The woman who sold us the crayons said, What are you guys doing?, We said, Were going to make a sign, HAROLDS CLUB OR BUST! tie it to the back of our bikes, go over to Harolds Club and tell Harold, whoever he might be, that wed had this across the whole United States and we were just crazy to see Harolds Club. Handsome guy. The letter was from The Diplomat Motor Hotel, in Ocean City, Maryland. Intelligence reports had the Soviets on the fast track and the Americans playing catch up. How do you fall out of a window? said Eric. My fathers records from the Priory, which I obtained only recently, raise the suspicion that he may have been subjected to the CIAs MK-ULTRA mind depatterning technique, which combined massive electroconvulsive therapy with drug therapy. Frank Olson went to work on a Monday morning and resigned from his job. Im going to tell you the truth. Finally, we examine the head, first examining the eyes and skin for pinpoint capillary hemorrhages (called petechiae) that may reveal evidence of strangulation. A month later (July 10) we held a press conference, right here, to provide the nameFrank Olsonthat the story had lacked up to then. However, the simplest local tools are often much the most efficient means of assassination. Of course it bears mention that it could be random broken glass on the sidewalk having no connection to Dr. Olsons death. If Gibsons name were kept out of the record nobody would ever hear his version anyway. In the meantime, Sidney Gottlieb had already reported up the chain of command. They were not C.I.A. The evidence on the body says that the agency may have lied. Unsuspecting clients were served cocktails laced with powerful doses of LSD and other concoctions the CIA sent out to be tested. Then in 1975 the Rockefeller Commission, set up by President Ford to examine the extent of the CIAs illegal domestic operations, revealed that an unnamed army scientist had died after CIA experts, experimenting with mind-bending drugs, had secretly slipped him a dose of potent LSD. Orley R. Bourland Jr., 75, who worked as a plant manager, said anthrax from Krehs finger was isolated and designated BVK-1, for Bernard Victor Kreh. Or did it? As we walked on, I asked Feldman to explain how his work had been helpful to the country. Except in terroristic assassinations, it is desirable that the assassin be transient in the area. And when youre done, slip it under the sill., Ill read in this room, I said, and if anybody unfamiliar knocks, anyone official, that is, Ill put the letter under your door before I go to answer.. And if he had butted his head against the glass on his way out, breaking it in the doing, then hed necessarily had his head up and was looking where he was going with his arms at his sides. When Frank Olson was later briefed about the LSD experiment, he knew immediately what it meant: They had interrogated him with Artichoke techniques. On pages 149-150 of the paperback edition Simpson writes as follows: Former Nazi collaborators made excellent executioners in such instances, because of both their wartime training and the fact that the U.S. government could plausibly deny any knowledge of their activities. ''Fine. Murder is not morally justifiable. There they slipped their clients an LSD mickey while Agency researchers savored the scientific action from behind a two-way mirror, a pitcher of martinis at the ready. If you work on a top government secret, a city secret, a state secret, and it spills out to people who should not know, there is only one way to do it: kill him.. They couldnt afford to take the risk of letting my father continue to be involved or, considering all he knew, allowing him to quit. Within the TSS, MKULTRA was assigned to the Chemical Division (TSS/CD), a component with functions few others even within the Technical Services Staff knew about. Within the Agency, there was a concern almost a panic that the Russians had developed a frightening new weapon: a drug or technology for controlling mens minds. 31.41 Voice of Ira (Ike) Feldman/Former CIA agent Overcoming a pronounced stutter and a clubfoot to rise through the ranks of the CIA, he would later describe himself as the Agencys Dr. If no, two grains will suffice. Although the agency tested compounds ranging from mes-caline to extracts from poisonous mushrooms, the key drug was LSD-25, a synthetic variation on a c ompound found in a fungus. Allen took up the CIA post twenty-six days later. Dr. Abramson makes clear in the Colby documents that he wanted to be kept out of it. This is merely the first of a whole series of security problems that would have arisen. to assassinate particular individuals. 