Travelling: 150 for a return ticket halfway across England is expensive? Totally agree with so much of this! Young people find it just as hard to get onto the property ladder there, and by the way, they dont appreciate digital nomads with UK salaries pushing up the prices of accommodation. I hope you find your reality somewhere and leave us racist, poor, thick bits to struggle on without you. I mean I left Romania because I didn't like it and wanted a better life for myself. The personal story behind our decision to leave the UK (and come back after 4 years abroad). No culture and social life. Rail fares have seen a huge increase since I studied in the UK from 2013-2014 to now, and it's just so prohibitively expensive to get anywhere unless you have a car or are willing to fly from the north to the south or vice versa. My degree is in law and I have little experience in any commercial field. Lots of people thought we were crazy but it's by far the best thing we have ever done. Blackburn - the least worst town on the list (. Can you believe that it was because of Harry Potter that I wanted to move to the UK? I must say, I don't think your assertion that 'most people in the UK are racist' is fair. I don't like the sunshine so no, I didn't expect wall to wall sunshine. Unfortunately there are a lot of uncultured and racist people in the UK, its so disappointing. To my mind, Britain is the biggest dump in Europe. Sadly, I am one of them. I don't want to have that life when they work 7 days a week and never get to enjoy the city. It makes me so sad to see where we have ended up. Maybe we didn't find our space in the South. -Privacy rights- Non existent in reality. This, in turn, is fantastic for livestock, fantastic for photography and brilliant for people who love walks in nature. In my case in Prague, some of these romantic ideas just never materialized the way I thought they would, or my perception has changed. So which country is the worst then? I'm an immigrant to the UK - welll technically not right now as I'm yet in the midst of another visa application - mostly due to Brexit delays. I was always welcomed as an American, many years ago. As an educated immigrant with a PhD in Engineering who has lived in the UK for 10 years and contributed immensely from every aspect, I cannot agree more with your well written article. And since the article is not about this, I'm going to refrain from further comments. I say keep traveling and find places that you can afford to have a decent life and by that I don't mean buying 'stuff' settle for much less but a good lifestyle. And thank you for mentioning how expensive it is to live in the UK! Well, maths and sciences requires thinking and bright individuals. I always turn up to a new place eager to learn about the culture, and with romantic views about the entire city/country. I will go further and suggest there is a lot of naivety amongst younger generations around the world. So what the fuck are you on about? Would you conceive a white being in the government in Pakistan? Oh, don't believe the popular etymologies that you read sometimes in the press and on websites. Cory, thanks for your article. thankyou for making me laugh ; that 5minutes of laughter was more valuable than 1000 holidays in the sun. I also hope your partner will learn to agree with you and understand you, if nothing else. We should all be free to live a happy life everywhere. Yes, it's possible to "get on with it" but what's the point living if you're surrounded with unkind and cruel people? I lived in the UK for 37 years until 2015 and moved back to Egypt. His family is super conservative (they voted leave) and it's quite surprising to see how people are close-minded and so patriotic. Then throughout the 00's until present day the fascist tabloids managed take away what we had gained. The referendum changed everything for me. I understand and appreciate your opinions. It's just that we wanted to experience something a little different for a while. Always. This also means that, in order to actually enjoy real life (not some kind of manufacturt-pre-organised and structured activity), you have to either walk on the coasts or on the morland (a bit of a sad alternative) or go abroad on holidays. I've been an expat but tbh happy to call myself immigrant too (as I once was to Britain as a 2yr old!). When you're in trouble, first people who are able to help you are your neighbors. Answer (1 of 23): An answer to this obviously hugely depends on where (and whether, given we're asking the rest of the UK in this question too) you live/visit in England, and also has to take on the idea of whether or not 'everyone else' finds England depressing. We thought we needed to give them some respect and have decided to trademark our sweets. We lived in Bristol, Bob. Would you come and live in the UK or would you rather take the road somewhere warmer? And finally, let me make something perfectly clear. I gave it to my manager and he just read his name at the top. That is what Brexit is all about: fighting back against this invasion. Oh, oh, did you travel the British style too? I am glad to hear you settled in Germany. The weather is better but their governments are destroying both. Joe: He did. Most working Brits are counting the days to retirement and escape from this violent slum. I wish you happiness :), I got in Uk 17 years ago , a child 20 at that time ,didnt know what the future holds .Moving on , two children now, a house in mortgages, and a difficult financial situation. Rain makes this country green heaven, which is ideal for keeping those beautiful rolling hills everyone loves. Canada is so high on our bucket list. Gloucester has been featured on a popular website dedicated to 'chav towns'. I studied