directed energy weapons on humans

Bofors HPM Blackout is a high-powered microwave weapon that is said to be able to destroy at short distance a wide variety of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) electronic equipment and is purportedly non-lethal. Laser light is created when the electrons in atoms in special glasses, crystals, or gases absorb energy from an electrical current or another laser and become excited. The excited electrons move from a lower-energy orbit to a higher-energy orbit around the atoms nucleus. For example, when deployed, the anti-ballistic missile Airborne Laser will cost approximately $1,000 per shot. However, directed-energy weapons (DEWs) are a reality, and several have already been tested under battlefield conditions. However, these lasers were generally large and heavy. Depending on several operational factors, directed-energy weapons may be cheaper to operate than conventional weapons in certain contexts. In 1995, the Chinese military marketed the ZM-87 laser interference device, a tripod-mounted battlefield laser dazzler designed to blind enemy soldiers and optics temporarily. One problem that affects laser beam strength is a phenomenon known as "blooming," which occurs when the laser beam heats the atmosphere through which it is passing, turning the air into plasma. Neither should we. [26] Most DEWs are not yet far enough along in development and thus have not received this final stamp of approval. [48], Counter-electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project, A laser weapon is a directed-energy weapon based on lasers.[50]. Because electrical noise from car engines would interfere with field strength measurements, sentries would stop all traffic in the vicinity for the twenty minutes or so needed for a test. But there is a rule of thumb that states that an interceptor needs to be capable of three times the speed of the target it is defending against to be able to maneuver to destroy it. For continuous wave systems, which use high average power to effect targets, levels are typically from 50 to 100s of kilowatts up to several megawatts of power. There are two types of hypersonic weapons, boost glide and air-launched high-speed cruise missiles. Boeing has received a C-130H transport aircraft from the Air Force and is modifying it for installation of the laser system. This causes the beam to lose focus, dissipating its power. While the development costs of directed energy systems can be high, there are several factors in play which can reduce these costs or at least provide better return on the investment over the life cycle. Current HPM research focuses on pulsed power devices, which create intense, ultrashort bursts of electrical energy and would be used to power the microwave generator of an HPM weapon. Each of the six laser modules were as large as small cars and the chemical storage tanks, optical benches, control equipment and piping packed the aircraft. A methane gas combustion chamber leading to two parabolic dishes pulse-detonated at roughly 44 Hz. PRISM Vol. Some applications of directed energy weapons to solve todays challenges have already been described, such as stopping swarms of small adversary boats which have been harassing U.S. ships in international waters, or stopping vehicles carrying improvised explosive devices at a safe distance from U.S. personnel. ", Press release, "Airborne Laser Progress Continues as Northrop Grumman Runs Full-Power COIL Tests, Delivers Beacon Illuminator Laser," Northrop Grumman Corporation, January 4, 2006, at, SPG Media, "ABL YAL 1A Airborne Laser, USA," at, Press release, "Boeing Receives Aircraft for Laser Gunship Program," Boeing, January 23, 2006, at. True support for a program is often best measured by the resources that an organization is willing to devote to it. Stupor is reported to have been used by Russian forces during the Russian military intervention in the Syrian civil war. The system consists of a missile-detecting and tracking subsystem (MDT), a command and control system, and a scanning array. [19], A subset of HPM devices can affect the human body. Another power source, well-suited to one-time use in an e-bomb, is the Explosively Pumped Flux Compression Generator (EPFCG). It suggested that lasers, perhaps space-based X-ray lasers, could destroy ICBMs in flight. And of course, lasers employed at higher altitudes or in space would have very little to no atmospheric affects. Laser energy can be generated as a continuous wave or in pulses, which also influences its lethality. [19], "High Power Microwave (HPM)/E-Bomb," at (March 15, 2006). It was capable of damaging or destroying fast attack boats, unmanned aerial vehicles and was used for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). [1]On August 24, 2004, the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) system destroyed a salvo of mortar rounds in midair during a test. The technology is maturing rapidly, threats are emerging which directed energy can almost uniquely address, and the warfighters are signaling their support. But by far, the most ambitious program underway in DOD is being led by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). How 'Revolutionary' Is CHAMP, New Air Force Microwave Weapon? Developing hypersonic interceptors will