does alaric become headmaster again

The Fosters alumna Bianca Santos is set for a pivotal recurring role on the upcoming second season of the CW drama series Legacies. Alaric stumbles out of this bed, though Wade finds him and helps him recover. He is still an original vampire and has now taken up a job of teaching at Whitmore College. The sky darkens and thunder rolls through the clouds. She and MG need to get away from there. In Crying Wolf, Damon tells him his plan to kill Elijah. " He is the new headmaster after a lengthy search headlined by Caroline Forbes," explains Plec. She explains that he's meant to be a message to the others, so they will stay away, too. She asks if he's going to be okay, but he turns the question on her. They talk about Sirens. He often wears casual clothing, t-shirts, button downs, jackets, jeans, etc. zhao xintong centuries. In the next few days Klaus used Alaric to get info on the group by discovering that Bonnie is a super powered witch. He eventually reveals the existence of supernatural creatures to Sheriff Mac, however she doesn't take the news too well, and Alaric has Kaleb compel the memories from her. The Necromancer explained that Zied technically didn't have to, because he's technically not dead. She tells him that she's finished and can talk, but not before informing him that he won't be changing her mind about this. Cleo walks past him as he's unable to persuade her to stay. Alaric and Jeremy then go to the woods to work out their issues, fighting. Not wanting to kill them, he throws down his gun and pulls out a bow staff. Alaric's biological daughters, Lizzie and Josie, are jealous of this relationship, which bothers Alaric; Alaric wishes for the three of them to get along. Jo tells him they're having twins and Alaric is stunned as he looks at the sonogram. Alaric J. Though the spell is complete, Malivore is still possessing Landon. Damon, Elena and Alaric met Vanessa Monroe who leads them to Isobel's study before trying to shoot Elena. Alaric is unaware that Landon is lying, but continues to read the book in front of him with a chapter titled "Sebastian the Merciless". Is ripe papaya good for breastfeeding mom? In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Alaric is still recovering from the trauma of losing his position as Headmaster at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. He tells her that he's a vampire hunter. In The Sun Also Rises, Alaric, Stefan and Elijah arrived at the place where Bonnie is and talked about the plan. Alaric attempts to reason with Kaleb, since he's still worrying about him. Alaric, MG, Kaleb, Lizzie and Josie, arrive at the packing plant too late. The latest monster is unique as it attacks people in their dreams. Later that night, he and Kaleb share a drink. He demands her to bury the dragon and that he'd meet her back at the car. Matt warned Alaric about controlling his students but Alaric responded by promising to end the sheriff if he ever went after any of his students or the school. In Death Keeps Knocking On My Door, Alaric tests the captive Necromancer, trying to harm him with many different weapons with nothing actually able to kill him. He wants them to search the books for anything to remove a magical parasite from its host. Dorian tells him to use his fingers. After being resurrected, and though he retained his status as an Enhanced Original Vampire, he became a college professor at Whitmore College, teaching Occult Studies (taking up the same position that was held by both Sheila Bennett and Atticus Shane). Alaric notes that his body and brain are still having trouble synching up because of what she had done to him. Elena and Jeremy have made a deal with Elijah to exchange Klaus' body for neutralizing Alaric by stealing the stake from him. In Thursday's (April 8) US episode, Alaric Saltzman and his daughter Josie walked home from school together. He then shakes Damon's hand, causing Stefan and Alaric to disappear out of the house and also cloaking the house once again while Damon was still inside. She informed her father that her sister, Lizzie, was in the midst of a meltdown; Alaric went to the school kitchens to find his daughter hysterically tearing it apart over a humiliating conversation with Rafael, which ended with him nearly getting a kitchen knife to the face. Damon noted that Alaric seemed to have gotten everything he wanted and threatened to start causing some chaos to his perfect life unless Alaric invited him inside, which Alaric seemed very hesitant to do. "And again, this feeling of peace increased when I met the . She gave him back his ring and left. However, shaken by the events of the day, he simply embraced them in a tight hug. Alaric tells them to do what they have to, but to keep everyone safe. In the present, he and Caroline waited for the results of a pregnancy test. Her grandmother, Esther turned him into a vampire once and knows how it feels. Given their expressions, Alaric assumes things aren't going so well in the real world. They probably all have the same question and ask who is going to be their new headmaster. It backfires and Jeremy invites Tyler in. They come to the conclusion that they wasted their first wish. Listening, actually, to the little voice in his head, while showing her the pendant. That night, Alaric packs up his Jeep, but not before being stopped by Hope. He's not even a vampire. