However, if you want to do it, go for it! Adding urine to your compost is a free and non-toxic method of adding moisture and essential minerals, such as nitrogen, to your pile. The green nitrogen-rich pee perfectly balances the brown carbon straw material. I've got a few of Composting Wood Chips And Cow Manure (Or Composting is a fantastic way to reuse and recycle organic waste like kitchen scraps, grass clipping material, and dry leaves. This is at no extra cost to you. Moisture content is one of the main distinguishing factors between hot and dry composting. Below is a list of ingredients that you need for a homemade compost accelerator: Large bucket, (5 gallons minimum) 1 gallon of warm water 1 can of flat, room-temperature beer (open the can and leave for 24 hours) 1 can of regular cola that isnt sugar free cup of household ammonia Blood meal has an N-P-K of 12-0-0, making it one of the richest organic sources of nitrogen. An adult Bird feathers are made up of approximately 90% keratin proteins and have nitrogen content between 12% and 15%. And because Im an avid composter, I often look at things around me differently. As a result, itshould not be stored for longer than 24 hoursbefore being used in your compost or garden. Although it might come as a surprise to many, its a well known fact among the gardening community that urine can speed up the composting process! Most often, the reason a compost heap slows to a crawl is an improper balance between nitrogen and carbon materials in the pile. How To Keep Petunias From Getting Leggy? To hurry up the process, use a little urine! When conditions are too wet, water will fill the pore An underutilized, yet excellent source of nitrogen is within each of us. When something goes wrong, the breakdown of your garden and food waste may slow or halt altogether. Humans need to urinate several times a day, but this doesnt mean you should pee on your compost pile every time you go past! When compared with manure, spent coffee grounds were much better at sustaining compost temperatures from 135F to 155 (57C to 68C) for at least two weeks. Use a compost accelerator. Lindsay Sheehan is a writer, researcher, and lifelong gardener who loves little more than the thrill of nurturing living things from dormant seed. You might then wonder whether fingernails decompose (and if not, what happens to all the little bits people worldwide keep snipping off their nails?). These nutrients are released into the soil slowly, making alfalfa gentle enough to be used on the youngest seedlings and sprouts. Well it turns out there are a few. You may not want to use manure for one reason or another, and coffee is a good substitute for this. You can use vegetable matter to fertilize your next generation of plants, but composting it takes time. As the name suggests, a 3m-long series of straw bales has been installed alongside the compost heaps in the walled gardens so workers (well the male ones anyway) can relieve themselves. You can add these fallen leaves to your compostso long as you have not left the leaves on the ground too long. Additionally, human urine may deter rodents and other pests from disturbing your compost pile. Too much nitrogen and the pile will start to stink; too much carbon and decomposition will slow down dramatically. on your pile every single time you need to go throughout the day, it probably will not add enough moisture on its own. However, pee is a waste product and a method our bodies use to eliminate excess salts and other wastes, including heavy metals. Widespread fertilizer use leads to algal blooms, oceanic dead zones, contaminated drinking water and several human health problems, and chemical fertilizer use could be cut down drastically if people started fertilizing their soil and compost with their own nitrogen-rich urine. A sluggish or smelly compost pile can be remedied by adding urine, which also has the added benefit of providing nitrogen to the compost, which will remain in the mixture until it is worked into the soil. WebDilute urine 10-15 parts water to 1 part urine for application on plants in the growth stage. Every three days, a month. If urine and ash or biochar can replace fertilizer entirely, imagine what urine and compost can do. Though it might seem counterintuitive, urine is a free compost accelerator and works surprisingly well to stimulate the decomposition process. This includes things like manure, grass clippings, leaves, and kitchen scraps. Too wet, the bin becomes stinky, and the worms might drown. When worked into the soil, blood meal gives off an odor that is practically undetectable to us but is very useful for deterring rabbits and other critters from munching on your crops. A simple and rapidsoil testing kit like this oneis all you need. Excessive amounts of urine willadd too much nitrogen, slowing decomposing. You can use vegetable matter to fertilize your next generation of plants, but composting it takes time. Urine is rich in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, the chemical makeup of any commercial NPK fertilizer. Youll quickly end up spending more than $10 for just a couple of pounds, whereas a homemade compost accelerator could be made for no more than a few dollars. Whether grown fresh in the garden or purchased as alfalfa meal, its a wonderful all-purpose fertilizer with an N-P-K of roughly 3-1-2. Angela R. ANSWER: Yes, unbelievably, human urine is rich in nitrogen and should be added to compost regularly instead of flushing down the toilet. For example, pre-soaking paper and cardboard with urine is one of the best ways to use these two composting ingredients. Urine can be regarded as a green layer in your composting process since it is high in moisture, nitrogen, and uric acid. Can you recycle urine and add benefits to your composting process? Nepalese farmers have been taking a leak on their crops for centuries. Urine is a natural and inexpensive way to increase your composts moisture and mineral content, particularly nitrogen. So in an effort to provide, Read More Compost Materials Chart (List of Ingredients)Continue. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why so many individuals urinate in their compost piles. Recent field studies support the benefits of peeing on crops. Just dont flush it away. Therefore, urine may be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer when diluted with water. WebGarden Composter - Free Compost Accelerator. Carefully read the manufacturers product label and use the starter under their guidance to avoid mishaps and disrupting the composting process further. If you make biochar and pee on it, you are creating an all natural, long-lasting plant feeding system. Alfalfa meal can be used proactively to heat a pile by sprinkling it between brown and green layers. More than 30% of our garbage is compostable food leftovers and yard debris. Using urine in your compost can be done, but you must follow some basic guidelines to make it safe and retain balance within the compost pile. Commercial boosters are less budget-friendly and variable in quality. So, if you add urine to your compost, you run the risk of creating less-than-ideal growing conditions for your plants over the course of several years due to the buildup of salts and heavy metals in the soil. Ensure the beer and cola are at room temperature or slightly warmer, and add them to the bucket with the other ingredients. WebAdding a few filler materials to your compost pile can help it retain the right amount of water for proper decomposition. Consequently, training your dog to urinate on your compost pile isnot a good idea. Urine contains significant amounts of salts as well as poisons such as heavy metals. Moreover, youll need to stick to the procedure to guarantee that your compost turns out properly. Only collect urine when you pee and use a separate container, such as a bottle with a lid. 5 Reasons Why Avocado Leaves Are Dropping. After youve applied the entire bucket of compost accelerator, add 2-3 shovels full of regular garden soil. ANSWER: Yes, unbelievably, human urine is rich in nitrogen and should be added to compost regularly instead of flushing down the toilet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. An old down pillow, duvet, or jacket could also be pilfered for the downy feathers inside. In addition to a leaf composting solution, these additions are ideal for your compost heap. This is a mix of seaweed, bacteria and fungi. At the same time the compost accelerator will ensure that your compost heap stays moist, which is an important criteria for a successful decomposition process. A single adult male could provide enough pee to fertilize 6,300 tomato plants per year, yielding 2.4 tons of tomatoes. (Amazon). Excess urine may cause an unpleasant odor as ammonia builds up in your compost. Can I put dead flowers in the compost bin? Whether you compost to enrich your garden soil, make compost tea, or dispose of your kitchen waste responsibly, its crucial to keep the composting process moving. If you dont have access to bird feathers, feather meal is also an option. However, once the urine has circulated through the bladder, it may come into contact with microorganisms that would then end up in your compost. When appropriately used, compost has the potential to protect plants from a variety of diseases. Can I put old potting soil in my compost? Assess your composting system in 24-48 hours and apply more accelerator if necessary. Jobe's Organics Compost Starter 2. Aim for at least a 2:1 carbon-to-grass clippings ratio. Many great discoveries have happened accidentally? This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Still, others should not since they contain synthetic materials that will not break down in your compost. yes no Shred all leaves, grass clippings, newspaper, clover and dry compost with a lawn mower or garden shears to give the microbes more surfaces to eat at a time. Compost accelerator really does accelerate compost. More importantly, it would provide a favorable environment for the growth of acid-loving bacteria. Make sure its stirred well, as its important that your ingredients are all properly combined. This can be tricky to measure since not all browns contain an equal amount of carbon. Each pile will receive a different amount of urine: 80 kg (1:0.5::woodchips:urine), 160 kg (1:1), and 240 kg (1:1.5). They would likely be happy to share it with you, and youll quickly get started building your compost heap. If you keep backyard chickens or ducks, youll surely have an endless supply of moult to feed the compost. For this purpose, you could use hay bales or get an insulated compost bin. In fact, it may be your most valuable source of free composting material! Skip unknown ingredients and toxic compounds and rely on a straightforward homemade mixture to renew your pile. Although human urine contains more than 90 percent water, the remainder consists primarily of organic substances, including urea. This step will not only weigh them down so they dont blow away in the wind, pre-soaking feathers will also help them decompose just a little bit faster. Typically, the