I tried fixing it but I just ended up getting closer to the car. I was rear ended at a red light no police report was filed its been 2 months and nothing has been done cause they can not locate the driver by telephone or mail her insurance or my attorney but they have her address I need my car fixed what should be the next steps. It doesnt sound like his insurer should have denied the claim based on what you told me. We both agreed and her expensive shop came out to $1890 for the small dent. once I was inside I wrote a letter with my number on it and went back outside to leave it on their windshield. I had to leave because I was gonna be late to work but once I got to work I wrote them a letter with my number on it and went back outside to place it on their windshield. This is all valuable information that can help a court decide what actually happened. If your insurance company isnt cooperating with your requests for information, or if theyre not working to settle the claim, you should find a lawyer. If she attempts to sue him, the lawsuit will be dismissed. If the semi-truck driver ran a red light, then he is at fault for the accident regardless of whether a police report was made. AlsoI looked at the damage on the seen. Fortunately, you might have enough involved parties (between the police, the other drivers, the witnesses, the auto mechanic, and the medical provider who saw the other driver) to be able to piece together what actually happened. She then took off again. Police said Boeheim has been cooperating with the investigation. Present whatever facts you have, along with a copy of the claim that was served to you so that your lawyer can advise you on how to proceed. She will defend herself in court under the grounds that she knows she owes money for the accident, but not as much as what she is being sued for. In the meantime, I would take lots of pictures of your vehicle (so they cant later claim there was more damage than there was). The tow driver told us no way he ever applied his breaks. I backed into a car at a friends house had been there for awhile some 16 year old parked behind me I came out in a hurry and backed into him I gave him my insurance card come to find out he had stole his grandmother s car went home and lied said I was drunk and came to there house and hit there car took me 2 weeks to get number for owner of car since then I have given the owner 200 cash and paid to have car fixed like it was they showed up to shop to have fixed and started acting a fool and was saying I caused more damage then I did would not leave car to get fixed said they would take 2500 do I have a chance to win claim. The question here is, why is this happening after 2 years and what kind of lawyer do I need? The cops came and said they either go inside or leave because of how loud and drunk everyone was. And to add on, after my family member was taken to the hospital, they released him within less than an hour of arriving, didnt let him call for a family member to pick him up or anything, have him crutches nd sent him on his way. Additionally, he said, she said cases do not always make it to court. Keep in mind that proving the other driver was at fault (particularly that he was intoxicated) may be challenging if the police report didnt indicate any problems. Hello, there. No police report was ever filed. 2023 All Rights Reserved. New Member. Oct 18, 2010, 04:39 PM. However, your car accident lawyer will do everything possible to prove that you weren't at fault. I am willing to pay for the scratches as they realistically were my fault (I did NOT admit fault). For example, does the person have a financial interest in the outcome of the case or a personal relationship with any of the people involved? I do not have the money to pay the full amount in the demand note sent to me by my insurance company received from the the other drivers lawyer. So how do you prove fault in a car accident case when your version of events conflicts with the other driver's? We were in shock! Heres a breakdown of the reporting laws by state: https://drivinglaws.aaa.com/tag/accident-reporting/. Either way, if you get hurt or suffer vehicle damage in a car accident that you believe is another driver's fault, call the local police or sheriff's department and ask that an officer be sent to the scene. What should we do? You can find a lawyer using our free directory. Car Accidents and Police Reports. You can seek more guidance from a Georgia personal injury lawyer. They feel the need to be different when you are already different. There was a tractor trailer parked on the side of the road unloading sometime at the bike shop. If the other car was damaged, the owner will file a claim with their insurance company (who will then seek reimbursement from your insurance company) or they will file a claim with your insurance company directly. If the other driver does threaten to sue you or claim damages, and if you dont think there was any physical damage to the car, I would recommend that you consult with a NY personal injury lawyer for guidance. The insurance company will seek the full amount ($2,600) from you or your insurance company. But today a car semi hit my 1 year old daughter while we was crossing the green light. The challenge will be identifying the responsible officer. The mechanic, at-fault driver, and I all agreed to these terms, and so my vehicle was supposed to be fixed within the next few days. So my question is how can a door get damaged as bad as she claims if.if just my license plate came off. I then looked at the Honda and asking myself why this vehicle wasnt slowing down? Insight will be great on this situation: my fianc lightly tapped a homeless person today. If that happens, and if you have information that identifies the truck and driver, you might be able to file a lawsuit for the costs not covered by insurance. now 2 days later my mother went to the hospital and says she feels pain. There was no police report since according to the driver who called the police told me that the police told him since nobody was hurt in the accident they will not show up. I was in a minor car accident at a gas station, I was at fault as I hit the car when I was backing my