why did carrie's mom hurt herself

A loved child, but a child nonetheless. Heterosexual On the eve of her departure, she told An-mei a story from her childhood, when she was a little girl about An-mei's age. Carries powers gave her the thrill that she had never felt all her sad, depressing life. In the novel, Carrie White is described as being slightly unattractive, she is a "frog among swans". In the aftermath of this version, Carrie did not die, because Sue later came to her place and managed to revive her by performing CPR. Here are a few characteristics of the narcissistic mother. For all of her lonely childhood and misunderstood teenage life, Carrie, an only child, whose father abandoned his family and later died in a construction accident, was disciplined for being taken by curses and secretly abused and beaten into submission and mistreated by her mentally ill religiously fanatical mother for everything on a daily basis. Carrie arrived home and found out that Margaret had been informed of the incident. Throbbing veins are described whenever Carrie manifests her powers. After Carrie returns home from the Prom, Margaret then tells Carrie that before she was born, she was raped by her father, Ralph and after gaining her trust, she stabs Carrie in the back. Meanwhile, the authorities and skeptics are investigating and trying to figure out what exactly happened in Chamberlain, Maine, that caused 440 people to die. Carrie manifests her powers in a state of trance (seen only in the 2002 film), while in the novel, she kills her bullies more consciously. "She literally spent her life caring after Carrie," Todd Fisher (Carrie's brother) told Good Morning America. WebA slave on the Weylin estate, Carrie is Sarah s daughter and the only child Sarah has left (as the others have been sold). Carrie finally made it back home. what was he called. The novel closes with a letter written by a hillbilly woman in Tennessee whose baby daughter is developing incredibly strong advanced telekinetic abilities as well. She also is very mad. As Carrie fell on her knees, Margaret stabbed her child in the shoulder with the knife/dagger. Carrie returned the attack by using her powers to slow her mother's heart to a crawl. She spoke to her mother, saying that she would give her darkness and send her to "whatever God lives there". Carrie then leaves to go to the prom. Margaret then started to scratch and punch herself in the face, but Carrie used her power to slide her mother out of the room. The coroner's report lists Carrie's brain has a different cell pattern compared to other brains. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. She then stalks her downstairs. Margaret didn't allow Carrie to have any friends, take interest in things such as celebrities, fashion, listen to pop, country, hip-hop, R&B, jazz or rock music, sleep with a pillow or even take showers, as Margaret believed everything was bad, evil, sinful and godless, Carrie only took baths. They were under her thumb and in her power. Carrie explained that she was actually born gifted with telekinesis. Margaret practically chastised Carrie from right to wrong and began teaching the child that everything that one can think of is a "sin", a result of her abnormal beliefs. Indeed, Carrie was at the bottom of the social pyramid, but what no one knew, not even her mother, was that Carrie White was no ordinary girl, as she had been blessed or cursed, with hidden telekinetic and telepathic powers that were dormant during her youth, but brought to full force by the time she was in high school after she unexpectedly had her first period in the girl's locker room. by Carolyn Steber. But when the crowd began to sing the school song as tradition, this was the cue for an unseen Chris to pull a rope cord that caused the two buckets above to tip over and drench Carrie and Tommy with the rotting pig's blood while they sat on the thrones for the King and Queen. Carrie revealed she was asked to the prom by Tommy, and her suspicions that "they" were planning to humiliate her once again. While Moore's Margaret is just as abusive towards Carrie, she also displays genuine love towards her. Margaret Brigham-White, best known as Margaret White is the opening antagonist of the Stephen King multiverse. She was admitted to Westover Doctors Hospital. All the while, Carrie was repeatedly teased and bullied by her classmates at every school she ever attended. Carrie mercilessly left the remaining Prom goers trapped inside with the now-dead Tommy to be consumed by the hellish inferno created by her telekinetic abilities and the rest was history. 5. Margaret first discovers Carrie's powers, when she slams all the windows shut trapping her in and Carrie tells her, she is going to the prom. Miss Collins later approached them and complimented Carrie, telling her about an awful, but "magical" experience in her teenagehood, at the night of her Prom. 2 boys caught for skipping French 1, got a weeks detention for staring at the blood. The gown was a thick fabric of red crushed velvet with a princess waistline, Juliet sleeves and allowed her cleavage to slightly show. Carrie is so controlled by her mother she is even forced to wear unbecoming and outdated clothes and forbidden to wear the color red, as Margaret believed that red was "the Devil's color". It is true that full-blown narcissists are unlikely to change, but the adult child can do his or her own internal