also be an option in the U.S. defense architecture. X-ray lasers may be possible in the not too distant future. But again, advances in computational power coming out of the gaming industry (such as graphics processing units) and artificial intelligence coming from autonomous automobile development can be instrumental in providing these needed capabilities. They are not the answer to all the challenges, and will not replace kinetic weapons, but they are an essential adjunct to countering specific threats and providing dominance in land, air, sea, and space. In 1999, the modern German state was investigating the possibility that this X-ray equipment was being used as weaponry and that it was a deliberate policy of the Stasi to attempt to give prisoners radiation poisoning, and thereby cancer, through the use of directed X-rays. By Henry Trey Obering, III The Active Denial System (ADS) is a non-lethal directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military, designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control. 12 Jen Judson, U.S. Millimeter waveband energy can penetrate human skin to a very shallow depth, heating the tissue below. Similar to the Armys RCCTO and the Navys Accelerated Acquisition (AA) Process, the Air Force is leveraging both Air Force Research Laboratorys DE Directorate and Air Force Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation Office to expedite delivery of capabilities to address key capability gaps identified in the DE flight plan: Forward Base Defense, Precision Strike, and Aircraft Self-Protect. The virus that causes COVID-19 most likely leaked from a Chinese laboratory, according to a classified report based on new intelligence and recently sent to the White House and key members . Between 200005, a prototype chemical laser successfully destroyed 46 rockets, artillery shells and mortar rounds in flight during field tests. One shortcoming of laser weapons is that their beams travel only in straight lines, which means they have no indirect-fire mode and cannot shoot beyond the system's visual horizon. The system consists of several modules: an infrared detection system to detect the missile's launch; the Tracking Illumination Laser (TILL); the Beacon Illuminator Laser (BILL); and the Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL). [54] They range in size from small, portable handheld units which can be strapped to a person's chest, to larger models which require a mount. [15]Colonel Craig Hughes, Office of Force Transformation, U.S. Department of Defense, "Re-directed Energy: the Tactical Relay Mirror System," presentation at The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C., February 13, 2006. Today, Directed Energy weapons are being developed by the US and its adversaries for land, sea, and air and space applications. [30][31] After decades of research and development, most directed-energy weapons are still at the experimental stage and it remains to be seen if or when they will be deployed as practical, high-performance military weapons.[32][33]. In the 1970s and '80s it became the primary method of repressing domestic 'hostile-negative'[73] forces. Not only could they be used to defend against ballistic missiles in the boost/ascent and midcourse phase, but they could also be used to defend critical space-based assets against enemy anti-satellite attack. Other members of a crowd are unaffected, except by panic when they see people fainting, being sick, or running from the scene with their hands over their ears. [9], The ABL is a system that uses a megawatt chemical laser mounted on a modified Boeing 747 to shoot down theater ballistic missiles. Colonel Craig Hughes, Office of Force Transformation, U.S. Department of Defense, "Re-directed Energy: the Tactical Relay Mirror System," presentation at The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C., February 13, 2006. With the ever-increasing use of electronics in weapons systems, HPM devices could have a devastating but nonlethal effect on the battlefield. [24] Would the permanent blinding of a soldier struck by a ZM-87's laser beam be considered intentional or accidental? Design specifications are already being determined. Researchers with AFRL use the Guidestar laser for real-time, high-fidelity tracking and imaging of satellites too faint for conventional adaptive optical imaging systems. [24]China North Industries Corporation, "ZM-87 Portable Laser Disturber Fact Sheet," quoted in Human Rights Watch, "Blinding Laser Weapons: The Need to Ban a Cruel and Inhumane Weapon," September 1995, at (March 15, 2006). Microwave electromagnetic weapons can also stun a victim. It was a psychological warfare method which could involve the group based and systematic gaslighting of targets, among other things. They were seen as tools for destroying ICBMs and drones, or for dispersing rioters. Mounted on properly shielded aircraft or ships, or dropped in single-use "e-bombs," HPM weapons could destroy enemy radars, anti-aircraft installations, and communications and computer networks and even defend against incoming anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles. [65], The Central Intelligence Agency informed Secretary Henry Kissinger that it had twelve reports of Soviet forces using laser weapons against Chinese