37.10 Meachum does an excellent job of sketching the context of my fathers work at Detrick and the CIA, his objections to biological warfare, and the Cold War climate in which the whole saga unfolded and in which his 1953 murder must be understood. Their families regularly spent their summer vacation together. Nothing in his demeanor had indicated that he was dangerous. It spread to undergraduate students, then to other campuses. In October of 1949, Olson is suspected of disclosing government secrets. I realized full well that the major unresolved mystery continued to be: the large hemorrhage above the left eye. With their mother locked in silence, the children were left alone with their own sense of shame about their father's death. September 12, 2003 Was it broken? He said I could only publish what he had said after his death. Documents uncovered by the authors reveal that within 48 hours of Blauers death, Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi, the Chemical Corps contract officer for Project Pelican, traveled to the New York State Psychiatric Institute on Jan. 10 and met with Hoch. THE TRIAL THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED (with Max MorganWitts) (In fact, Eric Olson would later discover that the doctors at Chestnut Lodge had no special security clearance, a fact that begs the question, Why did the CIA lie about this?) a. [15]Mulholland letter to subscribers ofThe Sphinx, June 29, 1953,op. They rigged light fixtures and car tailpipes to loose an invisible spray of anthrax. This occurred on both of World War IIs major fronts, and Detrick was involved in both. While our studies so far have been carried out in isolated individuals, one at a time, it is well known that hysteria is compounded when several vulnerable individuals are together. Frank is troubled by something. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995; paperback 1996). look in his eyes, wide open . It was a basic hotel room with two double beds, small and rather spare in its furnishings. Down at reception, Pastore asked the hotel telephone operator whether she had overheard any calls from 1018A. He had this black bag with him. Gottlieb knew how to mix the potions. By the 1960's, Alice Olson was routinely drinking on the quiet, locking herself in the bathroom and then coming out mean and confused. Eric found that when patients assembled a collection of nonverbal images in a tableau, they often gained powerful insight into suppressed emotions and memories. Its author, Ed Regis, is like me a former philosophy professor. That is, the patients of inexperienced LSD therapists were more likely to have bad trips. LSD -25 is the most potent psychoagent available at the present time. POISONED SKY, Screenplays: I did eight years for the Feds because I refused to rat when I got busted for pot.. Have you heard of The Shadow novels? On occasion he might be given a drug to elevate his mood prior to interrogation; marijuana, heroin, and sodium pentothal have been shown to overcome a reluctance to speak. The CIA hired prostitutes to pour LSD into their customers drinks. The story made national headlines. I have given the subjects we discussed considerable thought, Mulholland wrote. For 20 years after its creation in 1949, Detricks Special Operations Division developed covert germ weapons dart guns and aerosol sprayers to assassinate foreign enemies. Robert Kennedys assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, while working as a horse trainer at the Santa Anita race track near Los Angeles, was introduced to hypnosis and the occult by a fellow groom with shadowy connections. The Rockefeller Commissions account of the suicide of an Army scientist not only neglected to add the mans name and his CIA affiliation; it omitted any reference to his high position in the countrys most secret biological weapons laboratory. Scientists thought both were harmless, though later research found that SM could cause illness or death in people with weakened immune systems. Although Eric was convinced that his father had been the victim of a CIA assassination, the possible motive behind a murder had long remained the weak link in his theories. clearance who was a firm believer in the therapeutic value of LSD for psychiatric patients. Eric Olson is the founding chair of the Department of Molecular Biology at UTSouthwestern. It is built on a steep slope, and appears considerably larger from the lake side than from the approach. I explained why I was there, and Railey immediately knew the story. The detectives asked him to empty his pockets but did not keep a record of what they found. It was the day following the National Press Clubs public disclosure of our work and findings that I received a telephone call from Dr. Robert Gibson, a retired psychiatrist, who indicated that his memory had been jogged by his reading the newspaper accounts of my Olson labors. Every day wed see these billboards, HAROLDS CLUB OR BUST! Lashbrook said that Olson had jumped through the window shade and the window glass. When this information is added to the story, and when one obtains some idea of what sorts of projects were being pursued at the SO Division, then the overall picture of the death of Frank Olson changes entirely. But officials couldnt afford to let him leave. He simply couldnt imagine how his father could have run across the small, dark hotel room, gained enough velocity to vault over a radiator and crash with enough force to go through the closed blinds and the heavy glass pane of a shut hotel windowall with a CIA agent asleep in the next bed whose entire responsibility was to keep track of his father. Notes on my meeting with Dr. Robert Gibson White was with the OSS [Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA]. According to the terms, Mr. Deakins was to receive 600 acres of land anywhere in Western Maryland he chose. If there isn't enough for the Manhattan D.A. He holds The Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science and the Annie and Willie Nelson Professorship in Stem Cell Research. Dr Sargant remarked that he was just like any other CIA spy, using our secret airfields to come and go. Saracco has already offered Lashbrook immunity from prosecution in return for his testimony. Our next port of call for identification purposes lay in the teeth. It has to do with a top secret project to use chemicals, drugs and torture on human beings in order to break their will and make them submissive. 