work for recovery. In the third iteration it is unclear if Carrie survived or not and is it left to the imagination. At the beginning of the film, Carrie has her first period in the showers and is harassed by Chris and her gang. Despite having psychic powers, Carrie White can be classified as a non-genetic class Metahuman/Superhuman/Superpowered Human/Homo Superior. Meanwhile, in the 2013 movie, during almost every scene, she expresses how much she loves Carrie. She locks Carrie in the closet and scrapes her own arms with her nails until she bleeds. Eventually, Carrie made her way through the exit and out the lobby doors, losing both her high-heel shoes as if she were Cinderella fleeing from the Ball. September 21, 1963 She desperately wants to please her This is traumatizing. Margaret invited Carrie into one last prayer, and as the girl recited the Lord's prayer, comforted in her arms, Margaret stabbed her in the back. Status She wanted a new beginning and saw the Senior Prom as a part of that change. Carrie returns home where she finds that her mother has escaped the closet and has gotten hold of a kitchen knife. She changes into her pyjamas and meets her mother in the upstairs hall. Seconds after the blood dump, one of the buckets fell on top of Tommy's head, knocking him out instantly and possibly even killing him. Just as planned, Carrie and Tommy were announced as the winners. She manages to slash Carrie's arm and then right as she is about to stab Carrie in the face, Carrie lifts her up. In her early years, Margaret's father, John Brigham was killed in a brutal gun battle and several years later she opened a fundamentalist church group. While they both recited the Lord's Prayer, Margaret stabbed Carrie and caused her to fall downstairs, backwards. Especially on the day she came home after the shower incident, with the implication that this was one out of many instances, Carrie was forced into the closet. and the word echoed in her mind. So Carrie had to stay in the closet for hours on end until her mother decided to release her. Carrie in this version is more similar to the book, but in modern terms. Carrie Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Carrie arrived just in time to catch Chris and Billy fleeing the establishment after making love inside. Perhaps the biggest difference between this depiction of Margaret and the earlier versions is how much she genuinely loves Carrie. Additionally, Margaret would even lock Carrie inside of a small closet filled with religious icons so she could "pray for forgiveness", whenever Carrie displeased her. Despite being the main antagonist, she wasn't revealed to be the true villain until the very end. In the second section of the story, Carrie attempts to fix herself up on the night of the Prom and makes an effort in enchanting her appearance, she is described as actually looking pretty, for the first time in her entire life. As Carrie walked home barefoot, she left a path of destruction and death in her wake: she "flexed" her mind as hard as she could and made local gas mains at numerous corner stations explode, and let the broken pumps leak the spilled gasoline into the roads. When Carrie left the campus to return to her home, she made sure no one could put out her fire or tame her flames as she opened all the fire hydrants near the area to prevent the fire trucks from helping or saving anyone stuck inside. Carrie (2013) But before Carrie died, Sue invited Carrie into her mind to see that she had no part in planning the nasty joke that occurred earlier that evening, and just paired her up with Tommy as amends for locker room incident. As Norma, Freddy, and Kenny Garson left, Carrie forced the door they opened, suffocating Freddy and Kenny as Norma screamed for help. She also kills for being humiliated, while the laughing crowd is a result of her inner fear in, Carrie actually leaves the gym and remembers her "gift" outside, returning and locking her bullies in. Furthermore, when Carrie was almost 3 years old, she conversed with a young girl next door about her breasts, Margaret became very unhinged and started to scratch herself, howl and scream, shaking violently she grabbed Carrie and shoved her indoors/back in the house to give her a harsh reprimand for associating with their young neighbor. This was a very good thing because Carrie also had a secret crush on Tommy. Carrie's pleasure came to an end when a bucket of blood was spilled on her, much to her horror. Miss Desjardin hit the wall next to the stage so hardthat the impact gave her a bloody nose. Whos laughing now, Mom? With the water from the firehose, Carrie knocked Norma down and electrified Mr. Fromm and the principal. In the beginning of the movie, the Bible is in a puddle of water. Carrie then told Margaret about Tommy and the Prom, and remarked that he was a good boy. A source tells RadarOnline.com that Carrie relapsed around Thanksgiving last year. When Carrie tells Margaret, that she's been asked to the prom, she says no. As Carrie screamed uncontrollably, the lamp above them exploded, much for Chris and Norma's thrill. Carrie then falls down the stairs and brutally hits the wall, leaving a bloodstain. Margaret and Carrie did not see each other again until much later in the evening, when Carrie returned home, dripping with pigs blood from head to toe, Margaret had finally lost her sanity and managed to hide the knife under her dress. Miss Desjardin, one of the few lucky survivors, resigns due to her guilt for not reaching out to Carrie, for not preventing what happened on prom night and secretly for having approved the evil prank in the end, even stating that she would rather commit suicide than teach again. "Red I might have known it would be red". Angry by her mother's actions, Carrie decided it was time to teach her mother a lesson too. Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. Carrie brings her down and cries because of what she has done, while Margaret is still alive. Carrie also used her powers to cause several fire hydrants to explode, flooding the streets. And because of it, the citizens have come to literally hate Carrie, even in death. Margaret first discovers Carrie's telekinetic powers, when she slams all the windows shut trapping her in and Carrie tells her she is going to the Prom. Hearing this, many people inside panicked and that started a stampede. Carrie then questioned why she was there, and was told that it was because she liked his poem. She then burns the lock, so Margaret can't escape and disturb the evening. At home, Carrie's life was just as awful. Winter 1979 Margaret reacted by throwing tea on Carrie's face, and tried to force her into prayers in the closet once again, because boys always came after "the blood". After Carrie took a shower, she was taken by Miss Collins to the principal's office and the incident spread around, some kids mocking her as she waited to be called in. That same day, she was contacted through a telephone about Carrie's ordeal from school and began to violently beat Carrie when she returned home from work. WebThis is disturbing for a few reasons: (1) getting your first period in public is the most embarrassing thing to ever exist, (2) poor Carrie had no clue what was happening to her and honestly thought she was hurt or dying, and (3) despite all this, she was tormented, mocked, laughed at, and assaulted by other girls in the locker room. Carrie insisted she would go to the Prom, and that things were about to change for them. As with everything else, Carrie was viciously teased and mercilessly bullied by the other girls in her P.E. Afterwards, she explained to Carrie what menstruation was and told her it was a natural part of womanhood. Died When the four sit at their table, Carrie is surprised to see her and Tommy's names on the ballot. She told Carrie that she had tried to kill her twice before during the first few years of Carrie's life, but she "backslid". In one iteration of her story, Carrie died as a result of her injuries. Carrie, however, had heard enough about everything being sinful. Later, when Carrie urinated in the bushes on the camp's hiking trip and came into contact with poison ivy after wiping with the wrong leaves, the kids called her "scratch a**". Before Carrie could make it to the exit, she was deliberately tripped by someone in the crowd and fell, causing the laughter to grow even louder. In the novel, people around her telepathically know she is the one wrecking everywhere in vengeance. The hotel phone required guests to dial a Both scenes were cut. Carrie (1976) Margaret ultimately became extremely co-dependent on her daughter, Carrie who was trapped within the unhealthy and sick world Margaret had created for them both. More of Carrie's telekinetic abilities were demonstrated on that same day. WebShe hurts herself when she gets angry. CarriettaN. White, best known as Carrie White is a protagonist villain, and anti-villain of the Stephen King multiverse. Tragically, making a direct and detail-perfect novel-to-film adaptation of anything is impossible.Something will always be left out. Portrayed by This woman died because her master beat her child out of her. Carrie was very nervous, excited and happy all at the same time and was determined to keep her promise to Tommy and go. After that, she left for the Prom, while Margaret loudly prayed in another room. One day after P.E. Margaret, thinking that Carrie was possessed by the Devil himself, carefully took out Ralph's old kitchen butcher knife from the folds of her dress so Carrie couldn't see. She then told Carrie, that boys only wanted "sex" from young girls like herself. Tommy invited Carrie for a dance, which she initially declined. She then bangs her head rapidly and eventually gets out. She is also similar to Ed Gein's mother, Augusta, who inspired Norma Bates from the 1960 film. Carrie also tried on matching high-heel shoes and a lovely corsage to complete the look. Born Margaret had a serious mental problem that made her devote her life to being a Christian who believed everything was sinful, even sexual intercourse, including within marriage. Margaret was shown to be very religious and very creepy. The knife/dagger caused Carrie's death because of Carrie's blood loss and Carrie's body shut But instead, he finds a body hanging from the ceiling presumably Carrie's. Eventually, she comes across Chris and Billy who attempt to kill her by running her over, but she uses her power to stop the car and in the process kills Billy, then sends the car flying into the gas station, killing Chris in the process. Updated: May 21, 2021. Now there are instanceswhere Carrie's special abilities manifested all by itself without her even trying. She telekinetically pushes her mother into the closet and locks the door (in addition, she somehow welds the lock). Sue places a white rose on Carrie's