Please dont give up hope, dont let them win. Contenidos. Call Today for a Free Consultation (480) 656-7301 About Us Another caseworker tells us: It is very important to document. Id like to talk with you. You have the right to remain silent. Please help. I think they need to be exposed for what they are. Jordan was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Like if course they would pick the worst attorney to represent me at the most curcual point in my case. Rideout Lawfirm in Lake Havasu city AZ will get your children Home 100% They came into my life Like I lived in 1943 Germany LIKE NAZIS.. One caseworker tells us she likes to let the parents keep talking and you get all the information you really need just by listening. So people, what does that tell you? Attorney Juliana Ore-Giron On Government Abuse Of Power | Because You Matter, True Story about Empty Threats and AZ Department of Child Safety (DCS), The Problem With Migration is That Children Cannot Choose - The Right Solution is DACA, Trump's Immigration Reform - A Slippery Slope To Constitutional Crisis, Trump's Threat To Deport Criminals Is Worse Than It Sounds, Professional Endorsement by Hue Le - Attorney, Custody Fights are Awful - You Need Courage to Follow Through. He specializes in this area. I feel you pain I pray youve gotten help by now my situation is so similar just dont give up. My poor mom was sleeping on my couch for months to help me she was my backbone support and there was soooo much beyond overwhelming we had to do and all the names people services appointment zoom meetings hearings and doing cpses work for them having to basically figure it all out in time by doing more things like internet research all those hours of research theres so much that it started causing me to have panic attacks and would cause me to freeze up not wanting to do anything because theres so much should I shouldnt I will that be a bad thing and then turn it around and comes back on me. Im so sorry this is happening to your family. was 45 minutes late to, and the reason for it was because she had gone to Maricopa County to have a judge sign off on the removal of my children. Well my mom had gotten bronchitis probably from all those nights sleeping on my couch because dcs said she would suffice as being a monitor in my home to assist in reunification process. How they must feel right now it breaks my heart how confused and sad they must be. The State of Arizona favors grandparent involvement. The one that is suspected is investigated by DCS and the particular accusation or complaint made against them. The baby momma I didnt know until after we got together had a disability and I didnt quite understand it and when she went to her doctor check up due to COVID I wasnt aloud to go in with her I was robbed of getting to be there for the ultra sounds and basically not knowing anything other than what she told me and she wasnt honest to me. She had the dept. We need help filing an appeal of severance of our 6 children. DCS up here in Lake Havasu City az are taking our 14 year old daughter cause we disagree with 1 doctor and dared to ask for a second opinion about her being committed to a LVL 2 facility for her reactive detachment disorder. Find a lawyer near you. Our last hearing the judge ruled that the state had failed to show significant effort for reunification. Its a living nightmare Ive suffered severe trauma from this, I already had PTSD prior and this has just added and made things unbearable. I need a sliding scale or contingency fee attorney/lawyer. Since then, daughter and boyfriend have been taking all classes that are required, they are providing clean UAs. Office in Phoenix, Arizona. Works with parents and grandparents on child custody and child dependency issues. That was a long time ago though. What state were the children taken into states custody ???? Find the best ones near you. She will not answer or help, she just keeps saying I am not part of this case. 1) If you already have a court appointed attorney, read: Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU With her special background in criminal defense, Juliana Ore-Giron is sensitive to special circumstances involved for parents charged with a crime who have had children removed by DCS. Serves clients in Maricopa County, including Scottsdale, Glendale, Tempe, Mesa, Peoria, Cave Creek, Chandler, Gilbert and Surprise. A lot of the exact words you stated here, Ive said the very same things!!!! I Have lost my kids because my case was taking too long but I felt that I didnt have a chance to complete my case plan because I had nobody working with me, only against me. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. If you're looking for a free lawyer, here are some suggestions. she is under treatment now and we agree she needs help but cause we dont believe sending her away to a in-patient is whats best for her dcs calls it neglect and said if we dont sign the paper to send her off they are going to take her away. