mike parsons ministry

Your first 2 weeks free. the ability to engage and re-engage those encounters at will, and to mature in Here again we see that Stone which was cut out without hands in Daniel 2. (From the Introduction to The Restoration of All Things, by Mike Parsons). (except Kindle version, only available from the Amazon Kindle store). My encounters took me deeper into the Fathers loving heart, unveiling and revealing His Oracles for creations restoration. He would rather we learn to be an expression of love in every situation than get caught up in performance of any sort. And His limitless grace and triumphant mercy ensure that we will all know his love unconditionally, one way or another, however long it takes. The ebook offers a considerable saving and costs just 10 (around $12 USD). He is not what religion taught me He was; He is not what I was conditioned to believe by church; Hes so much better than that. His love never fails, never gives up and can never be escaped because it is filled with age-enduring grace and mercy. And yet most of those things are what we habitually teach: repentance, faith, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection and judgment. It always gets us in a mess. All 29 sessions are now available completely free of charge. (Gal 2:20 JUB). Free to watchon this blog: this YouTube video of the first session ofExpanding our Reality, our finalSons Arise! The me I am at the moment, I know, is not the me that I will eventually be. The world doesnt exactly seem to be in the throes of rest. He continually enables us to walk in our destiny: and it is more about who we are than what we do. I really wanted to know what was happening. So the Old Covenant was immature, and the New Covenant will bring us to maturity, but only if we dont lay another Old Covenant foundation. Partner with us in taking the message of Gods unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy to all His children. If God accepted their sacrifices and offerings, and if He accepts ours, it is only because He accepts us! For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. That is really the nature of what God has done: He has made us innocent. That covenant is unchallengeable because Jesus cannot fail: His blood is eternal. The verdict of the judge, in light of the victory of Jesus through the cross, is that all mankind is innocent, not guilty, justified and righteous. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will (Ephesians 1:4-5). Probably all of us have been involved in some religious system or other and those systems tend to require performance or adherence to a set of behavioural norms so that we will be accepted. Get the recordings of all six 2018 'Sons Arise!' Man was created and the animals were created, but the earth is not just 7000 years old either. Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in the same way. (John 5:19). I have some very exciting news that I want to share with you. And He is unconditional love. He chose to say, Not My will, but Yours be done even when His flesh, His soul, looked into what it was going to have to carry. We rule in light, rule in love, rule in righteous power. event of 2018. Governor Parson is a veteran who served six years in the U.S. Army. Some things are more obviously negative: self-gratification, self-indulgence. And when we have been face to face with Him, then we can begin to realise how blamelessly innocent we are. So holiness, righteousness, judgment and justice do not contradict unconditional love: Holiness expresses it Terms and conditions apply. "I got broken metacarpals, I got torn labrums and abductors and surgeries." "I got broken metacarpals, I got torn labrums . Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. Governor Parson has a passion for sports, agriculture, Christ, and people. From time to time I would like to receive information about events and other resources from Freedom Apostolic Ministries. This Freedom ARC blog You should do this, you should do that. When those norms are projected onto God, as they often are, it leads us to believe that God requires certain things of us, which contradicts the truth of His unconditional love. Dates, times, everything seemed so very plausible. 21,017 views Aug 18, 2019 551 Dislike Share Save EKKLESIA with Anna Wingate 7.15K subscribers NW Ekklesia is a family of believers who claim Jesus Christ as our Lord. Call forth our spirit. We do not have to do anything, it is completely free and unconditional. Available wherever books are sold. Now this is not true of every single prophecy, but it is true of some. Enveloped with the frequency of His love (with crystal bowl) There are three tiers: All tiers will be able to join a monthly live Zoom gathering, where I will share, lead activations and be open for Q&A. Or you can use the blue button tocontact usabout makinga one-time gift. This event is now finished. Whether you have had such 'Engaging God' is an Psalm 23 Green Pastures activation (from 268. For most people, things are just as bad as they were in the sixth millennium. Get 2 weeks free then pay just 12GBP per month(around $17 USD but dollar amount varies slightly each month as the exchange rate changes). [All of these types and shadows were concluded and fulfilled in Christ, their living substance. I really, really am looking forward to engaging with you and looking forward to everything that Gods doing in these days. We and all mankind are included in it. Some of them are even free! OurPatreon patronsgive a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. But God said, Will you just trust Me? Click on any link below to access an activation (video, as seen on YouTube). You have to think about somebody else. Life is to be enjoyed and that enjoyment comes from relaxing and knowing the Fathers heart, and just being. Those subjects are part of most churches foundation courses (they were certainly the basis of ours). It became almost formulaic, and that is not how God intends our lives to be. If we have a relational perspective rather than a performance perspective, we will not end up feeling like we are a slave to our destiny: I have to fulfil it, or else. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. We can have no self-righteousness. You can order it from The Book Depository(with free delivery worldwide), Barnes & Noble (USA), Waterstones (UK), local and online booksellers and some local Amazon sites. interactive modular subscription programme developed by Mike Parsons. 7 Spirits of God It is not about what we did or didnt do, or what we did wrong. Also by saying, I am commissioned to fulfil your will, he announces the final closure of the first in order to introduce the second. (From the Introduction to The Restoration of All Things, by Mike Parsons). This may encourage them to stock it (and maybe even discount it). The following activations are taken from the Engaging God programme, Notice that I do not say that our love should be unconditional. Hours, every day, training my spirit to discern the words of God, to flow, and to build up my spiritual senses. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. The kingdom has foundations of righteousness, and justice, and it is Gods people who are eventually going to judge angels, and fallen angels. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, March 2nd 2023 at 4:00 PM at the same location. Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 6pm UK time. How could it equal anything but 2? There will be no end of the increase of His government. I dont buy into that anymore. Terms and conditionsapply. Families have been or are in the process of being notified. In the end, I stopped asking what are we going to do? because I started to enjoy being, and being in His presence, without the agenda. Patreon will then continue to collect your pledge each calendar month on (or as close as possible to) the same date until you cancel in your Patreon account. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, March 1st 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Salem Funeral and Cremation Services - Reynolda Rd (2951 Reynolda Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106). The true reality of who They (Father, Son and Spirit) truly are emerged from the rubble that was my deconstructed mind into the glorious light of revelation. Gods love has no limits: if you put a condition on it, then you have limited it. Company number 10359676. VAT registration number GB297839624. (Proverbs 3:5). Even after Jesus returns, and we go into the age to come, the kingdom will go on increasing. Company number 10359676. Mobile court of accusation There will be five or more new videos each month where Im sharing and talking about some hot topics and answering questions: these will also be available to all three tiers, and theres no limit to the number of people in the first tier. Get 2 weeks free then pay just 12 GBP per month (around $17 USD but dollar amount varies slightly each month as the exchange rate changes). But as I mentioned earlier, the whole Old Covenant system of sacrifices and offerings associated with the Law, which was instituted by Moses, was never Gods idea. That makes sense to us. I was stirred by the adventures of Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit as it was read to us in junior school and later as I explored the world of Middle-earth in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. OurPatreon patrons give a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. I believe we are on a journey to discover just how creative we are: we know that we are co-heirs but how much do we know that we are co-creators and what that creative ability will be? You only know what you know, but the more you spend time with Father, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, then what you know changes. What was predestined was relationship. We know He dwells in us individually, but this passage is saying that He dwells in us corporately. Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? The second tier will be limited to 30 people only. Introducing 'Engaging God'. Years ago I was very systematic in how I approached (and taught) things because that is the way I am wired. This Freedom ARC blog The list price is 24.95 in the UK and $32.95 in the USA. Mike has in recent times been the Commissioning Editor for BRF, and before that taught Systematic Theology in Murdoch University and Vose . We need instead to get revelationof what scripture is really saying. If I focus on how much transformation is still needed, that can put pressure on me, because I am not there yet. Do you want to go deeper? The soul must submit to the spirit, but it will not do so willingly. In addition to the teaching sessions, there will also be time set aside for us to encounter the Father for ourselves. In My Journey Beyond Beyond Mike shares about the restoration of a Father and son relationship, hearing the voice of God, seeing and travelling in the spirit; he explains how he began exploring supernatural dimensions to access the heavenlies, engaging with the angelic realms and legislating in the courts and assemblies of heaven. He served more than 22 years in law enforcement as the sheriff of Polk County. That is the nature of that love: there is nothing we can do or anyone or anything else can do that can separate us from the love of God. The Commission voted on February 22, 2023, and Dr. Boggs has accepted the position. Many people obviously accept that God is love because the Bible says so, but there is always a but. That is the key for us, living in a state of being which is not functioning in an old system of works and therefore not being deceived into having to work for Gods favour and blessing; receiving it as His children through grace and mercy, not by works. So, who is Mike Parsons? And in Hebrew context, 11 is actually a much more likely answer than 2. But that word may also have further meanings, and they can be equally true, and equally valid. You can still join us and interact with hundreds ofother hungry seekers ofthe Kingdom, from all around the world! We include full instructions for importing the file to Kindle and other e-reader devices and apps when you purchase the ebook. Conferences and Intensives 2018, Intimacy with the Father/Dancefloor/Mountain rule, Releasing the Fire of God for Transformation, Being invested as a lord living in dual realms, Engaging at the Arc the names of God identity and destiny (with crystal bowl), Enveloped with the frequency of His love (with crystal bowl), Living in dual realms receiving revelation in this realm sensing connection. Or, do not be pressed into a religious or political mould, shaped or formed by the political and religious systems you live under, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We cannot renew our own minds, however hard we try. Releasing the Fire of God for Transformation The encounters, like explosions of truth, destroyed my religiously framed construct to reveal a God who is I AM that I AM: pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. When I first saw the movie The Matrix I discovered that the false and fabricated reality of religion had been pulled over my eyes. You should be doing this, you shouldnt be doing that The Father is the one who is going to direct me every day, and He does not give me specific directions very often, other than Hey, lets walk together or Let me show you something.. 2020 Read more. Online, particularly, some people twist what you say; and even if you go back to them with I didnt say that, and I didnt mean that, they carry on insisting you did, no matter what. There will probably need to be three volumes to cover the vastness and extent of my journey but lets begin. Although He told me what the nature of that fire was, I really did not believe it until I went there again and He showed me not only what was going on there, but also what I could do about it which then totally changed my whole understanding. Lindy Strong guest speaker Potential Maximising Consultant. All this was of Gods design, in order hopefully to inspire others that nothing is impossible with a God who often chooses the foolish things of this world. Includes many exercises for practice. Meghan Parsons Marketing + Design. For me it is about not functioning under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and therefore not functioning in works. So to know our true identity as sons of God, which is who we are, it is imperative that we know unconditional love by personal, intimate experience and not just in an intellectual way. If I am, then again I am operating in an old covenant mindset. Make sure we give God first place, first love, first priority. Jesus warned his disciples of the religious and political spirit that would be like leaven, yet my experience, through the churches and movements in which I have been involved, is that our understanding of the New Covenant has invariably been tainted with Old Covenant concepts. Here is the amazon.com link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1789630088/. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. The reason that this truth has been attacked and twisted in many different ways is because it is so important that we understand and experience it, because when we experience that unconditional love, it brings freedom. He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together. Our Patreon patrons give a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. The Eschatology of the Restoration of All Things was published on Thursday 1st September 2022. The further and deeper this rabbit hole journey has gone, the more convinced I am of Gods desire and passion for the restoration of all things of creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesall things have been created through Him and for Him. (Hebrews 10:5-6, 8-9). That may not be easy to accept, because of the way we have been conditioned to think about love and about God. After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished (John 19:28). and I will grant you free access Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). Rev Dr Mike Parsons. By Personal Encounter and Experience. This is not about there being a long period of evolution: I do not believe in evolution. That is very straightforward for us to understand. The Restoration of All Things, the new book from Mike Parsons, is out now. Deeper into intimacy with God, deeper into God Himself, deeper into the Truth (Jesus), deeper into revelation? A supernaturally dimensional reality where there is fire and there seem to be a whole lot of people who are unhappy there what else was I supposed to think? Then I encourage you to hand all those things over to Him so that youre no longer holding onto your beliefs or any other thing which is contradictory to the reality that God loves you unconditionally. Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 7pm UK time. Come to God and ask Him to build our spirit. Mike and his guests presented The Restoration of All Things 3online event from 17-20 June 2021. So we live in every day being a new day (so for me, we live in the eighth day, not the seventh). Satan offered them the opportunity to gain knowledge without God. For a lot of people, they are wanting to give because the Bible says so or they are conditioned to believe they should, when they have never really focused on receiving, and being, and experiencing, and knowing the unconditional love the Father has for them. that there is a demand for the book. Every church I have ever been in has always focused on sin. Company number 10359676. I have engaged with the heart of God, discovering who I am and discovering that state of being at rest, that state of consciousness which is an awareness of the heart of God. He is the fulfilment of every promise and covenant: everything is fulfilled in him. His resurrection bears testimony to the judgment that he faced on humanitys behalf and the freedom from an obstructive consciousness of sin that he now proclaims.] God intends us to be spirit, soul and body, in that order. Righteousness reveals it Engaging The Father) Thank you! Click here to find it on your local Amazon site. Home; About us; Categories. When we have that relationship then that state of being releases a flow of everything we do. We are walking with God, not going ahead of Him nor getting behind Him; not going left or right, not running, but just walking closely with Him in intimate relationship. The desires of the flesh are not good, and we have to accept that. Trying to please God, trying to be obedient, trying to love other people and trying to do the things God wants us to do: we get worn out trying. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesall things have been created through Him and for Him. I am really excited that more people are joining us on this amazing journey of discovering our sonship: who we are as sons of God, in relationship with Him, both the relational aspect and the governmental. Today, Governor Parson announced that he has selected Evan Rodriguez, 28, to serve as General Counsel for the Office of the Governor effective March 1, 2023. Do shop around (and check shipping costs)! There is nothing good that comes from independence. Sons Of Issachar is edited and maintained by Jeremy Westcott on behalf of After a while He simply would not give me any information about that: He stopped me from doing, in order to teach me to be. If the government rests on Jesus shoulders, who are the shoulders? I think it is much more about our alignment with the heart of God in who we are as creative beings. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. We are who He says we are, so His love enables us to be face to face with Him without fear (because perfect love casts out fear). Terms andconditions apply. This is a book for the Joshua Generation, not only to read but also to pass on to others to introduce them to the concept of operating in the realms of heaven as sons and heirs together with Jesus. Mike Parsons will be teaching new material and addressing the subject in ways we have never heard before. I want to subscribe to Engaging God! But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (John 14:26). Governor Parson and First Lady Teresa live in Bolivar. And to get there, youve got to do this and youve got to do that, otherwise it wont happen. 17 talking about this. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that He will come to have first place in everything. Many people have had involuntary or ecstatic It is the teaching that prevailed in the town I grew up in, as I have written about previously. experiences yourself or not, through this programme you will learn to develop . We can live loved: that does not mean live trying to be loved, or trying to earn love, or to deserve love, or to be good enough for love. Choose to watch or just listen: videos, audios, PDF slides and printer-friendly text PDFs are included and its absolutely FREE to stream or download. And because He is an eternal being, that means He will never stop, so God and love will never fail. Mar 2006 - Present17 years 1 month. When we are born again and our spirit comes alive, that has to change. Every day, Jesus saw what the Father was doing and cooperated with it. Then join us from March 8th to 10th, either in person or via the livestream, for Engaging The Father, the first of our Sons Arise! My Journey Beyond Beyond is available from all good online booksellers and high street bookstores