computer games design, music production and technology, IT infrastructure and now Cloud Computing with Amazon and guess what.still no JOB. How is that even logically possible when the UK simply doesn't GROW resources needed for their population to sustain itself? Can you imagine a black minister for equality in Bulgaria? Like many new and unexplored places, it needs to be protected from abuse (rise in properly prices, too much tourism and so forth). Stay safe! I am struggling in this last year or so. No one worked there who wasn't English. There are pros and cons to this. After Brexit, I really didn't want to be here any more. Nobody is going to vote "leave" and nobody is going to vote for "Trump". Paris is wetter than London..south of England gets more sunshine than the Low Countries..what were you expecting when you moved here wall to wall sunshine?! I guess the point of my comment is that I just wanted to tell you that you should have NEVER been treated the way you were here and I know that there is a massive percentage of brits that would agree. No country is perfect, but if you consider our history, museums, NHS, free education and world-class universities, the honesty of our police force and courts, business opportunities, freedom of speech, music, religious diversity, food safety (a huge problem in Asia by the way), countryside, regulation, animal rights, gender equality, gay rights, time zone, infrastructure, I still contend the UK is one of the best countries to live in the world. The weather of the UK is the best of anywhere in the world. Adopted countries I've lived in were always a ticking reminder that I don't belong and that I'm just a temporary alien working or studying there for a limited time. I've found people angry and bitter, jealous of our "success" so shunning us, mad at the whole world and blaming the new family down the street rather than reflecting on how their own attitudes drive down the areas we live in. Tolerant please don't make me laugh. I am glad you did what is best for you. Now it's obsessed with 'poverty' (can't afford food but can fags and false nails) and banal debates about identity. They are more racist Im afraid, albeit in a passive way. :). Scotland is a wonderful place, but ultimately, it is still part of the UK.for now at least :). What do you describe in terms of the hate towards foreigners and outright xenophobia you have faced its home to me now in a way I fully understand. Can you see what they did there? Answer (1 of 9): Hello Ian Kent and welcome to Quora. I am from Hungary and been living in the UK for 13 years. I found it. 10) Blackburn. Sadly, the internet is full of these instances so there isn't much point me going through them. The racists will swear up and down that they're not racist while being so completely racist. I know the English think they are similar to Australians but how many people (pom ping-pongs, they're called) come back from Australia because they are UNWANTED? There is more hope for a limpet sucking the tits off the sun than the UK you fell in love with as a boy returns . I respect your opinion. James, you're saying that it's not as simple as a lot of the press talks about Brexit but I find your opinion full of hypocrisy because you LIVE in Germany, promote your business in Germany, and have the nerve to talk about how the UK is better yet That changed everything. However, you do need an address in the UK for your business. I identify as immigrant as I'm British Naturalised and recently returned home from spending most of the last decade living overseas in Asia-Pac (Australia and Singapore). Maybe not your cup of tea. I hope you do make the move. But please know that you and your husband are welcome, you are safe, and if our government ever decides to sort themselves out and stop being absolute tools, I hope you come back some day :) But in the meantime have an absolute blast in Portugal, Hungary and wherever else the wind takes you! A birth country that doesn't fully accept me because I speak different, act different, live differently than the majority. Did I? I am an Indian immigrant living in the UK for 15 odd years. I hope you getting differential treatment than your British man is just a silly coincidence! "What British culture?" However, now I want to start my own business and freelance, and I definitely see the benefits of the UK in this regard. That is a fantastic thing, is it not? But obviously you're biased because you're an immigrant so you're never gonna understand me. However, most countries do not want Brits and their drunken, loutish behaviour coupled with a very misplaced sense of importance. Hi!! We would love to try and live in the UAE. I couldn't agree more. That level of institutionalised class violence and prejudice is not something I want to be associated with. Or how we enjoyed some seriously nice Italian meal. They live, btw, in the diaspora English - older expats, or some of those raised abroad. I have noticed a trend of Italian immigrants on this thread but I wanted to clarify that of course you had no bad experiences because it is not Italians that British people have an issue with. I cant have a conversation with anyone, I dont feel like they get me. I am half Spanish but raised and born in the uk. Stereotype of anti-social youth dressed in sportswear, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class, "Definition of chav in Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English)", "Neets, asbos and chavs: labels of age discrimination", "Cultural Exchange and the Transformation of Jamaican Patois in the Greater Toronto Area", "Australians Are Explaining What An "Eshay" Is To The Rest Of The World And I'm Cackling", "Plan B criticises word chav ahead of Ill Manors release", "Yeah