41.18 (The CIA assassination manual). Again, the family had to piece together different sources of information to understand his travels. We knew that Dr. Olson had been a pipe smoker, which could be reflected in his teeth, that he might have taken some falls from horseback riding, and that hed been discharged from the army for an ulcer. There his wellbeing was again restored, and in September they once more went back to London, where my father almost immediately suffered a relapse. Are you in any way motivated by ideology over this? the man from Fox News asked. In one, psychiatrist Ewen Cameron received CIA funding to test a procedure he called depatterning. This technique, Cameron explained when he applied for his CIA grant (through a front group called the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology), involved the breaking down of ongoing patterns of the patients behavior by means of particularly intensive elec- in addition to LSD. financing to experiment with LSD, and his sole exercise of therapeutic attention was to prescribe Nembutal and bourbon to help Olson sleep. As Eric spoke with his fathers old friend and colleague, Cournoyers gardener interrupted them. Eric and his little brother Nils told their school friends that their father had died of a fatal nervous breakdown although they had no idea what this meant. Frederick/Maryland. But why would a quiet scientist like Frank Olson be murdered? But dogs were not the primary target of the SO Divisions creative efforts. An extension of time is needed to give Mr. Mulholland more time to complete this task, Gottlieb wrote. 33.30 Voice of Eric Olson: Non-drug factors such as set and settinga persons mental state going into the experience and the surroundings in which the drug is takencan make all the difference in reactions to a dose of LSD. They were all nuts. In truth, CIA spooks and scientists alike were tripping their brains out. That Frank Olson had taken his own life just didnt square with the devoted husband and caring father they knew. Tracking travelers routes, Fort Detrick scientists plotted on a U.S. map the smallpox cases that would result from a real release. It was all planned and scripted by the Central Intelligence.. In 1953 the Olson family was assured by the government within three days of Frank Olsons death that the family would receive government employees compensation. Eric Olson believes his father who developed misgivings about his work and tried to resign was murdered by government agents to protect dark government secrets. 1) I stated publicly and openly that I was a conscientious National Socialist, 11.29 Voice of Norman Cournoyer I am also aware that there are those who refuse to speak because they view the subject under inquiry as too well rung to have any value in pursuing yet another time. We decided to turn for assistance to the only governmental institution that might be able to help us. As it turned out my knock at his door went unanswered. Stephen Saracco and Daniel Bibb of Morgenthau's ''cold case'' unit have deposed Lashbrook in Ojai; they have followed up a few of the hundreds of leads that Eric Olson besieges them with almost daily. 30:21 Voice of Bennie E. Hackley/Chemical Corps US Army: Gradually a completely new story of the death of Frank Olson was emerging, one that bore very little resemblance to the one that had long-since become the conventional wisdom on this issue. ''This was a world-class intelligence.'' Today, Eric Olson and his family will try to put their questions, theories and suspicions to rest as they rebury what is left of Frank Olson in the cemetery plot he shared with his wife. Memories of the Eighties,Screen,1982). Then it came to me. 8.31 I knew that there was a problem that he was attempting to confront. Russian Formalism: History-Doctrine,1981), Brechts epic theater is a theater that is in certain ways conscious of itself as signifying practice, and that draws attention to its own means of production, its own processes of representation. Then Dr. Gibsons wife appeared. Since 1953, Eric Olson has heard more than one explanation for his fathers mysterious death. But a world in which morality has no meaning is one in which eventually everything is permitted. The only drug mentioned is LSD, which the CIA began to use on test subjects as long as 25 years ago. Around Frederick, Maryland, where Frank Olson lived while working for both the US Armys secret biological warfare program and the CIA, the FBI is still looking for the anthrax terrorist. It seemed to unfurl the winding processes of a person's unconscious and lay them out flat on paper. 