worldwide. Or do we feel less than because we struggle with the concept of unconditional love? Thank you! That is why the Law was ineffective. That state of being, immersed in that unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy, is an expanded state of consciousness, an awareness that forms the foundation of everything we think, feel and do. So just take a moment to reflect and ask the Father: is there anything in your programming that hindering you from receiving and experiencing unconditional love as He really wants you to experience it? In my previous book, My Journey Beyond Beyond, I shared my life story on the quest for true reality in my relationship with God as my Father. We are never going to meet some magical mark of perfect performance. If I just enjoy being where I am and continue the journey, it will take me to where I will be. It is not as if we have crossed over into this millennium and now everything is at rest. And His mercy is triumphant, which means no matter what obstacle or hindrance might get in the way of us experiencing unconditional love, His mercy has already triumphed over it! [Engaging God] will guide people along the journey following the pathway of relationship, to deeper levels of intimacy manifesting the kingdom through their lives. But it didnt happen. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. Mans destiny has always been to rule, to bring heaven to earth (Gen 1:28). I often went on adventures, sometimes with my friends but mostly on my own, and would come back with some treasure usually a creature that I had captured to be added to my personal zoo. Published on Mar 10, 2017. The cross was an amazing love transaction that dealt with the legal consequences of mankinds lost identity. It starts with a desire, it takes discipline, and then it becomes a delight. 3. 5. Prodigal Son activation (from 267. Become a Patreon patron! Do shop around (and check shipping costs)! I discovered the answer to this is yes and no. We do it all the time, most of us unintentionally! I look forward to every day because there is more to experience, more to explore, more to just rest in and to just be. So that religious deception alters and denigrates Gods character and makes love able and willing to punish us not to discipline or correct us, but to bring retribution upon us. (John 15:5). Mr. Rodriguez joined the Governor's Office as Deputy General Counsel in April 2021. It releases us to be ourselves and it stops us from believing we have to perform to earn it or deserve it. Mike Parsons Speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme and presenter of Mystic Mentoring on YouTube. Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God A phrase that I quote very often (because the Father said this to me so many times) is Live loved, love living and live loving. He said it as an encouragement and a motivation that this is simply how we can live. Courts of Heaven He is unconditional love, He is limitless grace and He is triumphant mercy: put all those three together and they make a totally solid foundation on which to build our lives, to grow and mature. Find the obituary of David Michael "Mike" Pennell (1951 - 2023) from Taylorsville, NC. He is raising up a Joshua generation who will press into their own inheritance, and lead the following generation into receiving theirs too. Free bite-size teaching from Mike Parsons. And then everything flows from being. I went through a time in my personal times with God in which I was engaging Him in the garden of my heart, but I was in complete pitch-black darkness. He sets the agenda of what He wants to deal with when He wants to deal with it and I just have to agree with Him and cooperate with Him. Our self-paced monthly subscription program for the Joshua Generation. This journey, full of surprising revelations and experiences, unveiled further dimensions and depths beyond beyond once again. Follow us on YouTube | WordPress blog | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter. That destiny was buried deep within my soul, hidden, but creating that splinter within my mind which sought to break free of the limitations of my mundane existence. If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them that there is a demand for the book. Now I would say that it is far more important to have that union with the Father in which He reveals His heart for us. It is not going to be another group of people, it is going to be Gods people, His saints, the church, who will possess that kingdom and be involved in continuing to expand it. He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. If love is limited, it is not love. Over 6 hours of video recordings. You make your first payment when you sign up. and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them. (John 17:10). Your spirit grows stronger through exercise; spiritual exercises train and equip your spirit to connect with God, to flow in revelation, and to rule in your life. He shares His heart and inspires and encourages us. Every day is a new day, a new beginning. Partner with us in taking the message of Gods unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy to all His children. It is hard to love unconditionally if you have never really experienced unconditional love yourself. Spirit) and the realms of heaven in visions. 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