truck. There was no police report filed an she even signed something agreeing to pay for my damages. When you have a car accident on private property, the police have no jurisdiction to do a report, since it's not a public roadway. In some states, being partially at fault prevents you from recovering damages. You can speak with a lawyer to request a consultation. What do I do? My friend I was hit by Tyson semi truck driver he was parked in the road she went to go around him he had no blinker on as she was going around he turned and hit her he jumps out the truck threatened her saying that Tyson was going to sue her so she was already scared and shaking and she did not file a police report now she has no way of going shes hurt as far as back injury and dont know what to do shes a server which she only makes $2.13 an hour plus tips she is a single mother and already struggling im just trying to help her. The physical evidence from the accident will also play an important role in determining fault. Anyway, this couple was just adamant. In addition, it would be wise to take your daughter to the doctor to get checked out. I now remorsefully regret that decision as the grocery cart (which was full of groceries) was hit by the driver of the car which pushed the grocery cart into both of my knees that I had replaced within the last 5 years. What should we do? The police left with no report. They cant sue you for parking too close, unless there was no way for them to move their car without causing damage. If the woman continues to be an issue, you might consider filing an insurance claim with your own insurance company. Everything happened so fast. A copy of the report costs $10 along with a $2 convenience fee; if purchased online, you will be provided with a download link that will remain active for 48 hours. What do I do now? Recently got into accident in a parking lot, I hit a parked empty car, damage to both cars but no injuries, clearly my fault. He said hes fine, everything is fine. I told him Id contact AAA because I have full insurance. We pulled over exchanged insurance via cell pics, but didnt call the police. Its possible that theres some mistaken identity happening. But then the lady turned around and claimed that she was! My insurance has been trying to contact hers no one answers and theres no call back/ leave message option, Hence, my total loss will be covered by my insurance for her having no provable insurance. Please let me know what to do now. My husband, 2 granddaughters, and I was in the yard when a man and his young son cane riding by on motorcycles. Re: Hit a Pedestrian with My Car, No Injury, No Info Exchanged, No Police Report. Hi, Lilly. A car accident police report usually contains the following: Details of the car accident, including the people, vehicles and property involved. Bottom line these reports arent set in stone like the Ten Commandments. But, I think the best thing for you to do is to consult a lawyer. I wasnt even present at the scene of the accident! Would I be seen as a FLED THE SCENE if she submitted ME at fault? So about an hour later this man and hiswife were ringing my doorbell off. You hear all kinds of excuses but no action only words, peoples minds are not trained or they do not have enough understanding to know, to solve a problem, it is all excuses for something. Im not sure if the guy took my license so Im asking what could happen? In addition, the reason you do not . And also if the hood did fly off and hit his windshield, how is it that my sons vision was impaired, he kept driving, and he slammed on the breaks all at the same time? Can her stepfather be subpoenaed since he was the one that told her it was his brother or can they subpoena the cops who responded to her house late that night and saw the state of mind some of them were in? However, its unclear whether she has filed a claim with her insurance company at this point. My mom thought there was something off about her. A whopping 4.8 million of these accidents, or about 72% of them, were categorized as property damage, meaning there were no injuries or fatalities. Best of luck, and I hope you feel better soon! Try to document the exact point of the collision. Accordingly, you should contact your insurance company and send them the lawsuit. And I had just gotten my license a few days before. You dont want to fall prey to any sort of scam. Both vehicles pulled into a parking lot to make sure all was ok. My 1 daughter took pics of damage but the owner to the damaged car told both of them the dents and scratches were already there before she got hit. They told me they wouldnt file a report unless the woman called. The insurance company reached out amd he did not respond. I tired to appeal to get him to take the witnesses statement but he denied each time. However, you do need to reach out to the owner of the vehicle (you can call the contractor) and the police to work it out with them. I have at fault drivers driver license. this lady claims I hit her in a parking lot so she runs me down till I stop and get out. Keep in mind, however, that so long as the insurance company provides notice, they can raise your premiums for almost any reason. I got the guys name number insurance policy number plus the non family non friend witness name and number who saw it, How awful!! Our dog went chasing them down the road. If you do hear from her, though, you might need to negotiate payment. Now we are liable for the damage done to his vehicle? I would recommend reaching out to an attorney in your area. We support students, families, caregivers and communities with resources, personal stories and a national directory of injury lawyers. while I was consoling my husband and taking pictures of my own the police officer left the scene without giving me a report number. We dont have police report so I am not sure who can assist us if we cant locate the at-fault driver. 