nitrogen would find its way back into the soil as plants died where they grew or were consumed and pooped out by wildlife. You might be able to collect this for use in composting. Mistake #3: Too Wet or Too Dry Composting Bedding. It helps a lot if you know the employees in the produce section well, as they would be more likely to help you out if they know that you make a lot of compost and therefore would love to help them out by removing their old, past-date produce. Try adding urine if your compost bin is slow to break down your compost material. Utilizing this specifically on the plants that will be harvested for human consumption might prove to be challenging due to the nature of its intended purpose. When you see the benefits you wont be able to get enough of it! Making your own compost accelerator is easy, and doesnt require a lot of complicated elements. Adding blood meal to compost that already contains some greens will take a bit more guesswork as you dont want to throw your C:N ratios out of whack. Nitrogen-rich compost materials are typically the greens that are added to a compost heap. And if Im out stirring up my compost and my hose isnt workingwho knows what might happen. Urine is suitable for your compost, but as we know, too much of a good thing can become detrimental when used in excess. In fact, compost accelerators can be made at home just as easily as going to the store and buying a premade product, and its worth knowing that a compost accelerator could actually be anything from coffee grounds to flat beer and water. Azomite vs Dolomite Can They Be Interchanged? It boosts the health and vitality of your plants, and will even improve the taste of your garden produce. And if you regularly use a fireplace or stove,, Read More Can I Compost Ashes (The Truth about Ashes in Compost)Continue, If youve ever monitored fingernail clippings, youll know they look the same as the day you clipped them, even months later. Sinceyou have no controlover your pets urine or know if the animals are entirely healthy, you should add pet urine to compost with caution. is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee by means of advertising and linking to products. We may earn affiliate commissions on purchases made from links on this page. Alfalfa blooms with pretty lavender flowers from June to September and these are very attractive to pollinators and other beneficial insects throughout the growing season. Urine is a waste product that is expelled from the human body. Making your own, homemade compost accelerator requires nothing but a bucket, a flat beer, a can of regular cola, and half a cup of household ammonia. Others prefer a more exacting method of tossing 2 to 3 buckets of carbon for each bucket of nitrogen. Whether to use or not use coffee grounds in the garden has recently become a hotly debated subject among organic gardening circles. It needs to be high in nitrogen and should ideally add to the population of beneficial microbes in the heap. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is an incredibly useful little plant to grow. ), Compost Materials Chart (List of Ingredients). Recycling your urine also has environmental benefits, such as using less water in the toilet. Long story short, you probably shouldnt be peeing on your compost every chance you get. Can I Compost Ashes (The Truth about Ashes in Compost), Do Fingernails Decompose (Find The Answer Here! This is mostly a concern if the compost will be used on plants that will be consumed, especially if they will be consumed by someone who didnt produce the urine. I was doing some scientific research for an article I was writing about maggots in your compost when someone on the Composting Subreddit commented, I just throw whole eggs into my compost, cover them with some leaves, and pee on the whole thing.. When added to the compost bin, undiluted human urine reduces the time it takes for carbons to break down and increases the nutrient values in the completed compost. (Read This First)Continue, Knowing what materials to put into compost can be a headache at times. WebTip: The best time to use urine as an activator or accelerator for a compost pile is in the early morning, when the uric acid levels in your urine are at their highest. While it isnt for the faint-hearted, urine could therefore prove useful as a compost accelerator on its own. Urea is used as fertilizer in agriculture. However, the verdict on whether or whether urine can effectively deter pests from your compost bin is still out on the table. One of the essential things you can do is to ensure your compost is wet at all times (and to stir it often to aerate it). ), Can You Compost Old Mulch? Recipe 4: Straw bale bathroom You can urinate directly on a bale of straw until the straw decomposes, and Freshly cut grass clippings added to the compost heap will turn a sluggish pile into a hot mess in no time. Glacial Rock Dust vs Azomite- Which One Should You Use? If you loved this article on crafting homemade compost accelerator, please share these brilliant tips for making DIY compost accelerator with your friends and family on Pinterest and Facebook. These products are easy to obtain, and you likely have some of them at home. However, it is OK to use elsewhere in your gardens, such as flowering plants and lawns. This is especially true if you have nitrogen-deficient soil. Add part of a premade compost from an earlier batch, worm castings, garden soil, urine, or high-nitrogen teas to start the process. Nitrogen typically cycles back into the soil as plants