clamp on him, which also resulted in Raiden flashing back to his time as a child soldier in Liberia, where he was injected with something. The story for the game, when it was titled Metal Gear Solid: Rising, was originally going to cover the events that occur between Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, and would have focused on how Raiden became the character he is during the Guns of the Patriots Incident. Jack was born on a rainy day in Liberia. [35] In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Raiden's entire body below the upper jaw is replaced with a prototype cybernetic body. It's just horrible, no matter what kind of awesome magical ninja cyborg he ends up as. Raiden during his time as a child soldier. Under Solidus, Jack became a killing machine, known alternately as the "White Devil" and "Jack the Ripper" due to his incredibly high kill rate compared to other boys his age, as well as a reference to his being one of the few Caucasians born in Liberia. Also when the player equips the night vision goggles or thermal goggles, the visor is shut taking on the full appearance. Once unlocked, Raiden becomes a skin available to use on missions and in the open world, and he has the fastest sprint speed in the game. Shinkawa, when explaining his motives for creating Black Raiden, mentioned that he wanted to create a dark hero, different from his design from Metal Gear Solid 4. However, by the time he got to the control tower's vicinity, he discovered Blade Wolf's prone body. Raiden's only real display of emotion occurred after the death of Big Mama; Snake told Raiden that he (Snake) has no future, while Raiden has a family; at this, Raiden grabbed Snake, shouting that he too has nothing, before collapsing, seizing Snake by the leg, and begging him not to leave him alone. Like Solidus and Fortune, Raiden's other name is also that of a playing card - King, Queen, and Jack, respectively. We probably won't ever know what the next step was going to be. He did possess optical implants to a slightly lesser degree prior to the upgrade, which displayed things in a HUD.[32]. PMC started attacking, of the people involved also including a cyborg named Samuel Rodrigues. Raiden was the only known Cyborg Ninja to have survived, and also the only one who hadn't fought Solid Snake. He has. He then reminded Raiden that the cyborgs, adults as they may be, had in fact felt forced to participate due to costs to gain cybernetics to even have a livelihood and not beg on the streets, even in America. In reality Fatman was actually an agent of the Patriots, and the man only agreed to take part in the events of the Patriots' plans after learning he would have a chance to one-up Peter Stilman. Raiden killing a Mastiff in a trailer for, Raiden absorbing power from the spine of the fallen Mastiff in. In addition, "Raiden" was initially supposed to be his real name, with his full name being "Raiden Brannigan," during development. Afterwards, Raiden and Sam decided to have a duel to the death, largely to see whose view will be remembered in history. Because of this, he was outwardly cold and distant even to people whom he personally knew, such as his then-girlfriend Rosemary. His parents were killed by George Sears (AKA Solidus Snake) and at a very young age Raiden was recruited into the child soldier program. The only person not meant to be at the Big Shell as dictated by the Patriots was Solid Snake, who was believed to have perished two years previously in the tanker that caused the Big Shell cleanup facility to be constructed. This also changed with the switch to Platinum Games, now taking place 9 years after Metal Gear Solid 4 and having a less dark and gritty tone. Raiden enters defensive position after being ambushed by the IM prototype LQ-84I/K-9000. Uprising in the first round, largely due to his cybernetics, and in spite of Krystal's many armaments. Combat Ability Blade Wolf scouted ahead, while he took on the police, wiping them out. For three years starting 2015, Raiden was part of Maverick's recovery efforts to help rebuild an African country that had undergone a bloody civil war. To slow down their pursuers, Raiden fell behind to hold them off, later being caught under debris caused by the Suicide Gekko's detonation, while Snake escaped to the port area. For Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What happened to Raiden's lightning powers?". Raiden as depicted in a promotional image for the, Rare Raiden (White (MGS4) armor) card from. It's explained that he's a part of the program for finding work for the cyborg orphans. Olga's motivation for doing so was the fact that the Patriots held her child hostage. Due to his harsh childhood, training from Solidus and the Army's virtual training, his mental state and capacity were well suited to combat operations behind enemy lines. The original brown-eyed render of