concert golf partners lawsuit

at 244:8-23.) . The Court held oral argument on the motions on July 19, 2022. Although RLH made an initial offer to purchase Rumsey's land and later placed an unsuccessful stalking horse bid on the property, RLH did not contract to buy anything from Rumsey. I said no; about $5m is all we could afford to plow back. We promised members $5m of Phase 2 capex, which will be more like $4.5m. Attached to the PSA are exhibits that delineate the capital improvement projects to be undertaken. 100-25, Ex. (Id. . (Doc. (Doc. Cases involving employment discrimination (gender, age, religion, etc. No. On November 30, 2016, after learning that CGP had an interest in acquiring Philmont Club, Marty Stallone, an Executive Vice President at Metropolitan, sent Nanula the AOS between NPT and PCC, along with the Eighth Amendment. 124-1 at 46.) 100-5, Ex. Privacy Policy | Terms | Careers with mctlaw. They have an outstanding team that truly care for their clientsI have been awarded a fair six figure settlement. Scrape $2.5m here.').) That Meyer and PCC never inquired further as to whether or not CGP had found the right developer after learning that CGP would likely not be moving forward with NPT/Metropolitan, coupled with the fact that Meyer recognized that it was CGP's call as to which developer to use, illustrate that CGP and Ridgewood's relationship was not a fact basic to the transaction. 116 at 29 (citing Ex. See Toledo Mack Sales & Serv., Inc., 530 F.3d at 229; eToll, Inc., 811 A.2d at 14 (cleaned up); see also Bruno v. Erie Ins. No. The transaction closed on or around March 1. (Doc. No. 116 at 26.) at 27.) No. Critically, these allegations involve duties that were outlined in the PSA. No. No. Performance Rating Act - 5 USC 4303. The new amount is a fraction of the refund resigned members are entitled to at the time of resignation. Judge issues Order denying the rehearing requested by The Class. 124-1 at 9; Doc. No. (Doc. No. A Ultimately, PCC rejected NPT's proposals. Section 550 imposes liability when one party to a transaction . (See Doc. No. Ridgewood appears to argue that Pennsylvania law applies. Contrary to NPT's assertion, this does not show that Ridgewood's and CGP's secret agreement . No. It also never contracted to perform services for Rumsey, and it was not part of an employment relationship with Rumsey. (Id. But see id. mctlawis a federally registered trademark. 2:22-CV-00358 | 2022-01-27, U.S. District Courts | Civil Right | 124-1 at 11-12. No. A.) 100 28, Ex. It is undisputed that CGP incorporated Concert Philmont to purchase the Club (id. 100-21, Ex. See Bucci, 591 F.Supp.2d at 783. Two days of hearings on the Motions for Partial Summary Judgment filed by both The Class and by PGCC and Concert Plantation, asking the Court to decide certain claims and defenses without the need for trial. (So it seemed to me that this wasn't something that we might want to continue on down the road with.). Rumsey identifies no other interaction with RLH that would constitute a business transaction. Id. WKAR relies on individual a fact that he knows may justifiably induce the other to act or refrain from acting in a business transaction . ), On September 9, two days after the meeting, counsel circulated a proposed Seventh Amendment to the AOS, which included purchase price adjustments. (As you are aware, we are unable to terminate the AOS with the Seller, without your written consent. Pa. Feb. 12, 2018) (Permitting a fraudulent inducement claim in this case would essentially negate the entire [] gist of the action doctrine because a Plaintiff would have only to allege that Defendants never intended to abide by a provision in their contract in order to escape dismissal. (explaining that concealment involves the hiding of a material fact with the attained object of creating or continuing a false impression as to that fact). (The Board unanimously believes that this is our best option towards securing Philmont's success in the years ahead. A: It - it might have. No. No. . No. NPT wrote, As a result of the identified changes, and in a mutual attempt to keep this deal alive, we both attended a meeting with representatives of the Seller [the September 7 meeting]. ; see also id. (Id.). [I]f one offer were acceptable to us, uhm, irrespective of the fact that another offer may have been available, you know, the - the club still may have moved forward on that given the situation were in. U at 58:2-19.) No. Like their neighbors, several