grave in the remake, this is possibly hinting to Sue thinking that Carrie was truly innocent and that if the period incident never happened, Carrie wouldn't have the thought to kill them all. WebSebastian Kydd is a central character in The Carrie Diaries, in which he is portrayed by Austin Butler. When Carrie accuses Sue of trying to trick her and forces Sue to experience the depth of Carries pain and misery, Sue offers her mind up to be read: (look carrie look This version of Margaret is portrayed by Piper Laurie in the 1976 film. Tricked once again, Carrie was going to simply accept what had happened and shamefully return back to her home to admit to her mother she'd been right after all. Margaret dies later in her arms, but Carrie does not bring her to the closet like Carrie in the original movie did. The idea that this could be the girl's first period did not occur to Carrie's female classmates. Carrie is also the granddaughter of John and Judith Brigham, the step-granddaughter of Harold Allison and the great-granddaughter of Sadie Cochran. She laughs when Erika says if they kill each other, she'll just dance with Carrie. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. Carrie did this in self-defense for stabbing her with a butcher knife, hitting an artery. Carrie lived in the very small and peaceful town of Chamberlain, Maine, with her severely mentally unstable mother who had cut her daughter off from all social life due to her religious beliefs. Margaret is seen glaring behind the bushes, when she sees Carrie going with Tommy in a limo. Sue goes on to write a memoir about her involvement with Carrie White. Perhaps after you have done this for a bit you will not get as upset when she criticizes you. A lush dog fur collar was thrown over Carrie's shoulders and Tommy was given a scepter wrapped in aluminum foil. Before she has the chance to do it, however, Carrie sends a knife pinning her hand into the wall. Later that night, Tommy picked up Carrie for the Prom as he promised, while Margaret stayed by herself and prayed silently in another room. Then the two were immediately ushered up onto the stage to be crowned. She then proceeded to slap Carrie across the face and ordered her to go in the closet and pray, but Carrie refused. Shock. Her memory about what happened will haunt her for the rest of her life. And sure enough, the wildfire eventually reached the Whites' bungalow and nearly burned it completely down as well. While this happens, she always shows this smile. In neither of the previous films nor the book did Margaret ever say "I love you". The car exploded, killing both Chris and Billy instantly and also destroying the building, starting yet another major fire that burned all through the parking lot. WebThe backstory: Carries dad quit her and her mother when she was 5. She had even tried to take part in the other camp's activities, but the jokes never stopped playing on "old praying, fart face Carrie", until she had come home on the bus a week early, her eyes, red and socket from weeping. In the 2013 Carrie remake film, Carrie White was portrayed by Chlo Grace Moretz. This is an adaptation of Stephen King's novel. She unleashes her power on everyone by locking the doors and causing objects such as tables and chairs to fly around the room, killing several people. If there's one thing this woman is In her bedroom, Carrie angrily caused her mirror to shatter, and managed to rebuilt it before her mother could come in. As Carrie went, a neighbourhood boy cycled across her yelling "Creepy Carrie", and was telekinetically knocked down by Carrie. Carrie attempts to walk off the stage. lovable mort. Margaret then deduced that "Satan" had began his work on Carrie, but the girl made it clear that it was her power and not Satan. Margaret's constant scolding continued from Carrie's childhood to her teenage years. She then went into a church to pray, while at the same time, objects from the church such as pews, hymnals, and a communion set were thrown. In a deleted scene, Margaret grabs a knife and most likely washes the blood of her hands. Carrie (2002) Getty Images/LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images. Some ways to approach this: 1. A while later, her daughter, Carrie was conceived and Ralph was killed in a construction accident. Margaret ordered Carrie to go to the closet to pray, but Carrie refused. However, she also entered a comatose state because of the murder attempt of her mother on her. Carrie is picked up by her mother, Margaret, and at home dragged into the closet to pray. She uses her powers to push Ms. Desjardin away, shocking and scaring George and Erika. She was a strong woman and a Christian fanatic. If you read the book and then compare with this telefilm you will find that. Carrie stood her ground and refused. After Margaret says a few more words, Carrie throws her in the closet, locking the door. Female As a result, Carrie's mind lost sight of the gymnasium doors for a second and some of the Prom goers almost got out. Before Carrie's father died, both Carries parents had left the local Baptist church many years before, because they believed Baptists were doing the work of "The Antichrist". She kills her mother by impaling her with the household objects. An emotionally abusive mom will constantly put you down, shame you, and humiliate you, especially in front of others. Later, she and Tommy win the election and Carrie