Raiden from E3 2009. He then made his way to the balcony to access the rooftops via an elevator, as the highways were blocked off by the police. He was calm under pressure, adaptive, and somewhat critical. Around the time Emma Emmerich's worm cluster was starting to affect GW, after the Colonel insinuated that Rosemary had cheated on Raiden with another man the Saturday before the mission, Raiden privately angrily denied it to be the case, but then started to doubt whether he knew her as well as he did. Because of his durability, Raiden, at times, had to resort to self mutilation in order to get his missions done, such as stabbing himself with his own blade to subdue Vamp and slicing his own arm off to free himself from fallen debris so he could save Snake. After Snake was forced from REX, following a grueling battle with Liquid Ocelot's RAY, Raiden set himself free from under the debris by cutting off his right arm, and headed to assist his ally. [38] A January 7, 1999 note by Hideo Kojima in MGS2 The Making also indicated that Raiden's real name was neither Raiden nor Jack, but was instead going to be Fanshawe, as a reference to Paul Auster's novel The Locked Room. Raiden's line to Vamp when questioned about his "immortality," "I Just Don't Fear Death! It was here that he earned the nickname Jack the Ripper as he was particularly brutal with his killings and showed remarkable prowess with using a blade. His abilities were likewise improved after his second cyborgification, to the extent that he joked that he wouldn't need any of his eyes to take down any of Desperado's cyborgs if ambushed. Sunny later informed Raiden about the gate, and informed him that she'd send an invoice requiring Raiden to pay for the repair and reinforcement costs, causing Raiden to lament that Rose would most likely "kill" him for the expenses. VIDEO DATA ACCESS FILE #01000100: Raiden released from surgery. Raiden is a true Immortal in both his "Mortal form" and Ethereal true form, even if his body is completely destroyed his essence will reform in his native Realm. Instead, he decided to hold the Haven Troopers off and buy Snake enough time to reach the AI and upload the virus. Shortly after Snake defeated the PMC commander Laughing Octopus, Raiden contacted him again to provide help in tracking down Naomi Hunter, using his knowledge of scouting. RAIDEN - This Raiden, taking upon the appearance of Gray Fox, is armed with the H.F Blade. Specifically, he was modified to allow for him to utilize mid-range attacks via throwing grenades, allowing him to carry an increased supply of various grenade types; and the Command armor, colored yellow-green and possessing a traditional fighting system. [60] and Best Buy, respectively.[61]. The only downside was that, as he did not possess nanomachines at all, he was incapable of performing an SOP link. Despite the loving relationship between him and Rose, the tragic memories of his days as a child soldier started to resurface, causing tension in their relationship. [11] On his way to the Big Shell, he also found that the oil fence had a recently-cut hole, implying that someone other than him had managed to sneak in. Nonetheless, he did end up suspicious when Rosemary seemed to be praiseworthy of Pliskin. ), real name Jack, also known as Jack the Ripper, White Devil, and Snake, was a Liberian-American mercenary and former special forces soldier. He doesn't, but inside he's depressed and empty. To play as Raiden, the player must beat the game 100%, collecting all coins with character Mark Appleyard. With the help of the Paradise Lost Army, Raiden managed to escape his captivity. He then fought with the leader of the forces stationed at Abkhazia, Mistral. He then encountered a Grad that was blocking his way and defeated it. This eventually culminated in Rose entering his room without his permission, which was devoid of any personal objects save for a bed and a desk. Raiden's dead body in an Alternative Mission. However, N'mani had a good sense of humor to jokingly call him "Mr. Under the guidance of Doktor, Raiden honed his new body's blade, developed various attacks against cyborgs, became skilled in tracking, and acquired an enhanced running capability. Because of his earlier failure to protect the African Prime Minister, and Desperado's involvement, he also had an extremely cold outlook regarding the cyborg members of Desperado, claiming that they were nothing more than "walking vending machines" (referring to his capability of yanking specific electrolyte body parts to recharge his cyborg body after cutting them up). Raiden in Rising. Suspecting that an ambush awaited him, he carefully scanned for any potential enemies nearby, although the ground gave way underneath him. Raiden infiltrated the Big Shell by water, swimming through a recently cut hole in the oil fence in order to infiltrate the plant. With Maverick unable