decayed where they grew or when animals ingested them and excreted the nitrogen in their waste. Peeing on your compost pile helps break it down! Keep your pile or the contents of your bin or tumbler at no less than three cubic feet to ensure it generates enough heat to function and is damp, not wet. Urine Acts As A Compost Accelerator. In this way, the composts microbial diversity is negatively affected by adding too much urine. WebCan we save the world with urine? How To Plant an Asparagus Bed Plant Once & Harvest For 30+ Years. Dogs will use the same places to urinate to mark their territory, meaning they pee in the same locations. Unless you are urinating. Urine is one of the ways the body rids itself of substances that it doesnt want (Im sure you can name the other way). Adding coffee grounds increases the level of nitrogen which is an essential nutrient for microorganisms. Below Ill give you the answers to these piddling composting questions and some additional handy tips for this unusual compost ingredient! The channel supplying air to the centre of the compost mass helps to ensure a quicker composting process. Bobcat 463 vs Bobcat S70 Which One Is Better? When one of these requirements goes awry, the system slows and may even stop breaking down organic matter completely. To prevent attracting pests to your compost pile and to speed up the composting process, bokashi composting is a great way to pre-compost your food waste. When I started composting, I remember trying to figure out the perfect ingredients for my compost heap and whether certain materials would do good or bad! This is the most important compost accelerator. Mix 4-5 parts leaves to one part green waste. (Explanation), How To Grow Farro? As a nitrogen fixer, growing alfalfa alongside your other plants helps boost soil fertility. In Japan and China, human feces was used as a traditional fertilizer up until World War II in Japan and until the 1960s in China, though using human manure is not recommended, thankfully, ugh. Excess urine may cause an unpleasant odor as ammonia builds up in your compost. Many gardeners swear that adding urine to their gardens or trees has made them more robust and productive. The uric acid in urine accelerates compost decomposition. Here are a few tips you should consider if you want to buy a compost accelerator. The addition of this liquid gold is easily the quickest way to fire up a cold compost. The urine is sent off to a separate storage container via a small hose connection. A slow compost can be re-energized by adding more materials until the heap reaches a minimum size of 3 cubic feet. The decomposition process is one of many wonders of nature, employing multiple elements to aid the process from start till end: When these elements are present in a compost heap, youll get perfect compost that will enhance the quality of your soil as you incorporate it into the ground. Compost is miraculous stuff. Information is like compost; It does no good unless you spread it around! And its free, readily available, and renewable! (Tested & Answered), How To Compost Corn Stalks & Cobs (Easiest & Fastest Way). Home Compost Accelerator Recipe Ingredients: Shovelful of aged compost or good garden soil 1/2 cup Molasses 1/2 cup Ammonia Water Tools Needed: Shovel 5 Gallon Bucket Method: Fill your 5-gallon bucket 2/3 of the way full of warm water. The addition of urine to compost has both positive and negative effects. Rabbits consume mostly plant material, although they occasionally eat protein. Regular aeration will also keep the clippings better distributed throughout the pile. WebEach 6- to 8-inch-layer of plant material should be topped with 1 inch of soil or compost. On the other hand, if you used a significant quantity of urine for an extended length of time, the compost would eventually become offensive. A legume and member of the pea family, alfalfa is a flowering herbaceous perennial with several amazing qualities. This is because the high nitrogen content in urine balances perfectly with the high carbon content of paper and card. Web7. WebUrine is a Compost Booster Try adding urine if your compost bin is slow to break down your compost material. WebCompost Accelerator Dont forget your compost! The garden soil holds additional microorganisms, which will speed up the process even further. Adding pee to a compost piletoo frequently will result in a build-up of saltsin the compost, which can lead to a toxic environment for the microbes doing the decomposing, slowing, or stopping the composting process. However, larger predators like bears and mountain lions are typically drawn to the urine due to its salt concentration and its intriguing odor. Urine Helps Fight Fungus In Your Garden Urine can go straight into the bin or pile, as the uric acid in it will help speed up the decomposing process. Larger predators, however, such as bears and mountain lions, are often curious about the smell and attracted by the salt content in urine. The feathers are then dried and ground up into a powder. Turned every other day, three weeks. Easy. An excellent natural fertilizer and compost activator, the urine of all animals contributes significantly to the nitrogen cycle on Earth. The goal of compost piles or a compost bin for the kitchen is to speed the decay of organic matter into finished compost with the help of microorganisms. Peeing on your compost is not only good for the soil and good for the environment, but it can actually increase crop yields and replace fertilizers entirely. It gives you valuable insight into the soils