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. He's lost people he's loved in every way imaginablelong and drawn out, sudden and unexpected. Alaric gets into his car and grabs a gun out of the glove compartment. As the night begins, Alaric calls an important founders meeting to show the failure in the town attempt to keep it safe on Sheriff Liz Forbes, and Mayor Carol Lockwood's part in it, revealing that their children are supernatural creatures. Jed questions about saving Ben, but Alaric defers him, citing they need to focus on one crisis at a time. Alaric reveals that Caroline is out of town at the moment, but invites Stefan in nonetheless. They are playing cards and Jo tells him that she got them into the cute bakery for their wedding cake and he tells her at first he had no idea what she was talking about. Ben's spirit is crushed as his cups Jed's lifeless face. Over the PA system, Alaric calls the students to report to the Grand Hall for assembly. Alaric doesn't look very happy to see him. Liv giggles when he says the lesson is on resurrection. He is present when they are born and introduces them by name to Caroline, revealing that he named them Josie Saltzman and Lizzie Saltzman in honor of his late fiance and Caroline's mother respectively. Alaric and Ben use the manticulum to test more battle scenarios with a chest board. Alaric asks her how Bonnie is doing and she tells him that Damon gave her some of his blood. With renewed spirit, the three of them spread out, determined to go home. While Alaric's bachelor party is raging downstairs, he and Damon talk at the bar. Back in the present, Alaric, Josie and Lizzie are trying to slow down the crumbling of the Mora Miserium, however every spell they attempt fails. Knowing that Sebastian cannot be trusted whether he passed the assessments or not Alaric follows Sebastian and catches him just as he is about to feed on a human jogger. Seline tells him that the girls are with him, and are very special. Does Alaric Saltzman become headmaster again? Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight? His arrival has been long-awaited, and it looks like he's got some interesting plans in store for the students. Elena returns and Dark Alaric attempts to kill her as well though he is stopped by Stefan. Ben believes that he's allowing his students to do just that, however, Alaric believes there to be a difference. Later when Stefan and Damon are fighting, Alaric and Jenna walk in. Alaric sits Josie and Lizzie down and explains the Merge and that one of them will eventually kill the other, but they're looking for a solution and this is why Caroline is always traveling. As she casts the spell, a young woman beats on the locked door, wanting to see her dad. He and the Necromancer drink since they have larger jars to fill with coins. While trying to save Damon from Tripp Cooke, Alaric was pulled into the magic purification zone over Mystic Falls. Alaric becomes erratic when Lizzie suggests sending the mora miserium to the Prison World. Back in the gym, Hope asks if they found anything out about Landon, but Kaleb tells her they didn't find anything. The consensus is that they know how Hope acts with things when it comes to Landon. In You Will Remember Me, Alaric enjoys a milkshake with the Necromancer and Landon in the Salvatore Crypt in Limbo. I know Alaric has some vendetta aganist the mikaelson family, a reasonable one so I get it.But Cleo tried to kill Hope there is no reason that Alaric hasn't called Hope's Family to tell her some crazy Muse tried to kill their niece even if they got everything sorted out, Hope still could've been murdered on top of that with her losing control of Later that night as Lizzie recovers in her dorm room, he watches over her by her side. He tells Kaleb that Landon didn't make it. Amazingly, the gargoyle did not harm Alaric at all and instead moved on from him to find Lizzie - who had entrapped the gargoyle within the bounds of the school. Alaric tells Damon to go home and they will deal with her in the morning as the stand no chance with the full moon after Jules and Damon threatened one another's life. Alaric attempts to compel her. He's brought her Belgian waffles, explaining that she's going to have to face the world at some point. Despite this, he was quick to believe her when she revealed who she was the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and when his memories returned, the two happily embraced. The others look at her, questioning the outburst. This upsets Hope who leaves the room momentarily. He is then approached by Kai, to which he immediately gets out of the car and shoots Kai five times. Certainly wouldn't be fair to me, either.Alaric to Caroline. Rebekah Mikaelson, fearing for Elena's life, caused Elena's death, killing Alaric in the process. Alaric moved to Mystic Falls and took up the position of a history teacher after the death of the previous one, William Tanner. I mean, to be honest, I always knew. Later he is at the Gilbert's house and protects Elena. Malivore has found a way to turn innocent people into monsters that he can control. They enjoy her company and laugh at the various stories. Will Alaric become headmaster again? Alaric tries to talk Kaleb through his heightened bloodlust. Later on, before the wedding, Alaric calls Jo and asks her how her vows are coming along. However, he soon hears Cleo calling out and leaves to investigate. Caroline tells him it's a bad idea. This reality comes to an end when Hope is found in this reality and is urged to think about enrolling in the school. You found your purpose, so you might as well pursue it.Alaric to Jeremy in Stay. While he was portrayed as a moderate drinker before the incident, Jenna's death led him to develop a rather severe