Concert Golf Partners employees experienced damage to their homes and their hardship did not go unnoticed. No. Q: And why is that? Ridgewood moves for summary judgment on this claim, arguing that because Silverman testified that PCC suffered no damages from Ridgewood's breach, NPT cannot prove an essential element of a breach of contract claim. NPT conflates the Court's rulings on whether the fraud claim arose under the PSA (the context in which the Court discussed the gist of the action doctrine) and whether NPT can state a fraud claim when alleging fraud in connection with future promises. ), Meyer testified that PCC hired Brown Golf Management as a consultant to help [it] run and operate the club, hopefully more efficiently than PCC had been running it. PCC's property included two 18-hole golf courses (the North Course and the South Course), which spanned approximately 296 acres of land. (Id. Id. Pa. 2009) ([S]everal district courts evaluating the gist of the action doctrine have held that fraudulent inducement claims are still barred when the fraudulent statements made during negotiations becomes the basis for a subsequently executed contractual duty.). 124-1 at 21; see also Doc. No. (Doc. The hearing and the trial will move ahead as scheduled. Although this Court has held that CGP and Nanula were not parties to the PSA (see Doc. 59 at 27-32.). DD at 8 (indicating that the purchase price included the unpaid principal balance and accrued and unpaid interest on PCC's Fox Chase Bank loan, which bore an original principal sum of $1.2 million); id. Hearing on PGCCs motion that the Court decide the entire case (all claims by the The Class) without a trial. Circuit Court Judge McHugh rules that the lawsuit can go forward while the appeal of the Class Action certification is pending. A.) Oral Arguments before the 2nd District Court of Appeals regarding the appeal by PGCC and Concert Plantation on Class Certification. 9; Doc. 100, 101.) 2017-04395). at 36:20-37:13; see also id. (See Doc. No. (providing that NPT would work to obtain a text amendment to the current Township Zoning ordinance to (i) rezone the portion of the Property containing the Additional Land to the RSD-2 zoning district; and (ii) permit age-restricted townhouses to be permitted within the RSD-2 zoning district).). No. Because we find that there is a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the Concert Defendants are parties to a business transaction under 551 or parties to a transaction under 550, the Court denies summary judgment on Counts II and II as to this argument. at 35.) ), In its response, NPT asserts that the Concert Defendants' argument that the gist of the action doctrine bars the fraud claim necessarily fails because the Court already found the gist of the action doctrine inapplicable. (See Doc. A.) Co., 920 F.Supp. ), On September 28-the day after Plotnick and Grebow toured Philmont Club-Nanula texted Plotnick and asked if there were any club opportunities that CGP could help Ridgewood with, and Plotnick responded that he was working on something that may fit. They are not putting up any real capital at all here, and asked Cicero for his thoughts. Id. ; see also id. . However, at the end of his email, Nanula wondered, why do we need Ridgewood at all? 37 to Ex. WebImpact Investing. Meyer also testified that he did not believe the Concert Defendants necessarily acted in accordance with what they said they were going to do. (Id. Silverman testified that there was such minimal communication with Ridgewood and that he never spoke with anyone from Ridgewood. )Meyer stated that at the time he said no to that informal offer, he believed that PCC would not be hearing from Ridgewood again. If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. 20 to Ex. AUGUSTA, Ga. (WJBF) The agreement to hold concerts at Lake Olmstead Stadium has hit a sour note. at 188:2-12. (Id. To change redemption bylaws, 100% of the resigned members waiting for refunds must agree to any changes. A ([T]he minimum Purchase Price will be no less than the product of $73,308.64 multiplied by 150 or Eleven Million, Two Hundred Ninety-Six Thousand, Two Hundred Ninety-Six and no/100 Dollars ($11,296,296) irrespective of Unit yield[.]).) Nice guy . No. S.) Stallone stated, Yes, but that was with all the environmental and zoning contingencies that you said the club was no longer interested in accepting. (Id.) ), The record reflects that what was basic to the transaction was the fact that the Concert entities would pay off PCC's debt, ensure capital funding, make approximately $4 million in initial capital expenditures, an additional approximately $5 million in capital expenditures upon the sale of the Property, and take over all operations of the Club. (Doc. (See Doc. 2015) (Under Pennsylvania law, if a party is able to prove breach of contract but can show no damages flowing from the breach, the party is entitled to recover nominal damages. (Id. Not interested. (Doc. No. at 98.) 