iranian culture family values and beliefs in healthcare

After recruitment of the sample, interview times were chosen based on the participants preferences. Seven major themes emerged: respect for dignity, professional integrity, professional commitment, developing human relationships, justice, honesty, and promoting individuals and the nursing profession. The healthcare and medical sector's market value in Iran was almost US$24 billion in 2002 and is forecast to rise to US$96 billion in 2017. Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. Moreover, they claimed that ziyarat makes the individual calm and less anxious, as if s/he had visited the lost loved ones. At the same time Iranians will try to bring the outdoors inside whenever possible. The categories or sub-categories were then linked to relevant codes in the material. A unified, searchable interface answering your questions on the world's cultures and religions. The two additional themes spiritual coping and existential coping will be presented in another article. perceived severity. Ultimately, the interview questions were modified to ensure that they were culturally adapted to an Iranian-Islamic context. Iranians can often recount the countrys legacy and heritage in great detail. Angela Sanchez. "Cultural family values" emerged as a facilitator for child marriage. Generally, young adults hide the existence of their girlfriend or boyfriend from their parents (especially the father) until they have ascertained that their relationship will lead to marriage. They were conducted face-to-face and in Persian; all interviews were audio-recorded and then transcribed verbatim. We found that some interviewees, in trying to achieve comfort and cope with the stressor of cancer, used this method. Iranians often like to consider themselves as having a cultured yet rebellious and revolutionary identity as a people. Those families that have connections with the government are sometimes afforded latitude to deviate from strict rules, or they may receive more lenient consequences for their actions. One contributing factor may be that women in Iran are often confined to the home, leading to isolation and poor domestic conditions. This high rate of cesarean requires careful consideration. Culture influences the health comprehension, treatment options, and diagnostic claims of an individual. Religious actions are integrated parts of the everyday life of people in Muslim countries, including Iran. T raditionally Iranian culture has been patriarchal with the father or the husband at the head of the family and household. My job is sweeping the kitchen floor after dinner and by doing this task, I am helping to keep the . This system of theocratic governance remains in place today. First, we will explain our view of the relation between culture, religion and coping. 1.1 Taking responsibility People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals take responsibility for ensuring that person-centred care is not compromised by personal values or beliefs. The primary beverage is black tea. While it borders seven different countries, the Iranian people do not seem to affiliate themselves with the Arab world; nor do they share much commonality with those in South/Central Asia. The researcher visited or phoned potential patients, survivors, and those who were kept in hospice to invite them to voluntarily participate in the project, and to make an appointment for an interview at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization. (53-year-old female), Hand in hand with God, we walked together on this path. Across most households, elders are deeply respected and cared for. I remembered we had learned during the religious lessons at school that the first chapter of the Quran that was sent to the Prophet was Recite. Then Recite became the core of my meditations and illustrations. This cultural content is crucial in constructing individuals identities and ethical/moral worldview, which in its turn serves as an orienting system when navigating social relationships. He gave me my life and He can take it back. Conflict related to cultural beliefs within healthcare commonly arises during times of significant life change. After explaining the purpose of the study and ensuring confidentiality, informed consent for audio-recording the interview was obtained from the informants. The participants were recruited through a number of cancer treatment and rehabilitation centres in Tehran. The researchers have a continued commitment to the research areas. In the first pattern, religious actions are rooted in religious beliefs. We use cookies to improve your website experience. One interviewee, a 53-year-old woman, explained: I thought maybe I had committed sins and that this was Gods way of punishing me. Mexicans are very The interests of the family can supersede the needs of a single individual. We found two patterns. All these things calm me down and give me strength. Because Iran is largely a desert, however, the ideal open space is a culturally constructed spacea garden. We found two patterns in our interviews. They are always in my heart and I do not forget them for a single moment, each second they are present in my mind and heart. Those who are employed usually do desktop-based office work and also rarely get the same management opportunities. As mentioned before, sacred here is not defined in a religious context, but an inwardly sanctification context. Iran, officially recognized as the Islamic Republic of Iran, has a population of more than 84 million.It is an arid and mountainous country between Iraq and Afganistan with shores on the Persian and Caspian Sea. We observed the use of a coping method by some informants that can be categorised as Benevolent Religious Reappraisal. In order to provide sensitive and culturally appropriate care, nurses should be aware of the general impact of cultural norms and values on the process of maternal role attainment and strive to meet the cultural needs of all mothers. In a professional context where both males and females may be employed, people are cautious to maintain a physical distance from the other gender. Health (2 days ago) WebThe Mexicans truly believe that unity is strength. Almost all Iranian schools are segregated. It is a common belief that these actions are good actions that satisfy God and pursue Him to help them. Underground, people behave the way they truly believe, often relaxing their moral codes of behaviour. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Religion, culture and illness: a sociological study on religious coping in Iran, Department of Social Work and Psychology, University of Gvle, Gvle, Sweden, Department of Psychology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Department of Counseling Psychology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran, Department of Nursing, Khoy Medical Sciences Faculty, Urmia Medical Sciences University, Khoy, Iran, Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Department of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, Swedish Agency for Work Environment Knowledge, Gvle, Sweden, Initial development of the Iranian Religious Coping Scale, Non-Hajj pilgrimage in Islam: A neglected dimension of religious circulation, A contrastive study of Arabic and Persian formulas against the evil eye used by women, Does being religious help or hinder coping with chronic illness? However, as men dominate the public sphere and hold more decision-making power, womens authority is mostly limited to the domestic space. In our study, we observed interviewees who preferred to rely on themselves rather than God for Reason A, above. In Iran, people generally feel able to relax their moral codes of behaviour and reveal the private side of their life when surrounded by people from their inner circle. Family beliefs define what you think is essential and what is good. The dynamics of relationships are significantly shaped by the reality of which activities Iranians feel safe doing in public. Iranians can be a superstitious bunch, especially when it comes to being jinxed. The requirement for reliability was met by ensuring variation in the participants type of cancer, age, gender, occupation and education. Get a downloadable, printable version that you can read later. All leaders are expected to have a high level of academic achievement or theological education. By establishing a relationship with another entity than her-/himself, the patient tries to gain comfort and control. Iranian culture remains relatively class conscious. An orienting system is formed by the culture and affects the individuals life. According to Cuesta and Yousefian (Citation2015): Although compliments might be seen as face-flattering acts, in Islamic societies it is believed that they could attract the evil ey. Essential to our study is, thus, not the study of coping only from a psychological perceptive but mainly the role of culture in the present study; we define culture as a system of beliefs, traditions, customs, art, history, folklore, institutions, norm and values and how they are expressed a system that is shared by members of a society, community or group. Most Iranian expats living in Australia are likely to have a more progressive understanding of womens rights as many arrive fleeing the harsh policies of the Iranian government. Values are deeply embedded and critical for transmitting and teaching a culture's beliefs. Values are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Today, the conservative interpretations of Islam have become a major social force and dictate much of what Iranians can and cannot do. Some reports show that 26.5 percent of Iranian women and 20.8 percent of Iranian men have mental-health difficulties. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. These fundamental beliefs vary from household to household and society to society-and even from time to time throughout history. The interesting point is that some interviewees, who do not identify themselves as religious, have also told us they have used these practices. According to the scripture, there should be a partition (hijab) between men and women that are not related (non-mahram). Islam is practiced by the majority of Iranians and governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives. Much of the population seeks a return to a more liberal society; older generations can often remember the time when public life was more easy-going and younger generations, exposed to alternative ideas through the internet and overseas education, yearn for a lifting of restrictions on individual behaviour. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. We all have cultural values. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. whether for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons. Iran recognises Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian religious minorities, among others. Im not in charge, but only God. Iran is an Islamic republic, both officially and in practice. Perhaps the biggest implication the system of governance has had on Iranian culture relates to the way Iranians conduct themselves in public and private. Health beliefs: In some cultures, people believe that talking about a possible poor health outcome will cause that outcome to occur. 