drinking problem with Meredith Fell calling him a borderline alcoholic. Alaric realizes too late that she's already flipped her humanity off. I don't know, I guess a part of me thought that maybe, one day, those moments might become something more. In We're Gonna Need A Spotlight, Alaric, Dorian, and Hope are triggered by the boundary spell. But, believe it or not, you're actually an adult now. In The Only Way Out is Through, the Salvatore School begins a new day. However, Alaric emphasized that he didn't want to fight anyone, since it wasn't his fight, and wanted Klaus to meet him at a barbecue restaurant. Alaric reminds him that he was trying to bring about the end of the world the first time. He ignores Lizzie and Josie, but whenever they do something wrong he refuses to punish them. Hope doesn't want a new path, considering she just got back on this one. He tells her he would like to have the baby and that the moment isn't a pity proposal. In Never Let Me Go, Alaric taught his class full of students about fables of monsters, hoping he could get the teens to stop sneaking into Mystic Falls for amateur monster hunts. Alaric Saltzman one of the main characters in The Vampire Diaries was a vampire hunter that became a history teacher in Mystic Falls. Following Jenna's tragic death, he seemed to step into his step-father role to Elena and is a father figure to her brother, Jeremy. Jo awoke and Alaric discovered that Jo had memory loss after her revival just like Oscar had. Dark Alaric attempts to bargain in order to save his own life, and so that he can keep the stake. Ken's only regret is not killing him sooner. Cleo is obviously an oracle and they see things that will happen. Alaric then excused himself, acting drunk, when it was revealed soon after that he was actually just drinking tea and pretending it was bourbon. Not being able to cast another spell is something she'd miss, particularly with Lizzie and Josie. Arriving at the Salvatore School, the would-be surprise party is crashed by Hope Mikaelson. She has to stay alive, but not everyone else will. Later, at a restaurant, Alaric calls to check in on Stefan, who says he's still following his lead. Ric told her that he was over it. He gets a blanket out and wraps it around Jo, to which she tells him to be careful and he drives his car up the border and gets out. Lizzie wants to go and bring him back with them, but he's not sure he can. They'll know the outcome when she wakes up. Landon is fine and Alaric embraces him in a hug. Rupert has a different take. Sebastian said he was done following rules. Alaric is saddened when Emma tells him that whilst the Salvatore School is the most wonderful place, it is also the most dangerous and she will be leaving immediately. That's the trap. He questions why she's still here. He sits down next to Matt and passes him the bottle. Lizzie, Josie and MG attempt to reach him through his subconsciousness, but fail. All those people in town are potential coins. Alaric, more or less, agrees with him and believes this is the fate he deserves. Alaric rushes Josie to find the mora miserium, however, does not reveal to Lizzie and Josie that they are not alone in the Prison World. Alaric asks Kaleb why he voted him out of the school, however he reveals that he was the only one who voted for him to stay. He then rang up Dorian and told him to return to the school with the knife even as Dorian was being confronted by the next monster. Kaleb thought he was better than that, and he killed all those people because he couldn't control himself. Alaric was killed by Stevie by later came back to life thanks to his ring. In I Went to the Woods, Alaric got a call from Matt and was furious that he had been working with Rayna and had put Caroline in danger. After proving he is not Silas, Damon and he head into the basement. In Age of Innocence, Alaric dealt with Damon living at his place and asked why he hadn't just compelled himself a better home. In I'll Tell You a Story, Alaric struggles to retain his grip and control over the students of the Salvatore School. These weapons were kept in his apartment, car, and even at the school; always close-by and ready for use. Elena is hugging him and telling him that he can't fight it, can't change what happened and that he has to let himself drown in it so he can learn to swim and grow stronger from it. Alaric respects her decision, but he won't let him hurt the people he loves, his daughters or students. There he and Hope encountered Landon Kirby, an old friend of Hope and the foster brother of the werewolf, Rafael Waithe. He believes their first move is getting her to safety. You have to let yourself drown in it, but then eventually, you'll start to swim, and every single breath that you fight for will make you stronger. He presumes there's a reason she is invaluable to winning. At least I can tell you that much.Alaric to Jenna in The House Guest, You're gonna think that the pain will never end, but it will, but first, you have to let it all in. Our team has collected thousands of questions that people keep asking in forums, blogs and in Google questions. He pleads with Hope to leave the creature and allow him to track it down, but she ignores him. Then Jeremy receives a phone call from Klaus. Back in the present, Alaric watched tapes of his wedding and got a call from Bonnie asking to come keep an eye on "Jo". MG wants to know why this is their problem, and Hope questions his presence. Bonnie spoke to him after class commenting on how the evacuation plan didn't go as well as everyone had hoped. Alaric points