100-29, Ex. But that information related to the amount of money CGP intended to spend on capital expenditures, not Ridgewood and CGP's relationship. When resigning from a PGCC equity membership, members go on a waiting list to get refunds. No. at 2 (stating that Concert Philmont LLC would establish and operate the Club); see also Doc. As such, the Court finds that 551(2)(b) did not impose a duty to disclose on the Concert Defendants. . (Id. Nonetheless, even finding that Concert Defendants actively concealed their relationship, there is no evidence that this relationship was material information that deceived PCC into entering into the PSA. The Judges overseeing this case are Anthony E. Porcelli and James S. Moody. (Id. F at 9:4-7 (Nanula's testimony that CGP is a private club hospitality firm); id. j (emphases added); see also Schutter, 2008 WL 2502132, at *6; Youndt, 868 A.2d at 551. Mctlaw fights for you to get the correct refund amount from Plantation Golf and Country Club. (Doc. The Court concludes that no reasonable juror would find Ridgewood and CGP's relationship-and the profits they would garner from their separate and independent transaction-was material. Really like that we are planning on utilizing 1 clubhouse and not 2. (emphasis added)).) No. 100-24, Ex. at 1274-75. Here, NPT alleges that the Concert Defendants fraudulently induced PCC to enter into the PSA by falsely representing to PCC during negotiations that it would engage in certain capital improvement projects and that it would make $4 million in initial capital improvements upon acquiring PCC and another $5 million in capital improvements upon the sale of the Property. In this same vein, a fraudulent inducement claim premised on an the allegation that a party to the contract never intended to abide by a provision in the contract is barred by the gist of the action doctrine. A. Summary judgment is appropriate if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Fed.R.Civ.P. 14 to Ex. Plotnick and Meyer spoke on the phone on October 5, October 10, and October 13. Mail Class Action Notices mailed to class members/former PGCC equity members. However, in Bucci, the court never analyzed the Restatement (Second) of Torts 551; rather, it mentions the Restatement only once, in passing, as part of a see also cite for when a duty to speak arises. 100-2 at 23-24; Doc. Second-and most importantly-the Court only determined that the fraud claim as alleged in the initial Complaint sounded in tort. Presently before the Court are Defendants' motions for summary judgment. 100-28, Ex. Nanula decided it was time for Ridgewood and CGP to paper our deal on the real estate opportunity and asked Plotnick to send him his tweaks to CGP's counter-proposal. In their motions for summary judgment, Defendants argue that: As assignee, NPT asserts a fraud claim against the Concert Defendants, which arises out of affirmative misrepresentations CGP allegedly made to PCC concerning capital expenditures. Where the record taken as a whole could not lead a rational trier of fact to find for the non-moving party, there is no genuine issue for trial. Concert Golf Partners is a boutique operator of private golf and country clubs headquartered in Lake Mary, FL. (Doc. 2.) 1. 22 to Ex. Concert Plantation and PGCC file a Motion to freeze the lawsuit until the Appeals Court rules on Class Action Certification. (July 19, 2022 Hr'g Tr. 116 at 26 (quoting Parasco v. Pac. NN at 267:21-268:1. No. As Jonathan mentioned, we very much intend to put a proposal in front of you, that at the least, we hope will open the stage for further discussion); Doc. ; see also id. 3 to Ex. (Id.) This case was filed in U.S. District Courts, Florida No. W at 113:4-9 (Q: When did you first learn that Ridgewood had become involved with Concert Golf? As noted above, a defendant can be held liable under 551 only if there is a duty to disclose. (Id.) (See id. No. A (I thought it would be proper' for us to advise Tom [King with NVR] that we are going to let the agreement expire in some manner.). The Class files additional arguments explaining why the Receipt and Releases were never valid. As Jonathan mentioned, we very much intend to put a proposal in front of you, that at the least, we hope will open the stage for further discussion. (Doc. No. No. A: . 