4 months later I get a letter in the mail saying I owe this associates company 3,000. I was hit on the back driver quarter panel by a dump truck. There was a cop on the scene taking pictures getting names and statements by witnesses who also said the other driver was at fault. However, our claim rep is wanting us to file a complaint and have the police report amended. If there were witnesses, the owner of the car could (in theory) wait a couple of years before contacting you. Talk to Berger and Green About Your Car Accident Today. However, if she does, the court will ask her why she didnt file a report or an insurance claim when the accident first happened. This includes names, addresses, and vehicle registration numbers. Of course, filing a lawsuit and proving that youre responsible for her injuries are two different things. It certainly helps, and it expedites the claim. The case was taken to the courts but they dropped it because of a discrepancy with how the ticket was written. No police report is made and the whole thing passes like it never happened but thats not necessarily true. They also said they took pics of my plates and they were gone by the time I was finished with work. In addition to providing valuable information and legal advice, our auto accident attorneys can help protect your rights and prevent your statements to the police and insurance companies from being used against you. (Florida) I was in a minor accident a month ago and the other persons car got minor damage to the back bumper. In other words, you dont pay the lawyer right now; they will receive a portion of the damages when the claim is resolved. A lawyer can tell you whether you live in a traditional fault or no-fault state. Im sorry , I meant the other drivers insurance company has already stated their driver was at fault and is covering all property damage. Your have the option of filing a damage claim with the opposing driver's insurance provider. At the time of the incident I was scared and afraid and didnt want to cause a scene, My adrenaline and nerves were high. I went to the er. If I had a police report I could at least see what vehicle they are saying that this happened with but it doesnt even have a police report anywhere on the document. This sounds like a tricky situation. Also the car wasnt under my name but my dads and hes also being sued what can he do? Bs.. The man said he wasnt going to call the police and we could just exchange info which we did. Can I still turn around and sue her for negligence? Im so sorry that happened and Im glad youre uninjured. He was not taken to the hospital from the accident. I gave her my insurance info and phone number. For this reason, I think it would be in your interest to meet with an attorney in your area. He said just give me 50 and that will be fine I had just paid my bills and was broke. Call or text 412-661-1400 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form. I use my bosses equipment tools and vehicle. I was in a car accident on April 22,2019. These are the costs of auto repairs water pump, timing belt, alterator, rear brakes, rotors and calipers made three months prior to the accident. Sometimes potential clients who get in a car wreck have no police report associated with it. Your brother was not responsible for the accident and therefore he is not liable. He never took my brother statement nor the other witnesses, He said theyre not creditable because the police didnt take their statement. Though a police report is often helpful, you dont need a police report to sue someone. I felt like I was just bruised so I just wanted to go home and not go to hospital and deal with police reports all day. The clerk at the small claims court may be able to get you started. Anytime that you are involved in a car accident, or any other serious accident type that necessitates emergency medical care, you should make sure that an accident report is filed with the police (in fact, in the event of a car accident, California law requires that you report the accident if anyone is injured or killed, or damages total more than $750). Be sure to provide a copy of the photo of the license plate. Hello, Jennifer. Walk down the street in the direction the defendant came from and take pictures of the intersection, the traffic signs, and any skid marks in the street. Which is a complete lie. I immediately filed a claim with my insurance., but its been weeks and shes not filed anything. You mentioned that the accident was a year ago but that you havent heard from the other driver in a while. Police said the woman has told them that she was not injured in the accident. I really dont want this to hit my insurance. $5,000 for damage to personal property. I got her license plate and damage photos. Mr.Simmons years of experience, and knowledge of the court system would be beneficial to everyone he represents. She agreed to not call the police if I paid for the dent on her door. A West Virginia car accident injury lawyer from DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC will fight for your rights and hold the correct party responsible for their actions. Hi, Kathleen. My brother said he would pay the driver for the damage and the next day told my brother the damage was $2500. I would consider reaching out to your insurance company or an attorney in your area. Failure to do so can result in harsh consequences, including a fine of up to $5,000 or jail time. I am from FL. We both decided to go through insurance for the accident and no one was injured. Can I go to jail or be sued? Police were not involved at all. If you're lucky, the place you have the accident at MAY do an "incident report". Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Hi, Alex. Walk down the street in the direction the defendant came from and take pictures of the intersection, the traffic signs, and any skid marks in the street. Licensed for 28 years. But this decision may make your claims process slower or more difficult to prove that youre not at fault for the accident. In the header it has the title Citation TRC 99 and 106. i rear ended with my Toyota Corolla an SUV at a stop sign on a rainy day.. I got in an accident today. Any advise? It doesnt sound to me like she has any evidence that you hit her. Best of luck! The papers we got served are not even copies as they are perfectly clear but because my dad is old school and not tech-savvy then he would not know about the court date as it is not listed on the served paperwork as I had to look up the case myself online to find out that there is indeed a court date of april 4th and I was just hoping for some help as far as what to do as my father lives with me and if he had an accident rear ending someone, I would have clearly seen it on his vehicle but he is never even in that area let alone how they used him to sue is something I dont understand as it says nothing about the specific vehicles or plate numbers. She never sent me anything to respond to and didnt message me for weeks. Over 2 years ago, my husband was in a minor accident (i.e. I would contact your own insurance company and make them aware of what happened. But when I contacted the insurance company they are saying that since theres no police report an that she has not reported the accident, they cant move forward without Either of the two, an she wont answer her phone. Without a police report or insurance, its going to be difficult for your brother to have any defense if this person intends to hold him responsible for damages. I mentioned to him I felt a bump and that was it. No police report was filed, No communication took place between my husband and the other driver. The only damage to the other car was surface paint removed. The other driver apologizes profusely. She got my name/number. They wrote me back and said that I was stupid but they never specifically stated if there was any damage to their car. Thank you!! I filed a claim with my insurance and a police report. i dont want to file a claim bc of family issues or what can and cant she do? If you do decide to meet with an attorney, you can use our free online directory to locate one. Your insurance company should also be able to investigate the accident. 3690 West Gandy Blvd., Suite 444Tampa, FL 33611 Contactustoday. Hi, Shon. Of course, obtaining evidence to prove liability (of either party) is going to be more challenging 2 years later than it wouldve been if the claim was made immediately after the accident. Second, an attorney can advise you of what your potential liability is based on the facts of the case and the laws in your state. I am bleeding right now and have the pictures or whatever you use to claim that this is not current. You would only file a report If property damage was greater . If theres no damage to their car, then theres no issue, really. Also, its possible that his injuries are unrelated to his carrying boxes (a head or neck injury, for instance). When we talked to the driver of the other car (80 M) we told him that we were in driving in the innermost lane and he said "I know" then proceeded to apologize to us. . Do I have to tell my parents about this or will it just blow over? Hello, Bridgette. Have you stopped to think, what if a pedestrian had stepped out in front of him? The SUV had NO dents or scratches. If you cant track down the police report yourself, Id suggest calling a personal injury lawyer. With our help, we can possibly help you recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. florida pregnant mother shot and killed while parked in car, police say Police said Harrison fled the scene in her white Ford vehicle but turned herself in to authorities around 5:30 p.m. that day. Nevertheless, I would still recommend meeting with an attorney. Thats all I know about the other party. However, it CAN be used against you if you appeared in front of a judge with respect to the ticket. In summary, it doesnt sound like she has much of a case. Is 2 months later she is still harassing me for insurance info to cover her cost even though we agreed to getting it fixed by me. Accident Report Form After that she never contacted me again. The cop told us that if neither of us was hurt then there was no need for a report! suggestions. Whether or not you can obtain compensation will depend on many individual factors such as state law and your specific case details. Hi, Haley. we were trying to work with him to get it fixed, but he seems to only be interested in cash, I didnt want to give him cash at the time, he went quiet for about a month then he texted her saying she doesnt answer his phone calls. He threatened that my license will be taken away if I do not pay it. In some states, it is even required. She alao pointed put her back bump was already damaged, that I didnt need to worry. You can use the Enjuris law firm directory to find an attorney near you who can help. If it is not a valid address, can we still sue her in the court? A car accident with no police report may still be grounds for insurance compensation or a lawsuit. Sorry this is so long Im just really fired up about this whole thing ! Teddy, Meekins & Talbert, P.L.L.C., Attorneys at Law. They can contact the lawyer who represents the plaintiff and get some more information to determine who the complaint is actually meant to be against. Arizona law states that the individuals involved in the accidents are not required to report the incident personally. You need to file a vehicle accident report if anyone is injured, killed, or if you feel property damage is over $1,500 in value. In Texas, for example, if the collision leads to a fatality, serious injuries, property damage costing $1,000 or more, or damage to local government property, it is essential to file an accident report. Be sure to save the text message and pictures in case the driver tries to claim that you caused more damages than you actually caused. Best of luck. Can I offer to pay out of pocket to his insurance company since I didnt get his phone number when they contact me? I have the same issue right now, its a minor rear accident but the estimate cost more then the person that can able to pay the damage . To an attorney near you who can assist us if we cant locate the at-fault driver his vehicle Gandy he said she said car accident no police report. Based on what you told me the cop told us that if neither us... Dont have police report was finished with work if you do decide to with! Clients who get in a parking lot so she runs me down till I stop and get out came to... Bottom line these reports arent set in stone like the Ten Commandments I just ended up getting to... Statement nor the other driver 's, that I was hit on scene. 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