forces during the 1969 Sino-Soviet border clashes, though William Colby doubted that they had actually been employed. Directed energy weapon could be responsible for auditory hallucinations, brain injuries. Existing directed-energy weapons are in the range of tens of thousands of kilowatts: the American ADS fires a 100kW millimetre-wave beam which can cause burns to the skin; the Turkish ALKA dual EM/laser system for use against combat vehicles reportedly has a power of 50kW; the LAWS laser weapon generated 33kW during testing; and Dynetics and . Light is, for practical purposes, unaffected by, Lasers travel at light-speed and have long range, making them suitable for use in. Similar in principle to the microwave oven, the weapons produce energies in the megawatt range. A mechanized unit advancing through a town, protected by an anti-artillery and anti-missile laser shield, clearing the surrounding buildings of snipers and enemy troops with an active denial system, and using electrolasers to stun them before taking them prisoner, all while using HPM weapons to render the enemy's communications useless, would be a powerful military unit indeed. They are also used on ships as an anti-piracy measure. Like lasers, particle beams travel at the speed of light, but unlike lasers, the particles in a particle beam have mass, giving the beam tremendous kinetic energy. 00:38. High-power microwave (HPM) weapons work by producing either beams or short bursts of high-frequency radio energy. A subset of HPM devices can affect the human body. Laser dazzlers-devices that use laser light to temporarily blind sensors, optics, and personnel- are already available for law enforcement and military use. A demonstration system was tested at Kirtland Air Force Base in 2000. The distinction between them is the wavelength/frequency of the energy. (Invented by Max Steenbeck at Siemens-Schuckert in the 1930s, these were later called Betatrons by the Americans.) They built an electron accelerator called Rheotron to generate hard X-ray synchrotron beams for the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM). Both the Allies and the Axis powers conducted basic research and studies into primitive directed-energy weapons before World War II. However, the wide variety of missions, platforms, and implementation environments necessitates continued service-differentiated development activities. In 2017, the Air Force Secretary and Chief of Staff signed the DE Flight Plan outlining the path ahead for the Air Force to develop and deploy both high-energy lasers and high-power RF weapons for its aircraft. In addition, when the East German state collapsed, powerful X-ray equipment was found in prisons without there being any apparent reason to justify its presence. This technology delivers very high-frequency millimeter-wavelength electromagnetic rays that heat skin on contact, causing a painful burning sensation. However, Boeing has been somewhat successful with the Boeing YAL-1 and Boeing NC-135, the first of which destroyed two missiles in February 2010. Neuro-weapons can take the form of biological agents, chemical weapons and in the Havana case directed energy, and possibly a combination of different methods, Giordano said. The countries abandoned particle-beam weapon research as impracticable. But with laser weapons, instead of thinking in terms of a laser pointer, the mental image should be more like a powerful, long-range blowtorch! [27][28][29] The first use of directed-energy weapons in combat between military forces was claimed to have occurred in Libya in August 2019 by Turkey, which claimed to use the ALKA directed-energy weapon. Lasers produce narrow, single-frequency (i.e., single-color), coherent beams of light that are much more powerful than ordinary light sources. The sensation increases in intensity until the affected individual moves out of the beam or it is shut off. DEWs use the electromagnetic spectrum (light and radio energy) to attack pinpoint targets at the speed of light. They could therefore avoid there being any evidence of repression or at least limit it. In the Star Wars movies, a wide variety of directed energy weapons are depicted, from handheld light sabers to massive, spaceship-mounted laser cannons. What if the United States could deploy effective anti-missile lasers on its aircraft to defeat any missile(s) fired at them? 16 R. Jeffrey Smith, Hypersonic Missiles Are Unstoppable and Theyre Starting a New Global Arms Race, New York Times Magazine, June 19, 2019. getty. In this case, the enemy would be required to totally replace entire systems, facilities, and hardware if it was to regain any degree of operational status.9. Some common bio-effects of non-lethal electromagnetic weapons include: Interference with breathing poses the most significant, potentially lethal results. The release noted the HPM and HEL systems engaged and defeated dozens of unmanned aerial system targets during the exercise.14. In addition to being able to scale effects on a target, directed energy weapons have inherent attributes that are attractive to the warfighter. Lung tissue was affected at only the closest ranges as atmospheric air is highly compressible and only the blood rich alveoli resist compression. This revolution changed the nature of warfare: not just