but, no but, why I'm proud to be a chav", "So now we've finally got our very own 'white trash', "Chav: the vile word at the heart of fractured Britain", "Misfits star Lauren Socha reveals why she's changing her accent",, Articles with dead external links from August 2021, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 12:41. [3] In Canada, in the province of British Columbia they're known as "Surrey jacks". Nothing to do with skin colour or ethnicity (as once was), it's about money and yes, class. But this is something new. Perfect response. Here, in Estonia, the winter is 6 months - cold, sometimes snowing, dark, wet, depressing weather. It took me a couple years to psychologically recover from my idealistic perception of the UK.It took me a decade of living abroad to realise that it is true when people say the grass seems greener on the other side. We are much happier out of the uk as it is now over populated in general. The best advice I can offer: follow your heart, because home is where your heart is truly happy surrounded by best friends and family you love. You chose to live in the North, where it is colder and wetter. But the vast majority of people in the UK seem to be relatively well off. Or at least it was before the Brexit idea, but more on this a later in this article. Garlicky paprika chicken stews and bakes. I don't blame you at all for wanting to leave. Uncertainty in things!!. They don't care for the virtuous and preachy nonsense that London obsesses with whilst the roads get more clogged, economy tanks etc. The UK hasn't had to pay for their education and they are not responsible for them until they become Brits. London has more recognised international communities than New York. I personally think that is more noble. The UK blows fat d*ck in all aspects. I know many foreigners who are happy in the UK and live well. I cannot tell you if Romania is better, or the UK, or any other country for that matter. Why did we decide to move out of the UK? I have a Polish wife, and we've been increasingly travelling full-time. Enjoy: For me, however, there have been two really important breaking points between me and England. Alas, we did it! One of Schmitt's rules of nation building was to always create an enemy OUTSIDE your country if you want to make your country better and stronger. Can you even have produce GROWING without sunshine? Turns out, the UK has always been, home, our home. Nonetheless, the dark side usually has cookies :), I can imagine you want to escape the rain. It sucks that you can't wear a dress unless you go on holiday. The freedom, no constraints, no obligations and no stress. I guess Einstein was right after all..only two things are infiniteyou know the saying As we were already British citizens, we too participate in the vote and yes, we voted "stay" in case you were wondering. I was born and bred in England, and have travelled extensively but never lived outside of the UK, and I absolutely hate it here now. Hi Cory, :). Kind Regards. Hey! Something that I should add - if you visit Yorkshire namely Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Wakefield, Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, Goole, Hull and Scarborough. :). I planned to stay and study there with my family for six months before moving somewhere more sunny and exotic, (precisely for that injection of British 'culture' and 'opportunity' ), but was worried about the current Brexit climate. Thanks for sharing! I grew up as an expat kid and global citizen so I don't really understand the veil of staunch patriotism to one country. As a small island, the UK has and will always be expensive, but this is the same as all other developed small islands, Iceland, Bahamas, Singapore, New Zealand etc. I strongly suggest that you may sometimes take the time to travel a little and open your horizons. It's to do with money laundering regulations. What a load of rubbish. 3) Live somewhere else where you can actually LIVE and not simply EXIST. Newbiggin is a small fishing village in Northumberland North East, crawling with dressing gown wearing teenage mums, underage smokers and drinkers, and loud rowdy locals! These people come here and claim free medical care. And your seasons kick ass :) You can ski, swim, tan, walk. The core of the British kitchen is the oven, as you might already know from the Great British Bake Off. What you are supporting is an idea that the UK needs to stand alone economically, which is a cute idea yet impossible (because not even you support yourself and need help earning money) -- and you also support vile, and viscous ideas of THE OTHER, of xenophobia, and of racism, and hatred, and UKIP, all of which started talks of Brexit. If you think the only "British" dishes are the Sunday roast, fish and chips, pies and bleedin toad in the hole then you're a bit of a divvy. Furthermore, I respect the people who in my mind, made Britain awesome (Like Mick Jagger, David Attenborough or Maggie Smith). Me and my wife have lived in many places around the UK, going up the property ladder, creating a small property portfolio, opening businesses and going up also the corporate ladder. Countries in Europe are becoming less and less accepting and open. Take care! Cory Varga - Cory is a published travel writer and award-winning photographer. (Has the author been to 'Bradistan' in West Yorks?). To give an idea of the divide on the Brexit vote night my Italian neighbours who I had never met before invited me around for a party so I was getting drunk with about 15 Italians before we found out the result. Honestly though, what do we have to do and who do we have to vote for to get these unwanted immigrants and their allies the hell out of our land? I can't help but share your