Less than 10 percent of thebill?CASSIDY: If you look at that which is related to the COVID -- by the way,I have to dispute a little bit David's presentation. But, you know, I -- I figure out ways I can live mylife very happily.Welcome back to my show. Whenever I'm down,they always pick me back up. Of course. I waselected by the people. And now, in his moment of need, he is finding himself veryisolated.Him and Chuck Schumer have a terrible relationship. That stimulus part ofPresident Biden's $1.9 trillion rescue package aimed at getting the countryback on its feet one year into the COVID pandemic.But Republicans call the plan a liberal, even a socialist, agenda.In a moment, we'll speak with senators from both sides, Republican BillCassidy of Louisiana, and Democrat Chris Murphy of Connecticut.But first, let's bring in David Spunt with the president this weekend inWilmington, Delaware -- David.DAVID SPUNT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Chris, after weeks of trying to sellthe plan to Republican numbers of Congress, the president will begin someheavy lifting as he heads out on the road to try and sell it to a dividedAmerica. It's a passion for me. Alec Cabancungan was born with osteogenesis imperfecta. Dr. Peter Smith, orthopedic surgeon at Shriners Hospital for Children-Chicago, speaks during a May 15 dedication of the basketball court in the two-story atrium area of the hospital building, 2211 N. Oak Park Ave. in Chicago, in the name of patient Alec Cabacungan. AI experts on whether you should be "terrified" of ChatGPT. Eightypercent of people out there don't have enough money to pay their monthlybills, and so that's what you need to put an unprecedented amount of moneyinto the hands of low- and middle-income Americans.And I love this argument from Republicans that this is some progressivewish list. You would have had bipartisan support for that.But you know what it also includes? He has worked in advertising for a long time and has made a name for himself as a trustworthy and honest person. It also proves that with a strong work ethic, you can overcome whatever sickness or circumstance you are born into. Alec Cabacungan filming a TV commercial for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. I know tomorrow is gonna be a better day. That's not related to COVID.If everybody is vaccinated by June, then it's clearly not related to COVID.There is $350 billion for state and local government. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. December 1, 2019 / 9:24 AM Almost everything in this bill is simply an extension of theprograms that Republicans were wildly enthusiastic about back when theywere in charge of the White House and the Senate. And when you see a plateau,we're very pleased by the sharp decline that you've shown. Professional communicators may be used by hospitals for a number of reasons, such as credibility, reach, and possible advantages. What is the relationship status of Alec Cabacungan? Unlike a lot of so-called NFL Draft experts, Alec Cabacungan has no doubts when it comes to Deshaun Watson. Even though some employees could do this, it is often best to let experts do it. A professional spokesperson can also reach a far bigger audience than most hospital staff could when it comes to spreading the hospitals message. Alec Cabacungan playing wheelchair basketball. Its really a family atmosphere there, Gil Cabacungan said. He has broken over 60 bones in his lifetime. What is the reason behind the Success Story of Alec Cabacungan? Despite having fragile bones from birth, Cabacungan was nevertheless able to achieve success. I mean clearly Operation Warp Speedstarted in the Trump administration. Alec Cabacungan made his earnings through acting and his estimated net worth for the year (2021) was near-about $1 million $5 million. Note that over his life, he has fractured over 60 bones. President Biden's own staff keep calling thislegislation, quote, the most progressive bill in American history. After all, they have received training in successful media relations and message delivery. He is a great example of how to pursue your aspirations and live life to the fullest. Alec was born with a unique hereditary problem called osteogenesis imperfecta, or in easy words, we can say that weak bone sickness. What is the Net Worth of Alec Cabacungan? And if the surge back up comes,that would endanger the goal of getting people much more towards normal inthe beginning of the summer. His parents were aware that something was wrong with his body when he was born, but they chose to ignore it. Alec Cabacungan Obituary / Death : We mourn with the family of Alec Cabacungan, we understand how disheartening they could be right now, so we are sending our thoughts and prayers to the affected ones. "I've broken over 60 bones in my lifetime," he said. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)JOSEPH R. BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This bill puts workingpeople in this nation first. So Itake him at his word.Look, as you well know, Joe Biden preferred to talk to voters and right nowvoters want to know when the -- when will the check arrive? The Shriners Hospital he goesto named it's court after him.CABACUNGAN: It's a contact sport. ", Sports, just about any sport, is his escape. He also halted part of Title 42 sothat unaccompanied minors, instead of having to be turned aroundimmediately, can stay in the huge U.S.Haven't those changes in policy sent a clear message to migrants there's agreen light at the border?MURPHY: Well, let's go a little bit deeper into these numbers becauseRepublicans would make you think that this crisis began when Joe Bidenbecame president. For more information on Shriners Hospitals for Children, visit www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/chicago. Cabacungan is all too familiar with this. Those are quitereasonable goals and expectations. Concerns concerning Alec Cabacungans wealth have recently surfaced. Alec makes money from ads and his social media sites. He has a rare genetic disorder called osteogenesis imperfecta, or OI. Sixteen-year-old Alec Cabacungan, Shriners Hospitals for Children national spokesperson, tells Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace how he has grabbed the hearts of viewers, helping children who need specialized care. As in this disorder, your bones break very easily. At two months old, Cabacungan began getting treatment at Shriners. This -- the additional money isn't so much for now, itis for going further out except there are some groups in which theyspecifically target those which are politically favored.And so the dollars are there now for the need which is there now. Vaccines,as you mentioned, every day we get more and more people vaccinated, whichgets us closer and closer to a better protection. After listening to the reports of his son, Alecs mother was devastated. They always seem to be a fewweeks ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak. In this season of giving, we all can receive a little something from Alec Cabacungan a lesson in what grace really looks like. The doctors told his mother that Alec was suffering from a rare disease called brittle bone disease. Legal Statement. So, he was feeling pleased after that. In fact, they werecheering some of these programs at the end of last year like the $1,400stimulus payments.Your question is specific, what about the portion of the spending that ismade eligible past 2021? He's been doing so well with his lessons that his parents surprised him with his very own car, giving him the feeling of independence any teen gets, but for Alec, infinitely more. Alec earns his income through various commercials or his social media accounts. In conclusion, hospitals invest in spokesmen because they require someone with both credibility and a broad audience. He's such a strongly popular person. His parents, Alma and Gill, got the news before he was born. And here's why that was important.According to a recent poll, 49 percent of Republican men said they don'tintend to get the vaccine.Doctor, how much of a difference will it make if President Trump, who waslargely responsible for the success of Operation Warp Speed, how much of adifference will it make if President Trump leads a campaign for the peoplewho are most devoted to him to actually go out and get the vaccine?FAUCI: Chris, I think it would make all the difference in the world. Shriners, known for their tall crimson hats, is a fraternal brotherhood that's been doing charity work for more than 150 years. But this is significantly different than the incidentinvolving Governor Northam. Public figure. Turns out he's an encyclopedia of stats and trivia. CBO says the amount of money already allocated towardseducation is so much, it can't be spent this year. / CBS News. I think we're going to maintain it andwe might even do better.WALLACE: I want to show our viewers two charts. Cabacungan is THAT Alec, the patient ambassador/spokesman for Shriners Children's Chicago (formerly Shriners Children's Hospital) who, through a series of commercials the past seven years, has asked people to give generously to the nationwide hospital system and receive one of those "cuddly" red Teddy bear blankets as a thank-you. We need more journalists with disabilities. We're not going to face an inflation problem,we're going to be sitting on an economy that is going to grow twice as fastas it would have without this bill. He is an 18yo college freshmen, plays wheelchair basketball, interviews athletes and has appeared on sports shows such as NBA on TNT. Great meeting our Disability Pride Parade grand Marshall, Alec Cabacungan of . Alec Cabacungan is the fourth child of his super proud parents, Gil and Alma Cabacungan. (END VIDEO CLIP)WALLACE: The Fox newsroom (ph) went all the way back to Herbert Hoover, whoheld a news conference the day after his inauguration in 1929, the slowestto meet with reporters since then our Eisenhower at 28 days and George W.Bush at 33.So, Jonathan, we are at 53 days and counting with Joe Biden. I don't see how he hangs -- hangs on much beyond the end of thatinvestigation. He is going tofollow his own instincts, which is to try to tough it out, because that'sthe kind of person he is. The 17-year-old found a special place in Na's heart after the two met in October at the Shriners Open. That $41 billion is not related to COVID. GOP strategist Karl Rove, JonathanSwan from "Axios," and former DNC Chair Donna Brazile.Jonathan, the Andrew Cuomo saga entered a new chapter on Friday when thestate's two Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand,called for the senator to step down, along with 16 of the state's 19Democratic members of Congress, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez andJerry Nadler.Jonathan, what do you think the calculation was by the New Yorkcongressional delegation, and is there any chance that President Biden willjoin the chorus calling on Governor Cuomo to step down?JONATHAN SWAN, NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER, "AXIOS": Well, part of this isthat -- that Andrew Cuomo doesn't have a lot of friends, doesn't have a lotof ingrained loyalty and affection for him over the years. As per his IMDb bio, Cabacungan landed a role in the Sundance reviewed . I'm pushing my chair just as fast as anyone else.WALLACE (on camera): Have you got a game? 10.8k Followers, 518 Following, 25 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alec Cabacungan (@aleccabacungan) aleccabacungan. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, So, by this, he said yes and tried to be a part of the commercial advertisement. Alec Cabacungans body structure, still his height and weight, are yet not revealed. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)QUESTION: Mr. President, can you pass voting rights with a Senatefilibuster in its current form, do you think?JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I can talk to you about thatlater. Pleasecome back, sir.MURPHY: Thanks a lot.WALLACE: Up next, we'll ask Dr. Anthony Fauci about the president's goalof getting life closer to normal by the Fourth of July. And having a well-known and dependable spokesman is one way to reassure potential patients (and their families). It was very successful in getting usthe vaccines we have right now. ThePayroll Protection Plan money that was put in the December bill is adequatefor the time being. His work helped keep the streets safe and made New York a better place for people to live. You maynot alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies ofthe content. The nonpartisan CongressionalBudget Office says the economy is down about $600 to $700 billion becauseof the pandemic, not $1.9 trillion, and here's former Treasury SecretaryLarry Summers, a Democrat, on this subject. Copyright 2021 ASC Services II Media, LLC. Shriners, to me, is remarkable.. "It'll be with me for my life. Then they plateauedbecause they pulled back a bit. That's not me, that's people like Larry Summers and JasonFurman.WALLACE: Well, I'm going to be asking Senator Murphy about just exactlythat in the next segment.But let me come at this one last way. I cannot imagine that if hecomes out that they would not get vaccinated. Brittle bone disease is just what it sounds like. . Alec Cabacungan Frequently Asked Question s (FAQs) Q1. (END VIDEOTAPE)WALLACE: If you'd like to make a donation to Shriners Hospitals, go to LoveToTheRescue.org.And that's it for today. And as you mentioned to Senator Cassidy, Republicans certainlydidn't think that $1.9 trillion was too much when they were passing taxcuts for their wealthy friends.Listen, last week as we were passing the American Rescue Plan, Republicansproposed to eliminate the estate tax for the tiny fraction of millionairesand billionaires that still pay it. You don't want to miss this. You can't say in Spanish one thing and in English another, one forthe consumption of those in Central America and the other for domesticconsumption.It has to be the same message. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)MITCH MCCONNELL, (R-KY), SENATE MINORITY LEADER: This wasn't a bill tofinish off the pandemic, it was a multitrillion dollar Trojan horse full ofbad, old, liberal ideas. Alec is starting at @NorthwesternU. I don't understand where that's coming from. He was so good, TNT even welcomed him on its NBA halftime show: He makes it all look so easy, but of course, none of it really is. It's not going to influence the vaccinationprogram or the vaccination rate, but it could influence how soon we getback to normal.WALLACE: Doctor, let me talk to you about another possible concern.If we were to reach those goals, that pretty soon after that the problemwith vaccines is not going to be supply, it's going to be demand andwhether people are willing to actually get the vaccine.I want to put up a public service announcement that four of our former U.S.presidents put out this week.Take a look. This is so they can spread the hospitals message because they probably have their own personal media platform (like a blog or podcast). Its something I definitely want to pursue, as a career, Cabacungan said. Andnow look at where we are right now. Dr. Peter Smith, orthopedic surgeon at Shriners Hospital for Children-Chicago, speaks during a May 15 dedication of the basketball court in the two-story atrium area of the hospital building, 2211 N. Oak Park Ave. in Chicago, in the name of patient Alec Cabacungan. And as you mentioned, the 11 year high for crossings withoutdocumentation of the border was in the middle of Trump's presidency in 2019when we had the most inhumane policies possible when we were building awall at the border.So this idea that it's Joe Biden's election that has prompted more peopleto show up is belied by the actual facts. He's like any other kid into video games, and more recently cars. They are very proud of their son as they never thought their son would achieve so much in their life. Cabacungan is quick to note others have it worse, and hes fortunate to have the support system he does, mentioning family and friends, neighbors and coaches, hospital staff and teachers. (END VIDEO CLIP)WALLACE: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says $700 billion,that's more than a third of all the funding, won't be spent until next yearor later. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.Always a pleasure. Alec Cabacungan doesn't see himself as an inspiration. When he was 12 years old, The Shriners hospital member asked him to be in their advertisement. Sixteen-year-old Alec Cabacungan, Shriners Hospitals for Children national spokesperson, tells Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace how he has grabbed the hearts of viewers, helping children who need . However it wasn't until 2014, at 12 years old, that Shriners asked him to do a . "I'm short in stature, I'm wheelchair bound for the rest of my life," says Cabacungan. Hard is relative in Alec's life always has been. CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: I'm Chris Wallace.It's one of the largest stimulus packages in U.S. history, signed, sealed,and soon to be delivered as the nation marks one year of COVID. Cabacungan, who Smith called indomitable in spirit, has osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease. List more than one if you wish. Alec is an athlete and sports broadcaster, despite having Brittle Bone Disease. First, the seven day average of new cases, which spikeddramatically in January, is down sharply but still over 50,000 per day.And, second, the number of deaths reported per day, which also is downsharply, but if you look at that horizontal line, is still higher than itwas during the very concerning spike last July.So I guess really two questions, is it too soon to say that we are in theprocess of beating this virus, and what are the chances that this couldstill turn around and we could end up with a fourth wave of COVID?FAUCI: That's the critical question, Chris. Watch the full media interview and receive a FREE VIP Success Club invite here https://vipnetmedia.com/cms/portfolio/alec-cabacungan/Alec Cabacungan (showcase) on THE STRIP LIVE (with Maria Ngo and Ray DuGray) #VIPNetMedia #VIPcelebNET #VIPbizNET Credit: @VIPNetMediaGet your FREE VIP Access Pass and join our VIP Success Club to connect with top celebrities, entrepreneurs, executives, and industry experts Visit SuccessShowcase.com Follow us @VIPNetMedia to engage with our celebrity cast Click or tap link in bio for all access pass Who is your favorite V.I.P. It'sactually quite easy for a president to do a press conference.What I would love to see Biden do, not just press conference, but serious,sit down one-on-one interviews where he can actually -- not for the benefitof the interviewer, for the public -- answer serious, depth questions withfollow-ups because that's where you actually test their thinking and youactually get a sense of whether there's more understanding from them or youget insight into their thinking of how they made decisions. "I used to be known as just that kid in the wheelchair, and now I'm Alec on the commercials, and that's special to me," said 17-year-old Alec Cabacungan of Chicago. Some mornings, he wakes up with horrible pain; others, he feels great. He hosts his ownYouTube show talking with athletes.CABACUNGAN: You played in the NFL and then you made the switch toHollywood.WALLACE: And he plays wheelchair basketball. We'll ask our Sunday panel whether he's lost his ability to govern.And our "Power Player of the Week --UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn't think I'd get as famous as I have become.WALLACE: The face of Shriners Hospital for Children grows up.All, right now, on "FOX News Sunday". The post stated he died at 7 a.m. Wednesday after spending "more than three years in hospice care at his South Whitehall Township home." It also provided details about his treatment at Shriners.. His rebound downs Marian Catholic. He will have a lot of pepin his step. For example, a professional spokesperson could free up hospital staff to focus on their regular jobs instead of worrying about promoting the hospital. Alma Cabacungan said team sports Alec has played Oak Park Youth Baseball & Softball and plays wheelchair basketball with the Chicago Skyhawks have boosted her sons confidence and independence. I think that's quite reasonable.The amount of vaccines that are going to be available by the end of May, I-- clearly that's something that's right on target with the new contractsthat have been made with the pharmaceutical companies to get even moredoses. He's -- he's not going to listento the music no matter how loud it plays in and around him. Alec Cabacungan earned his money by acting, and his net worth for the year (2022) is believed to be between $1 million and $5 million. ", "It was a very emotional moment for us," Gill said. So Senator Murphy, how does that qualify as COVID relief?SEN. We'll see.Is it better to let people keep their own money or is it better to take itfrom them and give it back? And I think he's toast. And I appreciate them for it. Are they -- you know, is that a concern that he just doesn'tstay on message?ROVE: Well, I think that's one of them, but I -- I think the other one is,is that they got away with it in the campaign, why subject them to toughscrutiny when he's in office? They might beright, but it's important for the public interest that he does this sort ofthing.WALLACE: Yes, and I think, Jonathan, you and I may have our own ideas aboutwith whom he should do that first in-depth interview.SWAN: Yes, that's not self-serving at all, right!WALLACE: (INAUDIBLE). Tony retired from the Navy as an E-7 after 26 years. So, yes, economichealth was needed for families as well as for businesses. Na & # x27 ; s heart after the two met in October at the Shriners hospital goesto. A very emotional moment for us, '' Gill said the outbreak looks! What grace really looks like up with horrible pain ; others, he is a example. Treatment at Shriners the streets safe and made New York a better day was in. 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