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. Ive lost so much Ive lost job opportunities work whatever goals I had, everything came to a standstill to accommodate there case plan for me and my baby. If you have problems getting this done, try going to the county supervisors in the place where the children are held at, to explain the situation privately to supervisors, or publicly at their county supervisor meetings. Representing people in Goodyear, Arizona with their CPS issues. My email is deliakeyes3 at I dont know how to do this. I had gone through 5 therapist only meeting 2 of them and that was only for a meet and greet. The parent, custodian or guardian can file a complaint indicating how their case is being managed with the Family Advocacy Office and/or Ombudsman-Citizens Aide, and to petition DCS judgments. costs about 4500 fee..They work all over AZ too.. Nicole please keep this in mind to help you deal with all of this. Arizona Family Rights Project working to create strong families in Arizona. Everything they do wrong is on purpose. I was bonding with my baby. The next day was the 1st and I had to go pay my rent. The judge passed the case to a different judge. You have got }, { You probably won't find many people who sympathize with people who work in this industry. Im so lost and dont know what to do. This child is awaiting his trial for his actions . Im too poor to afford a legitimate attorney, my public defender screwed me throughout my whole case until it came close to severance trial then withdrew from my case, threatened me if I didnt give formal consent like I fired her, then filed a motion on her own LYING to the judge, 20 days before trial, didnt fulfill her legal duties as an attorney to inform me of consequences or anything following her withdrawal. At this point DCS has falsified evidence, forged signatures, forced me to leave my home to get away from a non abusive relationship with the father of my children. David Lish and Ryan McPhie are former prosecutors in Arizona prosecuting agencies. This woman is a CPS caseworker in Arizona. Arizona Child Welfare Laws Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 8, Sections 2-5. (Ages newborn, 2, and 12yrs. My 2 daughters were separated from each my oldest does have some behavioral mental health issues, and she had requested to be adopted out. Nothing in this website, on its own, creates a professional relationship. Thank you. { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { You worked for them for 24 years, meaning you did horrific things to earn a living and you want to play victim? I need help in finding a case and thats because dcs took and lied to me about my name nd my age they took my son and called me dullional when my son was a baby and they are trying to take my right Im a really loving mother and I would really need a lawsuit on dcs im in Kingman, Hello Crista I live in yavapai county and I did do an ICPC and during the pandemic Theres really no use in talking about it I any more I guess because they are grown now. One set of foster parents laid around and let my children ride the bikes all over the highway which they could have been ran over. Judges Signature Warrent from police or an Exigent Physical or Sexual Emergency.. Its THE LAW DONT LET THEM BREAK IT. My poor baby is scared of my ex foster mom and doesnt trust my caseworker, or her CASA, her attorney, therapist etc etc. Another home setting made my let my daughter do all the cooking, house chores and babysit all the other children while they were out of town for days. I need help. I am exhausting every effort to be reunited with my child. My husband ad I are acting as our own ATT. designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Pro bono programs match low-income clients with volunteer lawyers, who agree to take their cases for free. Top CPS Lawyers near you in Arizona Please click a city below to find qualified local Arizona CPS lawyers. No last names. CPS Lawyers | Tucson Office Avg. I strongly believe that the only reason why I had lost my girls was because they are adoptable. The state continues to fail to communicate and my public defender fails to provide adequate representation. My 3 week old daughter was taken out of the hospital by CPS and given to another family member. Department of Child Safety can file a petition with juvenile courts suggesting that the child needs protective service. Start your own movement. I need to know how things work when it comes to transporting kids to their home town state? Law firm is in Lake Havasu. There are other things that were not right about the foster homes but I dont even know how to put it into words. And the boys were not even in arizona custody yet. They have the BEST child Dependency Lawer in AZ. When my baby was born I was there and I broke down ? I did everything asked of me and more for at least 7+ months and my caseworker failed to mention that in court to the judge nor has that ever even been brought up throughout my case. its why people get pushed around. I would sell my soul to get her back. Go to Citizens against CPS. HE Works all over the State too. CALL TOPHER MARGOLIS ATTORNEY FOR RIDEOUT LAW GROUP. It was a card from the investigator .I called her and set up to do a TDM with the investigator and the facilitator in which Invest. Man all i can say is i relate. I need help with getting an attorney and getting my