149-1 at 58.) Pa. 2013) (Haywood's motion for summary judgment must, therefore, be denied because the University, if it proves the other elements of a claim for breach of contract, may be entitled to nominal damages.). at 1, 17, 88.) 101-1 at 6 n.2, 17.) CONCERT GOLF PARTNERS waiver sent on 12/31/2018, answer due 3/1/2019; CONCERT PHILMONT, LLC waiver sent on 12/31/2018, answer due 3/1/2019. (Compare Doc. No. Nos. (Doc. If zoning approvals were obtained from the Township, the Property could yield more units. 124-1 at 8. No. (Id. No. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 587 (1986) (citation omitted). However, the amounts of the refunds are not discussed in the article. 149-1 at 86. No. Id. at 28:8-21 (Q: If you found out, if you learned before the sale of the club to Concert Golf, if you found out Ridgewood was going to make an offer with an increased amount but did not do so because Concert instructed Ridgewood not to make an offer, had you out about that, would you still have recommended the sale of the club to Concert Golf? No. 464, 476 (10th Cir. In so arguing, NPT cites to this Court's August 12, 2021 Memorandum, in which the Court cited to Bucci v. Wachovia Bank, N.A., 591 F.Supp.2d 773 (E.D. at 36:20-39. The fact of the matter is that PCC was distressed and in need of capital; that CGP and Ridgewood took advantage of PCC's financial woes does not make the Defendants' actions unlawful. NPT primarily sought these extensions to sort out the unit yield issue but also needed to resolve certain environmental issues prior to any development of the Property. Concert Golf Partners bought Blue Hill CC in 2015, after the club was struggling with about $5 million 100-5, Ex. No. In arguing that CGP and Ridgewood's relationship was a fact basic to the transaction, NPT cites only to Meyer and Silverman's testimony. M, with Doc. Anderson, 477 U.S. at 255. Filing 1 COMPLAINT against CONCERT GOLF PARTNERS, LLC, CONCERT PHILMONT PROPERTIES, LLC, CONCERT PHILMONT, LLC, JONATHAN ; see also Doc. 149-1 at 120, 123. A). 149-1 at 90. Those cases arose in different contexts. 53 at 26-29 (discussing gist of the action doctrine) with id. at 59, Appendix A to the PSA. No. Credibility determinations, the weighing of evidence, and the drawing of legitimate inferences from those facts are matters left to the jury. No. 100-29, Ex. Q: If you had known that Concert and Ridgewood were anticipating millions in extra profit from the deal, would you have thought differently about the deal that Concert was offering to Philmont Country Club? Aug. 14, 2012) ([C]ommon-law fraud includes acts taken to conceal, create a false impression, mislead, or otherwise deceive in order to prevent the other party from acquiring material information. Because the gist of the action doctrine analysis is dispositive and bars NPT from bringing its fraud claim against the Concert Defendants, the Court does not address the Concert Defendants' other arguments as to why summary judgment is warranted on the fraud claim. U at 62:16-63:19.) Units and lots are referred to interchangeably. (Doc. 10; Doc. 9 to Ex. at 28. (See Doc. The Court denies summary judgment to Ridgewood on Count VI (breach of contract). On March 3, 2017, NPT initiated a lawsuit against CGP and PCC in the Montgomery County Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas (Case No. 384, 387 (3d Cir. And Plaintiff relies on Gaines to support its position that Ridgewood is a party to a transaction for purposes of 550. The Third Circuit noted that while Pennsylvania courts have adopted the duty to speak requirement, the cases leave us uncertain of the extent to which Pennsylvania law includes the Restatement's discrete criteria for when a duty to speak arises and then interpreted two Pennsylvania cases, one in which latent problems were not discoverable by other reasonable means and one in which one party was the only reasonable source of the information. Id. (only citing SOF, 202, which in turn cites to an internal Concert email (Doc. 116 at 27 (citing Ex. 100-5, Ex. At first, PCC agreed to sell the Property to Toll Brothers, but Toll Brothers terminated that agreement in July 2014. Deposition of Corporate Representative for Concert Golf Partners, LLC, Deposition of Corporate Representative for Concert Plantation, LLC, Deposition of Corporate Representative for Concert Golf Partners Holdco, LLC, Deposition of Corporate Representative for Golf GP II, LLC, Deposition of Corporate Representative for PGCC. (See, e.g., Doc. First, NPT has not pointed to any evidence showing that CGP and Ridgewood's partnership was a fact basic to the transaction. D at 27:21-29:16.) . No. . Id. See Williams v. Hilton Grp. (Id. (Id.) (Doc. As an experienced leader in these types of lawsuits, we were confident the firm would have the expertise. 