is handed flowers while George and Erika cheer them on. She warns her readers to never forget about Carrie, or the events that occurred in Chamberlain, or something like it could happen all over again. He also was the boyfriend of Sue Snell, who was one of the popular girls and a bully of Carrie. In all continuities, Margaret finally went off the deep end and tried to murder Carrie when she returned from the Senior Prom after killing her peers as revenge for a cruel prank involving pig's blood. In the 2013 remake, Carrie White mentioned that she inherited her telekinetic power from either her father Ralph, or from her great-grandmother Sadie Cochran, who was the mother of Judith Cochran, the mother-in-law of John Brigham, the grandmother of. Tommy was hit on the head by the bucket above them and fell unconscious. Margaret White in Carrie was portrayed by Patricia Clarkson. When Fisher died at age 60, her mother and brother were left to plan her funeral, and during the preparations, Reynolds passed away from a stroke, some believe to have been caused by grief. She is the seriously mentally ill and abusive daughter of John and Judith Brigham, the granddaughter of Sadie Cochran, the step-daughter of Harold Allison, the wife of Ralph White and the abusive and strict mother of Carrie White. When she swam in the camp's lake, they ducked her head underwater. Relatives 1979 Carrie (along with George, Erika, and Ms. Desjardin) is saddened by this. The Black Prom tragedy hits the nation bigger than the J.F.K. by Carolyn Steber. Not only is the movie gory and vulgar, it also contains a sex scene. Mostly due to limited budget, several aspects from the original script were changed, such as: In the original ending, Carrie is visited by Sue after she kills her mother and confronts her. However, when she returns home, she regains her consciousness in the bathtub shortly before her mother tried to drown her when she subconsciously took a bath to wash all the pig's blood off of her dress and her entire body. She spoke to her mother, saying that she would give her darkness and send her to "whatever God lives there". Once outside and alone, Carrie began to weep upon the grass on the front lawn of the school's campus. Many perish in the fire (except Ms. Desjardin) and Carrie leaves, leaving a massive trail of destruction and flames while she walks home. Margaret calls her a witch, but relents. In the original story, instead of dying by being crucified by kitchen utensils, Carrie slowly stopped her heart, giving Margaret a heart attack. Carrie's powers then manifested on the loose, bringing the house down over her. To manipulate Carrie into staying at home, Margaret began to physically hurt herself as she scratched and clawed at own her face, pulled her hair out and punched herself in the mouth, causing herself to bleed a little. She locks her in the closet and orders her to pray for "forgiveness" when she learns about the shower incident, because she said it was a "curse" for Eve's disobedience offering Adam the fruit and creating the original sin. 1932 Age Carrie returned the attack by using her powers to slow her mother's heart to a crawl. Margaret then tormented, slapped, pushed, pulled and threw Carrie into the closet and Carrie became vulgar with her mother. In the novel, however, Margaret is aware of them ever since she saw her baby bottle floating over her. It was amazing how she kept going, despite her wounds, but she still had one last thing to do to complete her final destruction. She approaches her again and under the argument, that she must kill Satan in her attacks her again. Margaret White (Mother)Ralph White (Father)Judith Brigham (Grandmother)John Brigham (Grandfather)Rachel Lang (younger half-sister) Miss Collins was forced to slap her on the face and apologized, comforting her. Since 1st grade, Carrie had been the school's scapegoat and outcast. There her own mother accused her of being a witch and tried to drown her. Margaret lived with her parents John and Judith Brigham in Motton, Maine until 1960, when she moved to Chamberlain with Ralph White. Eventually, the gym exploded a half-hour later, demolishing the entire school. Getty Images/LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images. She had the "POWER!!!" At Prom night, Margaret approached Carrie, stating that she knew Carrie would wear "red", while her dress was actually pink. WebAs Carrie fell down to her knees to weep and pray with her mother, Margaret stabbed her daughter in the shoulder; the blade went all the way into Carrie's shoulder with only the Carrie left as Mr. Fromm burned to his death, which set the gym on fire. She told Carrie that the boys always come after the blood and that all boys want from girls is "sex" how they all like to take virgins into their cars to do dirty, ungodly and blasphemous things with them. The two were married on March 23rd, 1962, but on April 3rd, Margaret fell down the stairs and suffered a miscarriage. Serving as the titular main villainous protagonist of Stephen King's first horror novel, Carrie, its three film adaptations Carrie film, Carrie TV Film and Carrie 2013 remake, a mentioned character in The Dead Zone and IT, and a posthumous character in The Rage: Carrie 2. Knowing she was responsible for what had happened to Ewen High and downtown Chamberlain, Billy tried to run Carrie down with his car to kill her. 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