kids back from cps they want to terminate my parental rights to my 2 kids next month they where taking from there mother for her supposedly beating on her 8 year old and holding me responsible for stopping her are calling the cops on her we live in the same town but different parts of the town when this happened and i knew nothing about it they even promised to give them to me wants I took care of my legal problems and it is in black and white from them from when I had to take care of my legal problems and have been warrant free since then and my fines are current what do I do to get my kids back I have been doing everything the ask and the are ignoring the fact that my kids may apply under the native american act im lost and really need help so please help me, Gillespie, Shields, Durrant, and Goldfarb says. Hes the best CPS/DCS Attorney. In this case, you need an attorney who will go into court to set the record straight for the children to be returned. I reported sexual abuse to Phoenix Police, finally 14 hours later cps came (after I had to flag an officer down on the side of the road.even after calling 911..) They arrested me for trespassing on a order of protection. His Name is Topher Margolis. At Ayala Law Office, P.C., in Tucson, we concentrate on delivering experienced and future-oriented divorce and family law strategies. Unfortunately your public pretender may be on the take along with the courts. My 7 children were taken buy dcs 1 ago and my rights were just severance two days ago and my kids will be put up.fir adoption. Same thing is going on w me . I NEED A PRO BONO LAWYER TO FIGHT CPS IN ARIZON. If this is your unfortunate circumstance, Juliana Ore-Giron can represent you in both cases, which simplifies the process and allows for a more unified approach to your legal challenges. and are all coercing my daughter to go against me. We didnt have the papers that proved it because we had the hearing by way of zoom. Arizona ? Ten months was the end date deadline to reunification,two days before court the end of ten months the put a change of venue changed counties on me and now do everything all over again alllll new people phone numbers counseling ,classes and this county is far worse the strait transported me after two weeks or so of confused transportation they made sure transport to get ua test done and deal with taking me home after I waited in the cold freezing for 4 1/2hours I even texted cps worker that brought me there that I was freezing and was worried of getting sick from exposure she just say sorry but we r working on it and let the worker know when transport picks me up. Theyre not doing whats best for my child at all. But that is not true, I know this for a fact because I was sitting in the same room with my daughter when she was on the phone with this case worker, just the week before. Im just so glad its over. This website does not constitute legal advice. They are taking her into custody upon discharge, Hi I am interested in your services please contact me Mary [last name deleted] at 32five 5one8-58five2, Im in need of a attorney I reside in Springfield Illinois, Today After no luck with ombudsman I resorted to calling the cps abuse hotline to report abuse against cps . Phone: 602-889-6901 I dont know what to do I have no money to get a lawyer to help me appeal my case I really need to get my kids back home I am all they got. Attorney DeeAn Gillespie works tirelessly to advocate against unfair and inappropriate removal of children and is very passionate in advocating for families. dont believe their lies. Our kids are with my husbands aunt and uncle, 2felons and 4 other ppl. In a home that is not right they are not being taken care of right the people are using my sons for money. They took my grandson from his mother because of her abuse-his dad has tried to get custody-we are in TN. I know that when I was a child the welfare case worker knew that I was badly abused in every kind of way and wouldnt do anything to get me placed in a safe environment. Then she does that to me in retaliation and dcs ran with it since they didnt like me from the start. Thanks for letting us know you want these cases! They put this child in a shelter and then in a group home. Contact us today to talk to a CPS lawyer in your area. Gillespie, Shields, Durrant, and Goldfarb would be happy to help with any DCS/CPS or juvenile law cases. Nav Map The information provided in this website is general and not legal, tax, financial or mental health advice. My kids now are adults and my daughter hates me . We NEVER stood a chance we have done everything they said, we never talk to the dcs caseworker it was always a third party lady with Casey family that has always wanted us to separate and since we didnt she has ruined the bond our kids had with us. They keep postponing the visits, or saying last minute they cannot make it, then when it comes time for court, they say that daughter is the one who could not make the visit. I was forced to do a severance because of time constraint but we didnt complete the plan for reunification, we never had any family therapy, I never had a therapy session, no one has never come to my house to do a home inspection. My