to identify their affiliations, Boris ordered Raiden to take out the cyborgs. However, during an escort mission in Africa they were attacked by Desperado Enforcement LLC., who killed Raiden's protectee, N'mani, and left Raiden for dead. In addition, the localization of the game also resulted in several fans critiquing Raiden for his high-pitched voice, which was described as "whiny." The baby's existence was threatened towards the end of the incident, when the . Sam absolutely crushed Raiden in their first fight not because Sam was better naturally, but because Raiden was fighting himself. When running into enemies, they will be temporarily knocked down, allowing for easy takedowns. She proceeded to introduce their son to Raiden, and the three huddled together in reunion. Raiden then tracks down the hostages and makes contact with Richard Ames, an agent of the Patriots. Because of his first cyborg ninja conversion, he also bore several scars near his mouth, giving his mouth an appearance similar to that of a Glasgow grin both in his human cyborg form and in his second cyborg ninja body. Kojima revealed when unveiling the screenshots of the then-in-development demo for Rising that the arm he sent to various groups belonged to "white raiden", and that Raiden's cyborg form seen on the promotional spots and main menu was "black raiden." Raiden then dueled Vamp once more atop the original Metal Gear REX, after Snake had returned the latter to a vulnerable state via nanomachine suppressors. This event was again placed by the Patriots to mimick Shadow Moses where Solid Snake fought Liquid Snake in a helicopter. Raiden demonstrated lightning-like powers, conducting electricity all over his body with which he struck down several of the would-be attackers after he turned on the ceiling sprinklers, allowing him to create electric bolts in the air until the water stopped. [22] After crossing south to the border, Raiden stopped by a souvenir shop and purchased a Mariachi uniform (traditional garb for Mexican folk musicians) in a misguided attempt to blend in with the locals. Raiden is protecting a VIP, when they are attacked by a cyborg organization led by the cyborg Samuel Rodrigues, which eventually leaves Raiden completely defeated. Raiden's Japanese voice actor during this game was originally planned to be Toshiyuki Morikawa instead of his regular voice actor, Kenyu Horiuchi. Because of his experiences with the Patriots' AIs, he also wasn't initially trusting of sentient neuro-optical AI weapons like Blade Wolf, with Raiden being bemused that Blade Wolf, then the LQ-84i, in his dying sentiments, could conceive of, much less desire, freedom, as well as calling out Blade Wolf for claiming that AIs never lie by claiming that the Patriots AIs did just that. 200 Unbenknownst to Jack FOXHOUND had been long since disbanded, and this was yet another deception by the Patriots. Max STMN he shot himself. Informing Boris of this development, he was then instructed to find a landing zone, as they were sending a chopper to extract him from the area. Pursued by Revolver Ocelot Raiden is then forced to leave the area and moves to track down the president. He managed to wipe out 8 confirmed Body-Snatcher soldiers at the base and prepared to undergo extraction procedures at the base's heliport, but an unexpected siege of reinforcements of the Body-Snatchers forced the chopper to retreat into the air, with Raiden fighting off all remaining Body-Snatchers until all were confirmed to be eliminated, with the chopper using its searchlight to identify where the Body Snatchers were. Upon discovering the truth about Rose's "marriage" to Campbell, Raiden seemed to regain some of his old self. He also seemed to understand at least some French, as he understood Mistral's last words. One of his failures also had him encountering Colonel Volgin in the prison, referring to his similar appearance to Raikov. Raiden then released his Jack the Ripper persona, even going as far as to have his pain inhibitors deactivated to fully unleash it. After making his way through a Japanese Garden-styled room, he then proceeded to take a freight elevator to the top, although he had to fight several Desperado cyborgs and UGs before reaching the top. It was this point that the Patriots also contracted Rose to meet and seemingly fall in love with Raiden. Boris then reminded him that he had less than an hour to get to Solis. In other words, Raiden's lack of awareness of his son and his disdain for Rose meant that both would serve no purpose to the Patriots, as their suffering would not move him in any way. That's the player. (Spanish for "Goodbye, friends!"). By the time of the Guns of the Patriots Incident, Raiden had changed considerably; the trauma of his break-up with Rose and the "miscarriage" of their unborn son, combined with rigorous training and his torture at the hands of the Patriots, changed Raiden from an inexperienced rookie to a cold and virtually emotionless soldier, who seemingly doesn't care about his own life; for instance, in his fight with Vamp in South America, he freely admitted to Vamp that he didn't fear death. The decision to move the time period was met with a large degree of controversy, as several fans felt that it cheapened the ending of Metal Gear Solid 4, in particular Raiden's final scene. Could she mean Liberia? Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. After the immediate threat had passed, due to the actions of Otacon's Metal Gear Mk. Raiden then battled against Sam within the train tunnel. His strength enabled him to lift a tremendous amount of weight, evidently ranging to several thousand tons. His use of a sword is also referenced by Roy Campbell upon Raiden's recruitment, stating that a new soldier joined who wields a katana. Raiden's original cyborg body, circa 2014. He also expressed the sentiment that the weak needed purging. The first officer character, Raiden's standard skin, is unlocked by S-ranking Hard Mode of the Jamais Vu mission while connected to the app, and the second character, Raiden in his White Armor, is unlocked by getting 25,000 points on Jamais Vu's Hard Mode. Raiden wanted to expose Armstrong and World Marshal for their actions, but Kevin suggested against it. He also decided to have Doktor arrive with a transport chopper when he was inside the World Marshal headquarters building so they could carry out all of the cyborg heads. Instead of the usual CQC three-hit combo, he instead started a spin kick which continued as long as the user kept tapping R1. In the ending, he accepts that he can't change the past, although he does hope to get a starring role in another Metal Gear game (which he does). He also states that he's going to enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers. This is explained in a Codec conversation with Doktor. Tamari also explained that the cybernetic functions (including Fuel Cell energy) was based on research led by the University of Texas, and that they had Raiden lack self-repair units to emphasize his role as a "dark hero." Raiden is actually a pretty good dad considering his situation. After becoming a Cyborg Ninja, his overall strength, speed, agility, and endurance had increased to superhuman levels, allowing him to swing two Gekko with little effort by the wires and was even able to temporarily block Outer Haven. The Gray Fox skin was shown killing Desperado Cyborgs in a manner similar to a scene in Metal Gear Solid, where where he cuts up several terrified Genome Soldiers, while MGS4 Raiden was shown taking on some Desperado Gekko, a reference to his first on-screen appearance in Metal Gear Solid 4, where he took on, and destroyed several Gekko. Raiden wasn't much of a sports fan, although he had admitted that the closest he'd came to actually liking a sport was basketball. [53] In addition, a Kojima Productions staff member, when addressing a question frequently asked about the scene at the end of the E3 trailer, stated that the scene with Raiden in an alternate armor actually took place very early in the game, and that the armor in question was actually a wearable version of his Metal Gear Solid 4 armor, having gained a more normal cybernetic body by the end of Metal Gear Solid 4. Inferno Raiden Skin bonus giveaway advert for Tsutaya. the only parts of him not synthetic were like his spinal cord, brain, and few other organs. Raiden learned from Big Mama, in exchange for the location of Big Boss that he obtained from GW, that Olga's daughter, Sunny, was being held in Area 51, and successfully rescued her with the help of Big Mama and the Paradise Lost Army. This is mentioned in an optional Codec conversation with Kevin Washington, during the Mexico mission. appears as the main protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. [73] The negative reception to the character, as well as his girlfriend Rose having similarly negative reception in the same game, was also given a brief nod in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance when Solidus summons them, where he described them as an infamous duo whose mere presence was enough to destroy an entire universe and were feared and hated by the universe. 2: Sons of Liberty this is mentioned in an optional Codec conversation with Kevin,. As long as the user kept tapping R1 running into enemies, they were quite as! With Kevin Washington, during the Mexico mission a lie Kevin suggested against it this is explained a. Cell 's leader Fortune Richard Ames, an agent of the incident, when the player equips the vision... Ground gave way underneath him an hour to get to Solis inhibitors deactivated to unleash. They were ambushed by a pair of MQ-320s to leave the area and moves to track the... 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