the gun to his own head and pulls the trigger, but there were no bullets left. In This Woman's Work, Alaric is worried when he talks with Valerie and Stefan; Caroline is in urgent need of a C-section in order to save hers, and the twins' life. At the end of the episode, he is seen moving back into the Gilbert House. So don't you ever throw that in my face again.Caroline is angry at Alaric. Aurora is killed and Hope has MG vamp to Lizzie. Hope tells him that she will not transfer to the Salvatore school amid fears that Landon may still choose Josie after she tells him how she feels. As a form of protection against supernatural creatures, Isobel Flemming gift to Alaric a magic ring of resurrection. Alaric suggests to Stefan that the only way to force his alter ego out of hiding is to threaten his life. He doesn't believe they will listen, but Hope's true face appears as she reassures him that she'll make it loud and clear. Yeah, it just felt like it was the right thing. He believes he will be back to get what he suspects he wants. Alaric is a Human, Vampire Hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires as the Mikaelson Family is, but instead being turned through an altered version of the spell used on the Mikaelson family. He pulls her into a hug and she hugs him back. Alaric later realizes that he must keep Hope's situation a secret, with nobody outside of the immediate group knowing that she is stuck in a magical slumber. When Cassie returns from the dead due to the Necromancer, Alaric questions her along with Rafael over what she remembers. He asks her how she is and the baby, and Jo pulls a sonogram out of her pocket and shows it to him. [3] "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries and Legacies. The Necromancer isn't so sure. His arrival has been long-awaited, and it looks like he's got some interesting plans in store for the students. She kisses him and they begin making out passionately until Elena shows up, looking surprised and uncomfortable. What Alaric waits for now is for him to convince him that he didn't already know that. After they return, Landon notices that the Necromancer's eyes has begun to change colors. Later Alaric received a letter from Damon telling him that he was going to desiccate in a coffin until Elena woke up. In Fade Into You, Elena calls Alaric, he tells her about Bonnie's teddy bear, Ms Cuddles, giving them hope that she's still alive. Alaric eventually explains the trauma Caroline went through when Stefan left her, and explains that Caroline doesn't want to see him, despite what he may think. She reveals that the diary records what everyone writes in their own personal diary (using her pen), and that she should read what Alaric wrote about the Merge. Alaric thought Kaleb was supposed to pick him up, but MG explains that he was told by Kaleb that Landon had asked him to change how he will do things while they're in this crisis. They learned in the Season 4 premiere that Landon ( Aria Shahghasemi) is still alive in the. Alaric briefs Dorian about the dead student while Hope is beside herself for his death. Nonetheless, Alaric agrees to help and allows Josie to help Hope return the schools memories of Landon. MG leaves, and to Alaric's surprise, he is ambushed by Hope, who is furious that she has been left in charge of babysitting Landon. However, as they fight, Elena dies when Rebekah forces Matt to drive off the road and into the river. Alaric finds Elena in her dorm room, leaving a desperate message for Luke. Once they get themselves a third coin, they can leave Limbo, but they can steal the boat and return to the world of the living. Within the clock tower, Alaric, Landon and the Necromancer, make their way into an underground bar. For the game, the two sides will alternate turns, with the Manticulum declaring success or failure of the moves based on the scores they've fed it. Alaric believes in theory it would be possible. Thanks to Cleo's vision they know that Ken is planning an attack on the school, but the good news is they get to choose the field of battle. She's sad to be losing her memories of Damon, but knows she needs to. Alaric tells Damon he can handle the problem, but is interrupted again during a physical-training time. He also served as the main antagonist in Season Three along with the Mikaelson Family. Alaric looks around the house, bumping into Liv and Luke's father. With a description of the monster, Alaric searches through texts when MG approaches him. In The Departed, Alaric goes to the hospital where Elena has been taken for treatment after collapsing. Alaric gave in and allowed the two to help. Landon's jar however, is much smaller than Alaric and the Necromancer's and he figures they owe more than one coin. Dorian tells him it's an optical illusion and they need his help. Alaric suggested that because a vampire's body mostly functioned normally, it could be possible. Alaric later watched as Valerie transferred Stefan back into his own body. While Landon and the Necromancer are out of the bar, Alaric makes the second wish. Ben believes that he can control him they 're having twins and Alaric discovered that had. Spirit, the Salvatore school, the Salvatore Crypt in Limbo honest, I guess part... Hope acts with things when it comes to an end when Hope is in! Throws down his gun and pulls out a bow staff or not, you actually! The next few days Klaus used Alaric to get what he suspects he wants them search. Even a vampire hunter, it could be possible she 'd miss, particularly Lizzie. 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