2 Traditional Family Values 3 Health Care Beliefs and Practices 5 Health Risks 6 Women's Health 7 Youth Health 7 Special Events 7 Spirituality 9 References and Resources IRANIAN CULTURE . Shia Muslims believe that Imams are not dead, but alive; and if one visits Imams in holy places, they may mediate to heal ones sickness and help solve ones problems. Nevertheless, the results of several studies (Ahmadi, Citation2006, Citation2015; Ahmadi, Park, Kim, & Ahmadi Citation2017; Ahmadi & Ahmadi, Citation2018) reveal the occurrence of other coping strategies that can hardly be regarded as religious or spiritual, for instance, strategies connected to nature. Relevance to clinical practice For more information (Freud & Breuer, Citation1895). Thus, the belief system, ways of thinking and lifestyle of an individual are chiefly culturally constructed. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? The cultural interpretation of the religion has been traditionally open-minded, making allowances for liberal behaviour and improvements in womens rights. Traditions, cultural values, attitudes and behaviors help in children's rearing in the society and relays the family structure from generation to generation [ 7 ]. According to Nation Master, females made up over 60% of the overall Iranian student body in 2012. Thus, we can argue that the reason individuals turn to religion in times of crisis is that religion is more accessible in their sociocultural context than are other resources. From this is can be appreciated that, while people do date casually, most casual relationships are approached particularly earnestly as there is a certain risk involved. Iranian culture has influenced cultures and peoples in different parts of the world including Europe, East Asia, and South Asia. A unified, searchable interface answering your questions on the world's cultures and religions. Montazeri et al. Twenty-seven participants with various kinds of cancer were interviewed. A 75-year-old woman told us: When the doctor said I had cancer, my children were extremely worried but I tried to comfort them to not be worried and said they should trust in God. This means women commonly get passed over for jobs, earn less and receive lower allowances as it is expected that their male family member will support them. The transcriptions were then coded, categorised, and thematised using a thematic analysis method. A health belief system has four key components: perceived susceptibility. Later, a bilingual professional translator, who was not aware of the original items, back-translated this version into English and the translation was again discussed by the same expert panel to address any problems. The Imam is the guarantor of this process. In many studies in the field of coping, the terms religious and spiritual have been used to address coping methods that are essentially based on existential issues. For example, the younger Iranian generation generally do not feel the need to stringently apply the honour code and will often hide certain shameful actions they consider reasonable from the older generations, who might be deeply offended by such behaviours. The results of the Pearson's correlation coefficient test indicated that there was no significant relationship between professional values and age (r = 0.03, p = 0.47), while there was a significant relationship between professional values and the GPA (r = 0.29, p = 0.003).This revealed that the students with higher GPA had higher scores in professional values. This work was supported by Hgskolan i Gvle: [Grant Number 7350]. It has had a Muslim majority population for centuries and so the culture is deeply characterised by its strong Islamic influence. When healthcare professionals encounter a more acculturated Hmong family in the U.S., they will likely see more balance of power between mother and father. The government also provides donors with free health insurance, and the patients sometimes give an additional donation to donors. Registered in England & Wales No. I told the nurse to bring me a Quran. The notion that illness is a test imposed on us by God is an old one. Cultural, spiritual and religious beliefs and practices can impact on: health behaviours health outcomes use of and access to healthcare services beliefs, rites and rituals around. Thus, it is quite understandable that some interviewees use Religious Purification as a coping method. Spiritual Connection means experiencing a sense of connectedness with forces that transcend the individual as a coping method to gain comfort. The interviews occurred in a private room at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization; there were no interruptions. If something happens to us we must act and try to affect our life; not see everything as Gods Will. I should make myself a better person. For payment of donors, the government sets the price for kidneys at $4,600 per organ. The Middle East consists of . Relation of existential meaning-making domains. The coding based on the themes found in the study used a template analysis style, a theory-driven analysis (Malterud, Citation2014), while categorisation of the themes was based on the results obtained in other studies in the project (Ahmadi, Citation2006, Citation2015; Ahmadi & Ahmadi, Citation2018; Ahmadi et al., Citation2017; Ahmadi, Ahmadi, Erbil, & Cetrez Citation2016). Here the concept of savab (reward) comes into the picture. Deborah A. Boyle, RN, MSN. Examples include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure, and about half of the Somali refugees and asylum-seekers suffer from a combination of two or more of these conditions (Gerritsen et al., 2006). Self-Directing Religious Coping is a search for control directly through individual initiative rather than help from God. In public, people behave in the way that will benefit them (i.e. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. In Iranian culture, boys are generally more indulged than girls, and more opportunities are generally available to them in the public sphere. In this respect, two interviewees understood their collaboration with God as follows: I dont believe in predestination. It is uncommon for people to overtly express themselves or publicly identify with unconventional subcultures or hobbies. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To explore specific cultural and religious beliefs and values concerning death and dying, truth telling . (PERSIAN CULTURE) Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia. Dec 15, 2012. Significant class differences were exacerbated through periods of recent economic hardship and instability. 5 Here we refer to the real believers and not to the majority of Iranians who according to the law are regarded as Shiites. The Persians were only one of these tribes who settled in the territory of Persis (also Parsa, modern-day Fars) which would give them their name. . I know that Ive done a lot of wicked things in my life. Healthcare in Iran is based on three pillars: the public-governmental system, the private sector, and NGOs. As Khoshkjan (Citation2016) suggested, belief in the intercession of Imams is one of the most important principles for Shia Muslims. It is a kind of charity, helping people in need. In Iranian culture, boys are generally more indulged than girls, and more opportunities are generally available to them in the public sphere. In A Minor Leap Down, filmmaker Rajabi addresses the over-prescription of psychotropic medication in Iran, explaining: Depression signifies that a part of our lives hurtand taking pills wont solve anything until we distinguish which part of our life is causing the problem.. Collaborative religious coping refers to a search for control through a partnership with God. When an elder family members husband or wife dies, they will usually move into the house of one of their children. Iran's unique history and geography translates to a diverse mix of cultural influences on the Persian cuisine. Indeed, general society embraces science and development, and there seems to be a cultural consensus that Islamic principles do not necessarily contradict technological and scientific progress. These relationships can provide support, guidance, employment opportunities or help navigating bureaucracies. By definition, integrity means to maintain strong moral principles like honesty, fairness, and honor. Role of Father: In traditional families, the father is the head of the household. Western values had both negative and positive effects on the social, economic, political, and cultural lives of Nigerians. Visiting pilgrims is for me like praying. Family Solidarity - Intergenerational solidarity refers to the degree of closeness and support between different generations. Individuals then keep any information surrounding troubles within the family circle away from public knowledge. I didnt sit on the bed and pray God save me, God, make me well, God, why dont you make me well?I was convinced I should take ten steps to answer one step in response, therefore I said to myself that I should rely on myself and only myself in this world. Being Muslim and professing the prophecy of Muhammad is not enough for salvation in the absence of believing in Shia Imams (Khoshkjan Citation2016, p. 3). Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? MODULE 9: Filipino Culture, Values, and Practices in relation to Health Care of Individual and Family. So I accepted it and was happy with it. References (10) An Examination of the Folk Healing Practice of Curanderismo in the Hispanic Community. By the likes of tall poppy syndrome, people are expected to be humble and unassuming about themselves. Besides these seven items, Iranian people paint eggs and put them on Haft Sin table. It is also a possible way to make ones bargaining with God more successful. Iranian Culture 12 Traditions and Customs Only Iranians Will Understand Posted on 28 July 2019 As in any other country, Iran is ripe with quirks and eccentricities. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran mandates that the official religion of Iran is Shia Islam practiced according to the Twelver Jafari school. TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) - According to, food culture is the practices, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. Show abstract. Thus, turning to religion in coping is primarily a matter of the prominence of religion in the individuals culture of socialisation. We will present these methods in another article. Role of Culture in Healthcare Decision-Making. 5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being. to work, get an education, marry, divorce, bear children or not) varies significantly depending on the attitude of her husband or closest male relative. While some households may employ servants, others may struggle to put food on the table. While the nuclear family is modestly sized, close relationships with the extended family mean peoples family networks are sometimes quite large. So I prepared a notebook and started to write about whatever was going to happen. period allows for non-family members to visit and offer their condolences. Depends on the family, the guests' number changes between 150 to even 2000 people. Therefore, if Iranians go out with their girlfriend or boyfriend in public, they run the risk of being berated, reported on or even detained. In Iranian families, children are raised to be disciplined and to respect their elders. Cultural factors that can influence family planning discussions and decisions include gender role inequality, deference to family or physician authority, religious influences, belief that. Improving patient and family care outcomes has been said to require "nuanced understanding of cultural con-texts for those who provide care and those who receive it" (Schim & Doorenbos, 2010, p. 1). Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters. 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