sentiment. [10], Response to the stereotype has ranged from amusement to criticism, with some saying that it is a new manifestation of classism. [11], It has also been suggested that the term is derived from the name of the town of Chatham, in Kent, but the Oxford English Dictionary thinks this is "probably a later rationalization". Tough! That sums it up. It gets to you when you can't enjoy the pub's beer garden during summer. Or? People speak various languages. In case you dont know much about Balkan food (clearly you dont), we have kebabs (mici in Romania, cevapi in ex-Yugoslavia countries), spicy vegetable spreads and dips, apple, cherry and pumpkin pies and strudels, sour noodle soups, SEASONINGS (so shocking for British palates I know) such as paprika, chilli sauces, garlic dips, shawarmas (thats another kebab for you), cheesy or jam filled doughnuts, the cabbage rolls you mentioned are filled with meat, rice and spices! Australia is pretty great, I am not surprised you miss it! I absolutely agree that the only good thing about the UK is Scotland. Hi Cory. I have a chance to go to NY again, and I'm going to go for it. It wasn't until the last year of University that I landed my first full-time job with Apple. But the weather, transport, lack of culture and food contribute to why I've spent the majority of my adult live in New Zealand. Britain is the binge-drinking capital of Europe, with 12 per cent of the population admitting they have up to ten drinks in a single night out. About 12 years ago when I came to study in Manchester, Britain was a different place. We should celebrate that and so should other countries. You, Philip de Bose, are a piece of sh*t. Ah, yeah and we probably have more teeth than you, you snivelling little turd. People are lovely, but the drinking culture is a bit over the top for me. I hope you find a new place you will call home. I love how this article is so well structured. I'm grateful for your honesty, I sure know it's not easy to find the courage to admit when things are not peachy. Prices in London: "Unless you share your accommodation, you are extremely rich or live in a partnership with someone, you can't essentially live in London". Us British have enough problems with American and Russ. With my partner we feel the same and are struggling with hate/ underestimation and xenophobia in London for a long time. Found your blog googling "the UK sucks" :') The word chav is a relatively new one in British English, used to describe a supposed social group defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as "a young person of a type characterised by brash and loutish behaviour and the wearing of designer-style clothes usually with connotations of a low social status". Thanks for sharing. That's not on the membership, it's on the UK's political priorities and mistakes, which are then, in turn, blamed on the EU. Thank you for writing this article, it is absolutely spot on and details my feelings on living in the UK to a tee. The good news is that we live in a time when remote working is becoming more and more accessible. The typical food in England is something that is also consumed in Chile, and is one of the things that I liked more of the country, both its sweet and salty food has very good flavor and is something that could eat every day without problem. The perception is Britain 'easy' - do what you want, whatevers. The good news is that infrastructure is relatively good in the UK. It is nice to hear some positive stories. I know exactly how you feel. Well, let's look closer. I lived in so many countries and I tend to very sociable, open and tolerant. Food for thought! I know some will agree, whilst others won't. We love you! What a load of crap. In the last 30 years, We have seen our own lives turned upside down, our cities transformed into places where we are sometimes the minority, where few people speak English. Economically and socially, I'm afraid to say. What we're seeing now is a massive difference in the scale and effectiveness of these campaigns thanks to the pervasive nature of internet data mining and the use of techniques in machine learning to spot trends and correlations, coupled with lessons from the field of behaviourism, to weaponise the information. The government is doing nothing to keep this in check, and it has become "salonfhig" to be openly racist. I love the UK, it is my home and it is all I have known. Why? The quality of food in the store here is really really good and it's also very cheap compared to North Europe. It is dangerous to assume that all British people are racists. People are kind and welcoming. If you come to Canada, feel free to get in touch with me. Excellent post with a logical argument and pros/cons clearly explained. As time went by, things started to change a little. [15], In a case where a teenage woman was barred from her own home under the terms of an anti-social behaviour order in 2005, some British national newspapers branded her "the real-life Vicky Pollard" with the Daily Star running headlines reading, "Good riddance to chav scum: real life Vicky Pollard evicted",[16] both referring to a BBC comedy character (see In the media below). This isn't really a new thing. [32] Lauren Socha, the actress who portrays Kelly, has described the character as being "a bit chavvy". It's always one to take the blame. I have watched it decline as I grow older. Hes Britains Trump. I also felt a lack of sense of community and I witnessed the "foreigner stares" a few times, especially when they talked too fast and I couldn't understand them (and I am fluent in English since I was 10!) I'm so sorry you've felt victimised by negative attitudes, it's never acceptable to be anti 'other'. 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