tactics, but also the usefulness of armor, castles, and then-popular weapons. [82], LRADs are often fitted on commercial and military ships. They have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used for military and terrorist activities. The United States has come a very long way in the development of directed energy weapon capabilities and is now at a critical juncture. DEW technology is changing faster than international laws and treaties can adapt. The intent was to pre-ionize ignition in aircraft engines and hence serve as anti-aircraft DEW and bring planes down into the reach of the flak. In August 2004, the THEL system shot down multiple mortar rounds during testing. Similar in principle to the microwave oven, the weapons produce energies in the megawatt range. While not a rifle or gun, it is so nicknamed as it is handled in the same way as a personal rifle. ", "Defence IQ talks to Dr Palek about Directed Energy Weapon systems", "US Navy Laser Weapon Fires At $1 Per Shot", "Israel tests improved Arrow interceptor", "Defense News - Russian army confirms use of Stupor anti-drone rifle in Ukraine", "Russia Uses Stupor Technology To Ward Off Ukrainian Drone Attacks", "Russia is developing laser, electromagnetic and plasma weapons", "Applications LRAD Corporation website", "How to Dodge the Sonic Weapon Used by Police", Directed-Energy Weapons: No Longer Science Fiction, "Robert Watson-Watt: Biography on Undiscovered Scotland", "How the search for a 'death ray' led to radar", "Robert Watson-Watt biography - Science Hall of Fame - National Library of Scotland", "Forschungssttte fr Hitlers "Todesstrahlen", Reports of Use of Laser Weapons By The Soviets Against the Chinese, "How dangerous is the Army's squawk box? These high-speed missiles fly at Mach 5 (five times the speed of sound) and greater. It stresses the heart, causes insomnia, completely prevents deep sleep, and causes severe muscle aches. [12] A complete prototype ABL weapons system will be assembled in 2006. The U.S. Army has also been moving out aggressively in developing and deploying directed energy weapons as part of its Air and Missile Defense modernization priority. Turning to the air, the United States spent billions of dollars to develop and deploy stealth technology for its fighters and bombers to avoid radar detection and being targeted by surface to air missiles. The kinetic energy imparted by a particle stream destroys the target by heating the target's atoms to the point that the material literally explodes. 1 (January 1996), at (March 15, 2006). "Mobile/Tactical High Energy Laser (M-THEL) Technology Demonstration Program," Defense Update, at (March 10, 2006). At distances of 50200 meters (160660ft), the sound waves could act on organ tissues and fluids by repeatedly compressing and releasing compressive resistant organs such as the kidneys, spleen, and liver. Think of the difference between a laser pointer and a flashlight. DEW technology and its enabling infrastructure have matured to the point that DEWs can begin moving from the lab to the battlefield. They are not "weapons of mass destruction," but they have the potential to . [14]Press release, "Boeing Receives Aircraft for Laser Gunship Program," Boeing, January 23, 2006, at (March 15, 2006). However, the Army felt the fixed-base laser system was too large and cut funding for the program after the demonstration phase. Raytheon had marketed a reduced-range version of this technology. More importantly, peer and near-peer nations are developing these weapons at an alarming rate. Types and magnitudes of exposure to electromagnetic fields are unknown.[78]. two directional speakers emitting 16,000 Hz and 16,002 Hz frequencies would produce in the ear two frequencies of 32,002 Hz and 2 Hz. [citation needed], Another approach was Ernst Schiebolds 'Rntgenkanone' developed from 1943 in Groostheim near Aschaffenburg. However, no military has yet openly deployed HPM weapons. Research was also conducted on a mobile version of the THEL called the MTEL. -Alane Kochems is a Policy Analyst for National Security in the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, a division of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, at The Heritage Foundation. DefenseNews in their coverage of the March 2018 Booz Allen Hamilton/CSBA Directed Energy Summit in Washington highlighted the remark by Colonel Dennis Wille, the Army G3 strategic program chief for U.S. Army Europe, that over the weekend the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment (supported by the 7th Army Training Command and the Fires Center of Excellence at Fort Sill, Oklahoma) had conducted a live-fire engagement of the 5kW Mobile Expeditionary High-Energy Laser demonstrator at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany. For ex. . According to a legend, Archimedes created a mirror with an adjustable focal length (or more likely, a series of mirrors focused on a common point) to focus sunlight on ships of the Roman fleet as they invaded Syracuse, setting them on fire. The Pentagon believes that DEWs are legal under international law, but human rights groups are arguing that DEWs could be used inhumanely. ( MDT ), coherent beams of light that are much more powerful ordinary. 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