19.15 Voice of Armand Pastore/Former hotel manager: (Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling,Vol. A scanning electron microscope, coupled with energy dispersive X-ray, disclosed the presence of a number of elements, one of which was silicon in a rather high concentration. Later in June, 1993 I located and visited with Armand Pastore, the Hotel Statlers assistant night manager in 1953, who had been summoned to Olsons side. Eventually investigative essayist H.P. In that sense the real Frederick Candidate, the real subject of brainwashing and mind control, was not Frank Olson. Although bioengineering today could produce more virulent pathogens, nothing has changed in the most challenging part of covert biological attack: delivering germs so that they infect people, Patrick said. We took a drive over to Muir Woods out by Stinson Beach. In the cabinets were sex toys and photos of manacled women in black fishnet stockings and studded leather halters. At about 3 A.M., with Lashbrook asleep, Frank Olson crashed through the closed window of room 1018A and disappeared below the ledge. He told me lie had visited Langley several times and had met with Dr Sydney Gottlieb, Richard Helms and other senior CIA officials. At the funeral in 1953, the coffin was shut because the family had been told that the body was broken up and that there were extensive cuts and lacerations to the face caused by the fall through the glass. Of course, if the blow is very heavy, any portion of the upper skull will do. Patrick Johnson. Correction of diverse muscular dystrophy mutations in human engineered heart muscle by single-site genome editing. If anyone had wanted to unhinge a guy already convinced that he was being drugged against his will, they probably couldnt have done better than to commission an impromptu magic show by a known conjurer of CIA mickey fins. Why would the government murder an Army scientist who had been unwittingly drugged with LSD? As in the case of Barney, this response was, I think, triggered by the disconcertingly surreal combination of dark intelligence secrets and familiar pop culture. Refine Your Search Results All Filters 1 Eric Rodney Olson, 56 Resides in Las Vegas, NV Lived In Dundee IL, Ypsilanti MI, Chula Vista CA, San Diego CA This was supposedly to spare his family from seeing how badly mutilated his face and body were from crashing through a plate glass window and falling ten stories to the concrete below. Thats why Im here. I had a couple of my girls pick up these Russian sailors and bring em back to the pad. There are receipts for books with suggestive titles: The Assassins, The Enemy Within, Dictionary of Poisons. We got these terrible two-speed heavy twin bikes, and we started off right here. The documents were obtained by the House National Security subcommittee on military personnel. Join Facebook to connect with Eric Olson and others you may know. If you work on a top government secret and it spills out to people who should not know, there is only one way to do it: kill him.. His arthritis had become very severe, but ulcers and other stomach problems prevented him from taking even aspirin to relieve it. A little over a year ago we were contacted by one of our fathers oldest friends and closest colleagues at Detrick. In virtually every case it would turn to have been accomplished through the stagecraft of magic. Nor did they limit their inquiries to drugs. The ex-periments were part of a broader pro-gram that also explored other means ofmind and behavior control, such as hyp-nosis and even implantation of electrodes in the brain. Then there was Frank Olson himself, shrivelled and brown on a slab in a pathologists lab at Washington Georgetown University, his leg broken, a big hole in his skull. He did not call Lt-Col Ruwet, the chief of the Special Operations Division, right away. And if you lack provable truth, you do not get justice. His failure to recall whether he kept a record of the event in his patrolmans notebook was a challenge to his credibility as was his memory lapse on whether this was the one and only jumper he had investigated. He went home every Thanksgiving weekend, and because Frank Olson went out of the window during the Thanksgiving holiday of 1953, the family invariably ended up watching old home movies of Frank, and Eric inevitably said to his mother, Tell me the story again., During Thanksgiving weekend 1974, Erics mother replied, Ive told you this story a hundred times, a thousand times., Eric said, Just tell me it one more time.. Then Eric recalled that the family had never been told any of the details, that they had been callously deceived, and that they wanted to know why a cover-up had been in place all these years. Roselli was originally from Chicago, where White had served as District Supervisor of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1945 through 1947. We may never know the whole story. And theres so much comfort they take in that. Colonel Vincent Ruwet giving their understandings about Frank Olson and About what happened in the last few days of his life. Two officers of the 14thDetective Squad then interviewed Lashbrook at the local police station. The notion of a Manchurian Candidate, the idea that someone could be programmed to make statements or commit actions contrary to their own will, bears a very complicated relationship to the Frank Olson story. When Pastore went up to the stranger's room -- 1018A -- with the police, they found a man who gave his name as Robert Lashbrook sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care; MultiPlan * Please verify . One series of tests on CIA employees was designed to see whether LSD could i break the so-called pentathol block. During interrogations, captured agents were often given sodium pentathol-or truth serum sometimes combined with hypnosis, as in the case of the Soviet double agents, in an effort to get them to disclose secrets. If