little girl is 8 and ive raised her on my own her whole life by myself, we were so close and I was all she had; fast forward 15 months and she doesnt want anything to really do with me. }, { People still won't believe it until it happens to them.a }, { They won't ever admit to it. My case manger fails to reply to any of my emails and is definitely in contempt. QUESTION. We are n ou t from here We were in route to my grandpas when I gave birth My attorney refused to file for an emergency hearing after the judge made it clear this was to be done if DCS fails to show effort for reunification. { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { You worked for them for 24 years, meaning you did horrific things to earn a living and you want to play victim? I called some lawyers but seems like everyone is scared of DCS! It would cause panic. Why cant the CPS laws be the same in every state? If its not on there it didnt happen. Parents should document too. irector of the AZDES Office of Special Investigations CORRECT telephone number to report violations of CPS workers 1-800-227-0459. Family Lawyer Serving Arizona. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. The Ombudsman has three avenues of help. He can pass the official buck to Arizona CPS management staff (yes, send it back to the office thats persecuting you), or send it to the Arizona DCS Family Advocacy Office. We all need to band together and fight a very corrupt Organization. Call Orent Law Offices, PLC today for a free consultation with a Glendale child abuse lawyer who can help you. Let DHS and CPS know we will not stand for any more. Website: Judith A. Morse, Family Law Attorney, Offices in Phoenix, AZ and Scottsdale, AZ. Good luck, he response given is not intended to create, nor does it create an ongoing duty to respond to questions. Every family is unique and special, Juliana Ore-Giron will communicate with you every step of the way, organizing and executing a plan that will reunite your family as quickly as possible. I am flying back to Arizona in a couple days. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. What to Do If Child Protective Services Social Workers Are Investigating You California: Verdict Against CPS for 4.9 Million! The response does not form an attorney-client relationship, nor is it intended to be anything other than the educated . I am only positive that I am going to fight like the mama bear I am. Our very strategic planning and actions work to investigate DSS fraud, investigate Child Protective Services fraud (CPS fraud) and investigate Child Protective Services corruption (CPS corruption) against these criminals to seek indictments for the arrests of fraudulent Child Protective Services case workers (arrests of fraudulent CPS case We understand every case is different and provide tailored guidance in a wide range of family law matters, including divorce, grandparents' rights, child custody, property division, child support and social support. AZ passed a new law that cases involving children abusing other children the parents cannot be substantiated in them . Avvo has 97% of all lawyers in the US. Free Legal Answers. Shes even caused someone to lose her children already because of her negligence!!. We need to take a stand . We as parents argue but dcs calls it domestic violence? For an emailed notificationof new articles,enter your email address here: Copyright 2023 Linda Jo Martin, site owner, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Make a request for an appeals attorney. this can not be okay. Either way, Juliana Ore-Giron will happily represent you in your pursuit to adopt a child. We do not know family law, or have the ability to fight against a large State/Government Agency. You have 2 options. (front side):Professional Kidnappers. CPS is getting away with taking these children away from their family. two homes that they were in well let me break it down some. The office is given its authority by Arizona Revised Statute sections 41-1371 through 41-1383 and operates under Arizona Administrative Code title 2 chapter 16. PLEASE HELP US!!! (480) 264-5191. I am under cps been under them for 1 year still going about to find a real lawyer all they did to my family is teared it apart make demand in the middle they tried to make me do a u.a. My daughter gets discharged tomorrow Top Tucson, AZ CPS Lawyers Near You Sponsored Listings Pahl & Associates CPS Lawyers | Tucson Office Avg. Some caseworkers dont like to do them because, as I understand it, this involves a lot of paperwork they may not be used to doing. Please help me with that Im currently going through that here in Tucson Arizona if you have a spare moment can you hit me up at 52zero-5nine1-14six3 or 52zero314nine504. Family Wages 5-Year Battle to Get Children Back From DCFS. DCS Tucson Defense Lawyer | Randle Palmer & Bernays | 520-327-1409 DCS Tucson Defense Lawyer Dependency Defense: Why you need a DCS Tucson Defense Lawyer You need a DCS Tucson Defense Lawyer when the Department of Child Safety (DCS) removes children from their homes. Wow! Andramedia it will be a few more weeks until I get around to doing a lawyer page for Florida as Im doing these state pages in alphabetical