19 to Ex. In In re Rumsey Land Company, LLC, the Tenth Circuit considered whether a 551 fraudulent nondisclosure claim could be brought against a third party in the context of a land sale. 117 at 24 n.4.). (See Doc. A dispute is genuine if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could return a verdict for the nonmoving party, and a fact is material if it might affect the outcome of the suit under the governing law. Anderson, 477 U.S. at 248. NPT informed NVR that unless they were able to come to some understanding concerning the additional costs that are involved as a result of this material change, NPT would be forced to provide notice of its intention to terminate the LPA. ), That same day, Meyer sent a letter to PCC's membership, informing them of the terms of CGP's proposal. 124-1 at 29. (If the facts of a particular claim establish that the duty breached is one created by the parties by the terms of their contract . A grant of summary judgment on the sole basis of absence of provable damages, therefore, is generally improper. (Doc. (Doc. See Restatement (Second) of Torts 551(2)(a)-(e). ' (Doc. . Because a party to a transaction is broader than a party to a contract, the fact that CGP and Nanula were not parties to the PSA is not dispositive. X at 10:8-13 (Meyer's and Silverman's testimony that they both resigned).) (See Doc. Compare Restatement (Second) of Torts 551, cmt. A: Again, I - I don't - that I can't answer. Uhm, so it's - it just hasn't been, you know, first-rate execution along the way). In the separate escrow agreement contract, to which Guaranty was a party, the agreement itself conclusively sets forth Guaranty's duties and must be strictly construed.); Gaines v. Krawczyk, 354 F.Supp.2d 573 (W.D. 100, 101.) . See Gnagey Gas & Oil Co., 82 A.3d at 501-02 (explaining difference between passive concealment and mere silence versus active concealment and suppression of the truth). As to fraud, the Court found that the fully integrated PSA did not prevent NPT, as assignee, from asserting fraud claims against CGP and Nanula, as CGP and Nanula were not parties to the PSA; the Court was unpersuaded by Defendants' argument that general agency principles dictated otherwise. No. LLC v. Gordon Grp. The Court is not persuaded. And on November 30, in response to receiving Meyer's email with the contact information of two firms (NPT and NVR), Nanula told Meyer that he would find the right people to get this land transaction done (Doc. No. 100-5, Ex. (See Doc. Meyer replied, Marty seems like a good guy but that's your call. (Id. Concert Golf offers a personalized and curated approach to partnership and operates 27 private golf and country clubs nationally, including former developer-owned clubs and longtime member-owned clubs. 173.) 149-1 at 54; Doc. 100-8, Ex. In so holding, the Court emphasizes that NPT asserts this claim-and all other claims-as assignee. To the contrary, Russell complained that CGP did not abide by the terms of the PSA. A; Doc. Concert Golf Partners will not require residents to be club members. Updated: Feb 28, 2023 / 05:11 PM EST. 2020-03-13, U.S. District Courts | Civil Right | 20-6127, 2021 WL 6106423, at *1, *5 (E.D. (Doc. No. Seven to fourteen times Ridgewood's initial investment of $500,000 is $3.5 million to $7 million. 116-4, Ex. No. As noted above, the Restatement does not provide that a duty to disclose arises where one party is the only source of information to the other party. Bucci also cites to Duquesne Light Co. v. Westinghouse Elec. Ct. 2005). The only duty that defendants allegedly breached involved a breach of a duty enshrined in the Purchase Agreement-namely, the non-compete clause.); see also Shoemaker v. HedgeCoVest LLC, Civ. United States District Court, E.D. And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE! 100-19, Ex. M.) 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