I can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call upon me. In December 9, Gottlieb expanded MKULTRAs Subproject 19 to increase the travel and operational supplies available to Mulholland and to provide for even more consultation between the conjuror and CD/TSS. was in fact experimenting with ''expendables'' in Germany, and if Olson knew about it, Eric reasoned, then it would not be enough to hospitalize him, discredit him with lies about his mental condition and allow him to slip back into civilian life. Frank Olson was buried in a solemn ceremony on December 1, 1953 in Linden Hills Cemetery n Frederick, Maryland where a stone monument was put in place to his memory. But terminal ARTICHOKE experiments werent the only matters weighing heavily on Olsons conscience during the summer of 1953. In chase cases it will usually be necessary to stun or drug the subject before dropping him. If the work sounds sinister today, there were doubters at the time, too. If the subject drinks heavily, morphine or a similar narcotic can be injected at the passing out stage, and the cause of death will often be held to be acute alcoholism. We also learned that the priest who came to the site for the purpose of giving Dr. Olson the Last Rites was quietly moved aside. He ''smoldered'' in Stockholm and in 1984 returned to the States determined, he said, to find out the truth ''once and for all.''. Housing a possibly deranged and desperate man in a hotel room high above Seventh Avenue no longer seemed like a regrettable error of judgment. DESCENT INTO DANGER I remember Eric talking for hours in his Cambridge apartment about a technique he had been using to help the people of Buffalo Creek. The real target of mind control was the public to whom the story of a suicidal, deranged, drugged scientist would be told. assassination plots on national leaders and was an enthusiastic supporter of mind control. 5. At his core, Gottlieb was a dedicated and determined operations leader. But he said its fine with him if the dark lessons of Fort Detricks early days are lost forever. This is clearly the implication of the film documentaryMind Control Murderproduced by Principal Films and presented as part of Arts & Entertainment NetworksInvestigativeReportsseries in September of 1999. If you ask them why they don't go down to Florida to talk to Albarelli's jealously guarded sources, they look at you as if to say, ''How do you know these people exist?''. We used that information to assist in a reconstruction. Starrs and his team concluded that the evidence from their examination was rankly and starkly suggestive of homicide.. (Used with the permission of the authors. The cottage itself was only a quarter of mile from where we were sitting and Railey told me how to find it. I dont know if Ill ever get another bird or pet. Though armed with a mountain of circumstantial evidence, Eric remained hamstrung by the waiver he and his family had signed promising not to sue the CIA. A commission spokesman said that all documented evidence for the drug tests was turned over to the White House, where it will remain indefinitely. Frank Olson pulled no punches at any time. CIA documents have confirmed that a week earlier Olson had been surreptitiously drugged with LSD at a high-level CIA meeting. Testing for the presence of drugs in the bodily tissues and the hair of Dr. Olson was a first order of our scientific sequelae following the autopsy. Sargant believed that for the first time Olson had come face to face with his own reality. The Very Best MenFour Who Dared: The Early Years of the CIA, This is a storythat no one wants to know. As Eric Olson surmised, In the wake of the Nuremburg trials in the late 1940s, the United States could not afford to be exposed as a sponsor of the sort of research it had prosecuted the Nazis for undertaking.. Despite this new evidence, federal prosecutors refused to pursue the inquiry. He recommended to his own superiors at the SIS that Frank Olson should no longer have access to Portion Down or to any ongoing British research at the various secret establishments Olson had been allowed prior free access to. He set about finding remedies including electroshock (60,000 ECTs in a single year), lobotomies and other forms of psychosurgery, sensory deprivation and mind-altering drugsall used on patients who had little or no say in their treatment. Everybody had this stony-faced expression, Olson recalls. Well, here I am on hotshot duty in TSS, and there you are, honcho number one to the big man in Berlin. Second, the true nature of his death was concealed for twenty-two years. The probabilities, taken together, strongly and relentlessly suggest that it was a homicide. Last to mention but always in the forefront throughout the project was Dr. Jack John Levisky, a forensic anthropologist and department chairman at York College, PA. A scientific consultant, and an assortment of support staff were also used. As long as it did good for the country., Well, look, Feldman gestured with his cigar, Were goddamn free, arent we?. I realized I could not go on forever and for the past several years I have been searching for some individual, or group, qualified to take over the editing and publication ofThe Sphinxand maintain its standards. People with weakened immune systems it bears mention that it could be random broken glass the! 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