order. DCS KIDNAPPED OUR 3 KIDS FEB 2019. Tell your former lawyer, the public defenders office I dont know how your state handles this. They made false allegations and talked to her without my permission, and from the beginning of the case robbed me of even having a chance to be able to reunify.!! }, { People still won't believe it until it happens to them.a }, { They won't ever admit to it. Department of Child Safety will keep any replies to the accusations, including any information given, in the case documentation and will give this information to the court prior to a trial or hearing associated with the dependency appeal. My beloved mother she shouldve been in her own home sleeping in her bed not on my couch praying and in hopes her grandbaby she thankfully but unfortunately only got to love and hold one time during my visit. I am searching for any help that will ensure this case is just. The Best Attorney for DCS.he is with Rideout Law Group in Lake Havasu city AZ. Prior to engaging in an attorney-client relationship, the client and attorney must have a signed agreement and the attorney must have determined that there is no conflict in the representation. By supervisors Im talking about the elected officials who preside over all county business, NOT the supervisors of the caseworkers who are often unhelpful. While in college, Jordan earned his commission as an . Any and all information given in reaction to the accusations will be taken into account throughout the investigation. Its all an inside job. So the world wont know whats really happening, and so youll think something is happening, or might happen, while meanwhile they can continue their secretive persecution of you and your family. While on methedone This website, FightCPS, does not recommend attorneys, or refer people to attorneys. His children are grown now so he has much less to worry about. I will add you to the page. It seems that they want you to complain to the fox that someones stealing from your hen house. Me and my husband went to Pebble beach California for a mini honeymoon his job paid for the room and plane ticket since my husband was working out there for a month. Chandler, AZ Family Law Attorney with 16 years of experience. While Governor Doug Ducey and state legislators approved a new law in 2018 intended to require DCS staff to obtain court orders when removing children in most situations, some attorneys and. We stand ready to help you tell your side of the story and fight hard against the government to avoid or minimize the damage of a conviction. Im a grandmother and trying to get my granddaughter placed with me and have been trying for 18 months. In a DCS probe, Arizona law requires the Department of Child Safety to give the parent, custodian or guardian with written evidence defining their rights. I need to know if someone will take the case and how much a retainer will be. They also sat through the forensic interviews of 3 victims and refused to remove the perpetrator from the home . At least my children get plenty of love and attention now. And when a true family member shows up, asking for custody or even a chance to be part of a case, I am refused and turned away. . Juliana Ore-Giron also represents the interests of grandparents wanting to intervene in DCS cases or assert their rights as a grandparent. When we found out my mom called Arizona and told them that the boys were here in Georgia. My greatest loss is my mom and thru all of this baby momma I have been down every road with her trying hoping she get on the same page but now one more of the hardest things I will have ever had to do is made my reality for reunification we cant be together anymore and Im more alone now than ever and every day constant anxiety of really not knowing wtf is going on here placement the father is a cop. Lawyers against cps in arizona. He or shes refusal to work with the examination or to involve themselves in services offered doesnt in and of itself establish grounds for custody temporarily. Without a written engagement agreement, you do not become a client of Moshier Law. Leave the State or get an Attorney at this point. Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show interviews California civil rights Attorney Shawn McMillan who talks about how even he was at risk of having his children grabbed by CPS because he was litigating these cases. I had my kids taken from me at a DV shelter in Chandler .. Sometimes these children are related by blood and other times not. So DCS can steal kids and not have to provide proof im guilty .. Last May 2020, I had a business card on the front door of my home. What can we do about this? For Those Looking For a CPS Defense Lawyer You Can File For a State Administrative Hearing What To Do If You're Depressed Over Losing Your Children to CPS Can CPS Make You Divorce Your Husband or Wife? When actually the foster parents who are holding these children are lying. circumstances happened and he went to jail! conveniently hidden from you under Title 6 Economic Security. Let them win to lose her children already because of her abuse-his dad has tried to get children back DCFS... 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