starting point. One of the other concerns is that adding a significant amount of urine to your pile will reduce microbial diversity and allow acid-loving microbes to flourish. Adding compost accelerator to your pile will add a boost of microbes to help the composting process. Keep your pile or the contents of your bin or tumbler at no less than three cubic feet to ensure it generates enough heat to function and is damp, not wet. Its not the sort of thing I would normally bother with, as the Really Lazy Composter rarely wants to fiddle with measuring things out into watering cans. It will consist of three piles of 15 ft 3 of woodchips, which each weighing approximately 161.4 kg. The ideal ratio of browns to greens is 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen. (Problem Solved! When the urine is used to make compost, it adds a lot of nutrients to the soil that plants need. To use feather meal as a compost activator, add about a cup to start. Compost accelerators help kick-start the microbes into consuming the organic material in your compost bin. To process a pile of leaves or woody matter, apply blood meal at a rate of 2.5 ounces for each cubic yard of carbon materials. This temperature range is hot enough to destroy pathogens and weed seeds, but not so hot as to kill off the beneficial microbes in the pile. There is an increase in the soils ability to hold air and water, as well as an improvement in its physical and chemical qualities. Step 4: Toss your compost for even distribution, Homemade vs. store-bought compost accelerators. If your compost heap gets too hot, some microorganisms could die. If the temperature drops below 120 degrees, try tossing the pile in order to mix the contents. However, if you have lots of brown, a healthy male can produce enough urine every year to add nitrogen to 1800 pounds of compost! As well as speeding up the process it also makes the resulting compost even more rich in nutrients. WebAdding a few filler materials to your compost pile can help it retain the right amount of water for proper decomposition. For this approach to work out in your favor, it is recommended to ask at a local independent grocery store / market, as big chains are generally more reluctant to give away old produce. This includes things like manure, grass clippings, leaves, and kitchen scraps. This results in a high concentration of urea and salts where they urinate. Turn or tumble weekly and add brown to green materials in a 3:1 ratio to keep the composting process moving. 3. Tip: If you live near a farm, used straw animal bedding has precisely the same valuable combination. Signs of an imbalanced compost pile include slow decomposition and chunks of unprocessed waste. COPYRIGHT 2023 RURAL SPROUT | Wisteria on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, our guide to using blood meal in the vegetable garden. These minerals have been proven to be the primary nutrients required for healthy plant growth, resulting in their addition to commercial fertilizers. For example, Im forever asking myself, can I compost that? So, of course, that question naturally applies to, Read More Is Cork Compostable? Animals who might otherwise explore through your compost pile will likely avoid your property if they catch a whiff of your urine, at which point they will realize you are a giant intelligent ape that is many times their size. So why do some people not use wood chips in compost, and how can these difficulties be overcome? Use these additions to heat your compost pile to rejuvenate the beneficial microbes and move the composting process along. When composting fresh feathers to heat up a pile, soak them in a bucket of water for 24 hours before tossing them in. If you notice chunks of matter in your compost bin that arent decaying or your pile seems cold, try this simple compost booster to start the decomposition process. When it comes to keeping animals and pests out of their yard and garden, many gardeners swear by the use of urine. According to Ecology Action, hair will slowly release nitrogen over time as it breaks down. In the natural world, the decomposition of plant and animal matter into rich and fertile topsoil is a very, very slow process. The answer is YES! According to The Grow Network, these 5 things are great compost boosters and are often completely free: Once youre done weeding your garden or mowing the lawn, save the clippings and add it to your pile. This liquid nitrogen is the fastest method to ignite a slow compost pile. The accelerator powder contains bacteria and other microorganisms that break down organic matter. For example, if your compost pile is drying out, adding water and tossing the pile could solve the issue on its own. Most products also include other nutrients, plus bacteria and fungi, that help accelerate the composting process and increase compost quality. Ideally, composting materials should be between 40 and 60 percent water. As well as, do you have any idea what contains a lot of nitrogen? Once youve gathered your ingredients, simply pour them all into the bucket. , email, and how can these difficulties be overcome since it OK! Tomato plants per year, yielding 2.4 tons of tomatoes pee to your... Stirring up my compost and my hose isnt workingwho knows what might.! Referring traffic and business to these piddling composting questions and some additional handy tips for this unusual compost!. Them more robust and productive this includes things like manure, grass clippings, leaves, and renewable and of. 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